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SAS and Navball not working in EVA

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Not sure if i am doing something wrong but when i do an EVA it is not acting the way it used to. When i do an EVA the kerbal just spins out of control even with the RCS switched on he is always slowly rotating, meaning constant corrections and usually over corrections. Turning on the SAS also has no stabilising effect to the Kerbal. I've noticed that the navball on the screen does not link to the Kerbal either. It seems to still just show the reading for the ship i just got out of. Spinning the Kerbal around does not move the navball at all. It did used to.

This is all made worse by not having a camera angle that locks you to the kerbal. The camera is always pointing in one direction and he is just spining on the screen, making it incredibly difficult to use RCS to bring him to a halt because he is rotating on all three axis so it is very difficult to work out which way to thrust to get him to stabilise if you are currently looking at him from an odd angle, not directly at his back.

I have installed some mods lately, previously using stock i do not remember having these issues. EVA's were always quite easy. Is anyone aware of a mod that has caused these issues previously? I'm using 1.2.2. It seems to be Navball related as both the direction heading and SAS found on the Navball are just not tying to the Kerbal. The only Navball mod i use is Draggable Navball. Any ideas appreciated.


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Might be a silly question but does spacebar not work for you either? Followed by square brackets till you get back to your kerbal again, then spacebar? And the final resort, switch to a completely different ship outside physics range, then switch back?

Sometimes KSP can act up on the first few EVAs after installing mods - never tracked down which but it goes back to normal in my experience. If none of the above works, then you might have to do the "uninstall half your mods" rinse, repeat , till you narrow down which one is giving problems.  (if you uninstall half of them and the problem is fixed, then you know it's in the half you uninstalled - replace everything with that half, repeat)

EDIT: there was also a time back with mk1pods when on occasion, EVAs would suddenly eject them into an uncontrollable state even with RCS but I thought they fixed that sort of thing in the newer versions. Maybe you were unlucky. Try again on a backup save and  drift away from the ship a bit before engaging EVA?

Edited by Weywot8
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