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I has contracted Space Kraken

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So I was flying around this morning, and landed at the Old Airfield. I went up to the control tower, got into the top, jumped up on a window, took a screenshot, and then jumped down from the window to the floor, so I could walk down the stairs again and fly back to the KSC. Only this time, when I jumped down from the window, the altimeter started going negative, and then was blank. The screen went black. I pressed F3 to check the flight log: 'Jebediah Kerman: Currently on escape trajectory out of the Sun'. 'Highest speed: NanM/s. Most ground covered: NanM/s'. According to the KSP Wiki, this type of Kraken causes this: The navball also disappears, and when returning to the space center, the screen remains black and the game must be manually closed from the desktop. This kraken is particularly dangerous because when encountered on the surface of a planet, it causes all craft in the vicinity to be destroyed, and those left are shot out of Kerbol orbit. The log in Debug Toolbar shows "look viewing vector is zero". As of V1.1, the altitude GUI will go blank, and the game will crash.

So when I got back to the space center, I could see empty space. This isn't the first time this has happened though, but what could it be caused by? I've provided an output_log for the first time this happened on Dropbox, but I don't have one for this time, sadly. The output_log for the same glitch that happened a few days ago can be found here.

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Not an unmodded install.

First thing I notice is EVE is installed to the wrong directory. It's in:

"C:\Users\21callaae\Music\Albums\AEDAN PERSONAL STUFF\KSP\GameData\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\" (thats one too many GameDatas).

It looks like something is seriously messing with your planets, and causing them to not exist. I'd fix the EVE issue first, and then see if it persists.

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In addition, stuff seems to be installed in the old legacy folders. There's warnings about being unable to install stuff from KSP/Plugins, and everything should be going in KSP/GameData (and not GameData/GameData as @severedsolo has also mentioned).

Moved to the modded support forum. You might get better results here.

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1 hour ago, severedsolo said:


Good eye!

The installation looks like done manualy and is a little messed up.

As personal expirience advice. Try a install for best in a as high as possible subdirectory order. Best C:\KSP?\ if you mode then you have a much easier job to controll your install. And if the Kraken was summoned once is best to make a fresh install. Some data may be corrupted now.

Funny Kabooms 


Edited by Urses
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