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Making a naval YT series, looking for stock submissions

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Lots of great submissions, when I get back from holiday I'm going to start working on the series in ernest. I think I'll do a vote on what to name the aircraft carrier, is you have a suggestion, comment it,  is you like a suggestion, like it. The suggestion with the most likes wins. (Please don't pull a BoatyMcBoatFace on me)

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How about a functional stock submarine?  The Marlin Class Explorer is currently setup as an exploration submarine with working active ballast(uses the cargo bay trick for changing buoyancy).  The craft is capable of diving and surfacing under engine thrust alone, but can also use the cargo bays as ballasts to bring the craft to the surface a bit quicker, and in a more conventional way then pitching up hard.  With the 4 ballasts closed, the submarine is negatively buoyant, meaning it will slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean if the engines are running slow and/or your not pitched up slightly.  With all 4 ballasts open, the sub is positively buoyant and will sit a little over half way out of the water.  With only two open, it sits less then half way out.

The submarine only uses 2 action groups by default.

Action Group 1: Standard ballasts.  Two of the cargo bays are toggled, increasing the buoyancy and causing the submarine to surface at about 6m/s, or a normal climb speed you'd expect for a submarine maneuvering.

Action Group 2: Crash Dive!!  All 4 cargo bays are toggles, making a more dramatic change to the submarines buoyancy.  With all 4 open, the subamrine nearly doubles it's ascent rate and can go completely airborne when reaching the surface.  Great for dramatic cinematics, but can be dangerous for the engines, which can't always handle the impact when it smacks back into the water, making a huge slash.(think the US submarine in the movie The Hunt for Red October, when it does the emergency surface and breaches the surface hard)  This action group also serves two other purposes.  One, it keeps the sub at the surface for when you first enter the water(starts with the cargo bays open just a crack) and initially sets the buoyancy once your at a safe distance from shore, which is about 100m+.  Two, it allows you to reset the buoyancy if the game has a physics hickup and the standard ballasts stop working for some reason.

How to use:

1: Launch the submarine onto the runway.

2: Get off the runway as soon as possible and roll along the grass beside it, the steep end of the runway will kill the submarine if you stay on it.

3: Watch your speed.  It has quite a bit of thrust and can get a bit out of control if you go too fast.  40-50m/s is safe(ish) until you reach about where the runway ends.

4: She's VERY heavy, a mere 476tons, so brake brake brake!!  The brakes are set to max but take a while to slow her down, start braking early.

5: Slow her down to a speed of no more then 15m/s when entering the water.  Too fast and she will tail slap when entering, possibly destroying her engines.

6: Run the engines to bring her away from shore.  You want some depth below you when you toggle the ballasts.

7: Once your at a safe distance, use action group 2 to close all the ballasts and crash dive.  This will allow her to submerge and set her buoyancy initially so the submarine operates properly.

8: If at any time the ballasts stop working properly, make sure all 4 cargo bays are closed and use action group 2 to open them, then close them again.  This should reset the buoyancy so it works properly again.  Shouldn't need to fully surface to do this, but it does make it easier.


Her cruise speed is around 14m/s, so she's not a record breaker, just capable.  She can pitch up and down pretty well with the 4 canards and turns fairly well with the big tail rudder.  Nothing quick, so it feels like a submarine when your driving it around.  If you deploy the landing gear, she will sit nicely on the bottom of the sea, waiting until you need her, and it is possible to drive it back onto dry land if you have a need for that.


Download: Marlin Class Explorer

Edited by Jakalth
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  On 7/5/2017 at 2:37 AM, Jakalth said:

How about a functional stock submarine?  The Marlin Class Explorer is currently setup as an exploration submarine with working active ballast(uses the cargo bay trick for changing buoyancy).  The craft is capable of diving and surfacing under engine thrust alone, but can also use the cargo bays as ballasts to bring the craft to the surface a bit quicker, and in a more conventional way then pitching up hard.  With the 4 ballasts closed, the submarine is negatively buoyant, meaning it will slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean if the engines are running slow and/or your not pitched up slightly.  With all 4 ballasts open, the sub is positively buoyant and will sit a little over half way out of the water.  With only two open, it sits less then half way out.

The submarine only uses 2 action groups by default.

Action Group 1: Standard ballasts.  Two of the cargo bays are toggled, increasing the buoyancy and causing the submarine to surface at about 6m/s, or a normal climb speed you'd expect for a submarine maneuvering.

Action Group 2: Crash Dive!!  All 4 cargo bays are toggles, making a more dramatic change to the submarines buoyancy.  With all 4 open, the subamrine nearly doubles it's ascent rate and can go completely airborne when reaching the surface.  Great for dramatic cinematics, but can be dangerous for the engines, which can't always handle the impact when it smacks back into the water, making a huge slash.(think the US submarine in the movie The Hunt for Red October, when it does the emergency surface and breaches the surface hard)  This action group also serves two other purposes.  One, it keeps the sub at the surface for when you first enter the water(starts with the cargo bays open just a crack) and initially sets the buoyancy once your at a safe distance from shore, which is about 100m+.  Two, it allows you to reset the buoyancy if the game has a physics hickup and the standard ballasts stop working for some reason.

How to use:

1: Launch the submarine onto the runway.

2: Get off the runway as soon as possible and roll along the grass beside it, the steep end of the runway will kill the submarine if you stay on it.

3: Watch your speed.  It has quite a bit of thrust and can get a bit out of control if you go too fast.  40-50m/s is safe(ish) until you reach about where the runway ends.

4: She's VERY heavy, a mere 476tons, so brake brake brake!!  The brakes are set to max but take a while to slow her down, start braking early.

5: Slow her down to a speed of no more then 15m/s when entering the water.  Too fast and she will tail slap when entering, possibly destroying her engines.

6: Run the engines to bring her away from shore.  You want some depth below you when you toggle the ballasts.

7: Once your at a safe distance, use action group 2 to close all the ballasts and crash dive.  This will allow her to submerge and set her buoyancy initially so the submarine operates properly.

8: If at any time the ballasts stop working properly, make sure all 4 cargo bays are closed and use action group 2 to open them, then close them again.  This should reset the buoyancy so it works properly again.  Shouldn't need to fully surface to do this, but it does make it easier.


Her cruise speed is around 14m/s, so she's not a record breaker, just capable.  She can pitch up and down pretty well with the 4 canards and turns fairly well with the big tail rudder.  Nothing quick, so it feels like a submarine when your driving it around.  If you deploy the landing gear, she will sit nicely on the bottom of the sea, waiting until you need her, and it is possible to drive it back onto dry land if you have a need for that.


Download: Marlin Class Explorer


That looks brilliant, I have actually built working torpedoes I could add to it. This will definitely show up in the series.

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Oh, a few notes on the Marlin that I forgot to mention.  1: Shes a bit faster when fully submerged, like a real submarine, maybe 2m/s.  2: You can manually toggle the front or rear cargo bays to get the Marlin to perform a rapid change in pitch, but it does have a higher chance of causing the buoyancy to glitch, meaning you'll have to use the action group 2 fix to reset it's buoyancy.  3: Breaching the surface can be dangerous, but cool to watch.  But, if you want to perform a clean surfacing, either toggle the cargo bays closed about 50m below the surface to slow the ascent before opening them at the surface.  Or just use the engines to power its way up and then toggle the cargo bays.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 3:14 PM, Jakalth said:

Oh, a few notes on the Marlin that I forgot to mention.  1: Shes a bit faster when fully submerged, like a real submarine, maybe 2m/s.  2: You can manually toggle the front or rear cargo bays to get the Marlin to perform a rapid change in pitch, but it does have a higher chance of causing the buoyancy to glitch, meaning you'll have to use the action group 2 fix to reset it's buoyancy.  3: Breaching the surface can be dangerous, but cool to watch.  But, if you want to perform a clean surfacing, either toggle the cargo bays closed about 50m below the surface to slow the ascent before opening them at the surface.  Or just use the engines to power its way up and then toggle the cargo bays.


how did you get it to sink?

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@StupidAndy I got it to sink by adding enough filled ore containers that the submarine became slightly heavier then the lift(buoyancy) of the fuel tanks.  Balancing this weight can be a bit tricky.  The trick with the cargo bay works because an opened cargo bay has more lift(buoyancy) then a closed one.  Someone on the forums found this trick a couple years ago.  A note with this, filled ore containers are a bit unstable so be careful about placement.  They tend to explode if they are clipped into each other and then experience any forces directly applied to them, so either completely clip them inside the craft or try not to clip them into each other if they are exposed.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 4:36 PM, Jakalth said:

@StupidAndy I got it to sink by adding enough filled ore containers that the submarine became slightly heavier then the lift(buoyancy) of the fuel tanks.  Balancing this weight can be a bit tricky.  The trick with the cargo bay works because an opened cargo bay has more lift(buoyancy) then a closed one.  Someone on the forums found this trick a couple years ago.  A note with this, filled ore containers are a bit unstable so be careful about placement.  They tend to explode if they are clipped into each other and then experience any forces directly applied to them, so either completely clip them inside the craft or try not to clip them into each other if they are exposed.


thanks! i tried making a sub, but it was...awful...

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Yeah, it requires a lot of trial and error, mostly error.  If your sub tends to list forward(nose down), you can either remove a tiny bit of ore from an ore tank near the front to bring the nose up, of shift 1 or more are tanks backwards slightly to reduce the weight on the nose.  Just takes trying it out, adjusting, then trying again until you get the balance right.  If it's the other way, you can shift weight froward or remove a bit from the back.

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well, it IS actually 2 Goliaths, and they are moved/clipped into place so they still use their original air intakes.  Otherwise, that would be a lot of air intakes needing to be clipped into the hull.  But yeah, Goliaths line up perfectly with MK:2 fuel tanks.  Plus their mounting pylon makes a nice mounting point for the tail fin.  It needs 2 because of the sheer mass of the submarine.

Also, the link to the craft is just below the picture, it says Download: and is followed by the link, which is the name of the craft.

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Quick progress update, I have filmed a 2 minute intro scene for Troubled Waters (best name i could come up with) using @Jakalth's submarine, and am pestering my friends to do some voice acting for me. I'm still not sure what to call the aircraft carrier, but I want to name one ship in the series El Cavador, as an Enders Game reference. 

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  On 7/10/2017 at 9:12 AM, MiffedStarfish said:

Quick progress update, I have filmed a 2 minute intro scene for Troubled Waters (best name i could come up with) using @Jakalth's submarine, and am pestering my friends to do some voice acting for me. I'm still not sure what to call the aircraft carrier, but I want to name one ship in the series El Cavador, as an Enders Game reference. 


Could use kerbal voice i.e. backwards Spanish with subtitles.

Edited by Skylon
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  On 7/10/2017 at 4:07 PM, Turbofreak88884444 said:

im very interesed in doing somthing for this series but instead fo building planes would Submarines also work for this series??


Yeah, anything really. as long as its stock. (there are already 2 submarines in it, but I'll try and squeeze your one in)

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