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Adding or Finding, Bac9 Wings or ProcDyn wings in Career?

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So, I come here again seeking answers to what I would assume is a simple question. I am streaming a heavily Modded series, I do posses the means to add them to the Extended CTT, but my question is.

Does Procedural Dynamics or B9 Procedural Wings exists in the standard Tech Tree in Career. I would assume not since I have not seen them, but I can be blind at times.

If they are added to a Vanilla Tech Node, or a CTT node do they cost money based on size of the wing? Similar to how TweakScale has a price point that is adjusted based on scale? 

I do understand how to add the wings to the CTT but not sure about the Vanilla if they even could be, next and final question. If they do not have a scaling price metric based on shape and size of wing. Any idea how to put one in to make it not feel 'cheaty' yet fair?


Thanks to any insight or answers from any and all that can give me a hand. 


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56 minutes ago, Jas0n said:

According the cfg file, it's under advanced aerodynamics in the stock tree. as for cost I have no idea, but I would assume it scales.

I cannot believe I over looked this. I will have to take a gander in those areas and and try out a test Career and see if I can find them. I wonder if they do not show up until you have unlocked the tech node, similar to like an upgrade. Hmmmm

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