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Voyager Labs Aeronautics and Space Administration (ORDERS ON HOLD ATM)

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lol zapy i think a hover craft is unpossble you have to get exact that speed to stay at the same level i dont i used damned aerodynamics to try another dysing but it wont hover to baicly it was an unmand MMI module on top of a fuel tank and four engines but it jujst got up down up down when i tryd to find the static vertical speed of it iv seen a youtube video where it had hover tanks but i think it uses somme mod i dont know of becuas with stock parts it wont work to so i dont know how to do it

the only thing that could get close to the hovercraft you want is a VTOL with RCS to move it and maby slowly build your speed up with the rcs but that needs a lot of rcs fuel and then you have to build a huge VTOL

Edited by alline1999
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well flying around the world why ? ah never mind. iv a spaceplane capeble flying more than half way dont realy tested the max distance yet but i know it had fuel to space so let me try that. maby i can use that space plane and improve it a bit

Edited by alline1999
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I'm confused on what these corporations or organizations are for.

And their "orders".

Are they just for taking requests on challenges? That's what it seems like.

I'm interested in your satellites, do you use a mod for them and how do you get them to orbit?

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