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Radio Delta - The Storytime Thread


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Have any life stories you want to share? Want to know your favorite forum users stories This is where to do it. 

By stories, I mean anything that's happened to you that you want to share.

Stories can be as short or as long as the poster wants.

I will attempt to keep score of the 5 most liked stories.


1. Follow all rules at all times.

2. Do not encourage someone to share a story if they don't want to.

3. You don't have to share if you don't want to.

4. If it gets too crazy, then I WILL have this thread locked.


An example:

A long time ago, I was at a playground when I tripped and fell. I looked at my kneecap and thought, where did all those leaky bright red cracks come from? I had to go to the emergency room and almost got stitches, but not quite. I still have the scar. The end.



Edited by DeltaDizzy
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  On 7/3/2017 at 9:55 PM, Bill Phil said:

Stories of what kind? Personal life, fiction, non-fiction?


I dont think it matters, but cratercracker's storytime is always about his personal life. But yeah, again, i don't think it really matters.

The first line says life stories. So i geuss its about your personal life.

Edited by NSEP
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  • 2 weeks later...

Weird thing that I've witnessed back in I think 2013, I had to go home with my father to get something and go back to my grandmother's house but when we got there we saw a somewhat large black dot hovering in the sky kinda far away from us, and it didn't seem to move at all. I tried looking at it with my binoculars to see if I could make out any details but I couldn't, it was just this black thing hovering silently, doing nothing. It then went up and faded away.

I don't think it was a helicopter because due to common helicopter sizes and the distance it would have to be from me in order to be the size of the dot, I'd be able to see its features easily even without binoculars, and seeing as I lived in a small town I think it's unlikely that it was some kind of balloon. It's also unlikely that it was some kind of experimental craft because Brazil. I still don't know what it was.

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  On 7/20/2017 at 4:54 PM, Benjamin Kerman said:

When my family was driving down to San Diego for the weekend, we were passing by an Air Force base, and i saw a V-22 take off from behind a hill. One of my favorite aircraft, so it was really cool to see it flying in person. 


Did it take off vertically?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just got back from a VERY interesting backpacking trip. 

Here's what happened

24+ hornet stings
4 cases of poison sumac
3 hornet nests
2 snakes 
at least 1 deceased biker
1 car and 1 motorcycle off the mountain freeway
1 closed road
2 injured knees
2 injured legs
1 sprained and stung ankle
2 yucca stabs
3 dropped packs
5 runs over the same section of trail
1 scale-less map
1 wrong turn
1 15 mile hike into the night
1 venom extractor kit
2 giant switchbacks
1 owed In-n-Out meal
2 flagged down cars
1 drive to a campsite
1 big family reunion
1 locked gate
13 miles of horrible trail
5 miles of good trail

>Start hiking
>trail is good, well travelled
>when we branch off, it gets bad
>narrow, not well marked
>get to campsite and take break
>go to leave, cant find trail
>see 2 trails, should be three
>scout party finds trail
>this trail is horrible
>on leaves, barely visible
>we start going, but theres a lot of trees on the trail
>ok, thats fine. We keep going
>get to junction, consult map
>dissagree about which way to go
>use logic and compass/map to figure it out
>continue down the right trail
>somehow make a wrong turn
>then we hear screaming
>stepped on hornet nest
>kid has 2 stings, other people have 1 or 2 stings also
>leader has venom extractor kit, use it on everyone
>keep going for another 30 min
>moar screaming
>oh no, another nest
>this time kid gets 4 stings, and other people get assorted 1-2 stings
>venom extractor kit is getting its money's worth
>keep going
>get to top of hill, feels like we've gone about 12-13 miles out of the 9 we were supposed to
>oops, wrong turn somewhere
>hike down the mountain
>get to campsite
>put down packs
>oops, wrong campsite
>the right campsite is in another mile
>say "nah, lets stay here"
>set up camp, eat dinner, pass around the Dr. Pepper courtesy of me
>go to sleep
>wake up next morning, eat breakfast and pack up
>start hiking the 1.1 miles to original campsite that we were supposed to stay at the night before
>walk 1/2 mile, moar screaming
>another hornets nest
>4 of us run forward, rest back up
>one kid gets stung on head, others get 1-2
>then forward group and me hear yelling and a splash
>adventure back along river away from nest location
>see garter snake on trail
>hang out watching it until it goes away
>go back to see what happened
>hornet-attractor kid got in a cloud of hornets and was stung 18 times
>had to jump in the river to get them off
>venom extractor kit is the star of the trip
>praise the venom extractor
>kid cant carry pack anymore cause of hornet stings on back
>split up his stuff, and kid who got stung on the head carries his pack (important later)
>keep going
>reach first nights campsite in time for lunch on the second day
>as we're walking in, kid sees rattlesnake
>i had walked by that rattlesnake going into camp
>eat lunch and pump water
>set out again on the actual [famous but not well traveled] trail
>this trail is so much better
>marked, well maintained
>we hike along the river some more, and then start hiking up a mountain
>the kid whos carrying hornet-attractor's backpack starts saying his knees are hurting
>we keep going
>now in the hot sun out of shady forest
>kid gives hornet-attractor's backpack to hike leader
>hike leader and hornet-attractor start pulling ahead
>im almost out of water
>knees kid says he cant go on and is going to wait for adults
>try to contact leading group
>hornet-attractor and leader's radio is dead
>we keep hiking
>get call on radio that someone needs to come back to help knees kid
>i go back
>they say to drop my pack and see how far it is to the top of the mountain
>my group has established contact with leading group
>they say its about 1/2 mile from where they are, and we are 1/2 mile away from them, and we are 1/2 mile from knees kid
>tell them this, they have dropped their packs and are just hiking with water bottles
>i have hiked this section of trail 5 times
>meet ranger almost at the top
>he knows whats going on and asks about knees kid
>knees kid says hes fine
>we get to top of mountian and get water from hike coordinator
>ice cream parent comes and gives us ice cream
>fire search-and-rescue shows up
>ice cream parent talks to them and they leave
>talk with ranger, says the road is closed
>'parenly a motorcycle went off the edge and the people who went down to get him found a car down there
>road closed until coroner comes and identifies the bodies
>we drive to next campground cause it was supposed to be a 7 mile hike but almost everyones hurt
>campground is taken over by big family reunion
>something happened to our campsite reservation
>play poker and lose
>leave around 8 oclock, but gate is locked
>jimmy the gate open and drive to in-n-out
>go home

thanks for reading!

Edited by Benjamin Kerman
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Hmmm, let me think of a good story....

oh here's a fun one:

While i was cycling back home from school (gotta love the Netherlands) i got run over by a scooter. People started to gather around me to 'help' me. So i just stood up, checked my bike, and cycled away. There was this lady who got a little paranoid and thought that i MUST be seriously injured, and although i got a little pain in the knee when i was home, i did not have to go to the hospital. I dont know if this is good luck or bad luck since i got hit by scooter wich is bad, but i got away without a major scratch, wich is good.

oh oh oh here is another cool one.

You are driving down the road with your lame rusty bike. Suddenly, a killer machine known for murdering and injuring thousands of people everyday starts chasing you. The road is too narrow, there is no escape. You start cycling faster and faster, your lose energy and become exhausted, while the killer machine starts to outrun you. But out of luck, the killer machine stopped and you drove away.

Or to simply put it:

You got chased by a car on a road and the car parked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was a kid I had one of those octagonal folding snake balls (like these) and when I unfolded it I would pretend it was the water slide level from Super Mario Sunshine and design new paths for that level. Then I would fold it back up and pretend it was the level in Super Mario Galaxy that has the same shape and you had to walk on the tiles in the right order to avoid falling into the black hole in the center.

I just remembered that little anecdote today after...I don't actually remember what. But it's something worth remembering!

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  On 8/15/2017 at 1:39 AM, cubinator said:

level in Super Mario Galaxy that has the same shape and you had to walk on the tiles in the right order to avoid falling into the black hole in the center.


Super Mario Galaxy 1 or 2? I haven't seen a level like that so far in my SMG2 replaythrough so far (I am only starting World 5, so I still have 2 worlds remaining)

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  On 8/16/2017 at 2:49 AM, StupidAndy said:

Super Mario Galaxy 1 or 2? I haven't seen a level like that so far in my SMG2 replaythrough so far (I am only starting World 5, so I still have 2 worlds remaining)


I think it was Galaxy 1. The main level had an underwater racetrack where you race a manta ray, and a really huge tree I think. This tile puzzle was off to the side, accessible via star cannon. 

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  On 8/17/2017 at 1:03 AM, Benjamin Kerman said:

Its pretty fun, even though there are some amazingly hard levels. Like, where you cant do it, you watch a youtube, do exactly what they do, and still cant complete it. 


I think I actually figured that one out because the path you have to take follows the path of the curled up snake.

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On the Thursday before school started a few years ago I took a few jobs helping out around what was then my elementary school to get ready for the start of classes. Me and a friend spent the morning organizing stuff and moving stuff around, most notably in two rooms filled to the brim with paper and no fire extinguisher I could see. Then we took a break for lunch, with drinks from Sonic courtesy of some faculty members who decided to thank us for our hard work. Then after lunch, we had the task of moving a bunch of books from the 1950s to a building that had once been a Spanish classroom but was now being used for storage. We get in, nobody else is there- wait, where do we put these? The entire room is filled with chairs, tables, books, etc. There's nowhere to put the new load of ancient copies of "Frog and Toad are Friends." Even though at this point it was pretty clear that where the books actually needed to go was the recycling, we worked our way past the jungle of table legs and plastic chairs and arrived at the back of the room where there were some shelves and cabinets. There was no space on the shelves, so we opened up one of the cabinets. There was like half a cubic meter of space left there, so we put in our books and then left to get the next load. At this point my friend and I got seperated, so when I returned to the storage room a while later with some more decades-old books about how "Pat the fat cat sat on the mat" I was alone. I climbed into the back of the room, set down my books on a nearby table, and nudged the cabinet door open a little more. At this point, something I had failed to notice at first suddenly became extremely important. On top of the cabinets there were a bunch of cooking items for potlucks, Thanksgiving celebrations, and the like, most notably some crock-pots and roaster ovens. As I opened the cabinet, one of the roaster-oven boxes was struck by the door and fell off of the shelf. It's worth pointing out I was standing in between the door and the cabinet.

After about thirty minutes of holding a leaking ice pack to my head and testing myself for concussion symptoms, I went to the doctor. That is, I went to the dentist for an appointment that had been scheduled for months. And when I came back into the storage room the next day, that roaster oven was still on the floor.

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My Aunt tould me that she saw the birth of a horned long toothed creature with only hands and no actuall arms and no legs. My cousin told about another creature wich was a snake with a monkey head that came out of the toilet or something.

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