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KSP introduced me to the thirst for the science behind rockets, but there's a whole hell of a lot it didn't teach me.

11 hours ago, TheSaint said:

KSP teaches you rocket science like the Autopia at Disneyland teaches you to drive.


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11 hours ago, TheSaint said:

KSP teaches you rocket science like the Autopia at Disneyland teaches you to drive.

Yeah, that easy.

Not that KSP has taught me the rocket and orbit things (most of them I already knew years ago), but it:
1) visualized it instead of pure dry formulas
2) replaced for me almost every warfare simulator with the shining family of BDArmory-based mods
3) made me to read more on the topic and opened the real abyss and serpentarium behind the scene, explaining why things look this way, not another

Edited by kerbiloid
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16 hours ago, TheSaint said:

KSP teaches you rocket science like the Autopia at Disneyland teaches you to drive.

Please note that KSP inspires people to go deeper into the topic. And Autopia does not inspire kids to get deeper into the topic. Its true, the game ITSELF teaches you not much.



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23 hours ago, SpaceEnthusiast23 said:

RSS/RO also takes it a step further to give you a bit more of the real stuff, but I think KSP in RSS/RO is more than a grain of rice, but yeah. Real life is more.

Even still, that's playing with the engineers challenge but is still massively lacking when it comes to the processes required in real life.

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2 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Even still, that's playing with the engineers challenge but is still massively lacking when it comes to the processes required in real life.

This. In KSP, I, one guy with a B.S. in Information Technology, design a rocket, fly it to orbit, perform its mission, and reenter its payload. IRL, there are dozens of people with advanced degrees shepherding each of these stages of the mission. And not one of them, despite all of their advanced education, would have the level of knowledge needed to perform all of those tasks. And that doesn't even cover the areas that KSP doesn't cover at all or covers badly, like life support, or range safety, or RCS/reaction wheels. I'm taking the place of hundreds and hundreds of highly educated, trained, and experienced personnel. I'm going to guess that if I told them that KSP was teaching me to do their jobs they would probably find that pretty insulting.

KSP is a game. It's a highly entertaining game, easily my favorite game of all time. It does a better job of simulating space travel than any other game ever created. But let's not make it into something that it isn't.

5 hours ago, NSEP said:

Please note that KSP inspires people to go deeper into the topic. And Autopia does not inspire kids to get deeper into the topic. Its true, the game ITSELF teaches you not much.

I wish this were universally true. But for every person who is digging deeper into the topic I fear that there are many who are simply cheating their ships into orbit, flying around on unlimited fuel, and complaining that they can't land their probes on Jool. But, maybe I'm just a pessimist.

Edited by TheSaint
Something to add.
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A mod is required to make KSP more realistinc.
Implement several new types of Kerbal experience.
Mnemonic name cpuld be — Five Little Pigs.   
(Don't want to offend somebody, you see, just as a fingerplay.)

You must fill tax declarations and pay taxes, otherwise this one will fine you or even arrest your KSC.

After any crash or part explosion this one stops your launching activity while he is checking all fire countermeasures at your site.
You must fill corresponding reports and checklists.

Does the same after any incident when a Kerbal appeared inside the game engine physical range.
You must fill... yes, you guess right.

Does the same randomly.
You must... Yeah, too.

Mostly harmless. Randomly walks across the KSC with random slogans. Makes love, not war. Does nothing bad.
But sometimes... Wrong place, wrong moment — and he/she gets near the launchpad while you're looking in another direction, or gets run over by a KSC technotruck.
Three of four, listed before, fly to you as nazguls to the Ring, while the first one begins an unplanned inspection just to not feel lonely and forgotten.

Sometimes parts which you've bought are ill-conditioned, you have to fill a claim, send them back and wait for replacement.
Otherwise it can crash in flight and cause an incident, making those five apoca-riders happy because giving them job.

Realistic way.

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Rocket science, yeah, KSP taught me that...

The main problem for engineers is getting the money.:( In 2015 (less than two weeks before New Horizons got to Pluto!) I did some research and figured out that if 90 USD were added to every American's taxes, we could fund Orion/SLS in one year. Now, if you spread that out over a few years, adjust so the rich and poor pay proportional amounts, and cut a little bit of spending from other areas (the U.S. armed forces spend more on air conditioning than NASA gets in an entire year) you have yourself an Orion.

On 7/23/2017 at 11:32 AM, TheSaint said:

KSP teaches you rocket science like the Autopia at Disneyland teaches you to drive.

might be able to drive in an emergency... while travelling at ten mph... on an empty road...

So, I might be able to build a rocket in a pinch... if I didn't have to design the engine... and I had someone else build it based on the blueprints I give them...

And I've never been to Autopia. So, I can build a rocket better than I can drive! (Note: Please do not check the logic of that last sentence.)

Edited by Confused Scientist
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