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Shuttle Challenge v5 - The STS thread [Stock and Mod Friendly] - MAJOR CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT! - 30.3.2020

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STS Test-3 report

Being my first travel to the Jool system, this has been quite challenging.  The Kassini managed to visit all the moons but Pol.  Even after archieving the same orbital plane, I was unable to get an encounter, and Tylo was determined to pull Kassini into the inner system.   In the end I gave up to Tylo's desires, visited Vall and then Laythe, where the Huygens probe explored the depths of the ocean, and then Kassini went to meet Jool's atmosphere.  I'm not too keen on the ending, the monopropellant is barely visible, and there is no trail effect at that height (192 km). I'm afraid Jool is too destructive to look good. :D 



Craft link:  https://kerbalx.com/Ozelui/Atlantis-shuttle-Kassini-Huygens

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I have a question. On STS-4R is docking with the target shuttle allowed? Or should I simply rendezvous and transfer the crew via EVA?

On a different note I also made some changes to my shuttle's secondary booster, mainly to improve ascent stability. Here's a sneak peak.

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  On 8/3/2018 at 9:03 PM, The Dunatian said:

I have a question. On STS-4R is docking with the target shuttle allowed?


I'm sure docking is allowed, since I did so when playing my STS-4R and michal.don gave me a shiny badge in return ;)   To be honest, I didn't consider the option of an EVA to reach the rescue shuttle, but after reading the mission rules I'd say it would be ok too.




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  On 7/27/2018 at 10:56 AM, Ozelui said:

STS Test-3 report


Oh, I'm so sorry, I totally missed that one.... The next time this happens to me, please, ping me after a few days, so I get back to my job :)

Very nice video, and the planets do look great - which mod combo is that? I don't think I've seen that one before.

About the mission - great payload design (I love the MMU assembly, nice touch :) ), and very well flown indeed. If that's really your first Jool system trip, it's a pretty impressive one. Good job!

Here's your badge:


And the next time it won't take me so long, I promise :)


  On 8/3/2018 at 9:03 PM, The Dunatian said:

I have a question. On STS-4R is docking with the target shuttle allowed? Or should I simply rendezvous and transfer the crew via EVA?


It's up to you, really. Both methods are OK.


  On 8/3/2018 at 9:03 PM, The Dunatian said:

On a different note I also made some changes to my shuttle's secondary booster, mainly to improve ascent stability. Here's a sneak peak.


Looks interesting - how does that work? Is it just to increase drag/stability? Or is there something I can't see? :)



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  On 8/4/2018 at 9:14 AM, michal.don said:

...The next time this happens to me, please, ping me after a few days...


Thanks for the badge!  LOL nah, I won't, review the missions when you can and want.  Also I figured you must have been busy going to Duna in *that* other challenge ;)

About the visual mods, I think the one you didn't recognize is KS3P, the rest are the usual suspects, EVE, SVE, scatterer, planetshine, engine light.  KSP looks very beautiful with the post processing, but the default .cfg exagerates the lens dirt effect, and it's quite dark.  I'm playing with the config trying to find a better setup, AFAIK the author plans to adjust it for the next version release.

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  On 8/4/2018 at 9:14 AM, michal.don said:

Looks interesting - how does that work? Is it just to increase drag/stability? Or is there something I can't see?


I could explain it now but it would take a long time to type. I'm already working on STS-4R so I'll explain it with captioned screenshots when I'm finished. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This been a long time, so here is my attempt to STS 5/6/7/8 ! :D


I went with a light station, not too shiny but actually effective and flyable. It has a cheetah engine, approx 8t. of fuel, RCS, science modules, com, lots of room etc etc..




This is the first module, consists of a service module with baguettes, RCS, probe, reaction wheel, com, a conic fuel tank with solar arrays and a cheetah at the back.



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Second module, it's a cuppola above 2 hitchhikker cans, a large probe, battery behind the fairing and sernior dock.



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This one is one of the 2 radial modules, consists of 3 solar arrays, probe and science experiments under the fairing, air intake because reasons, lab module, science jr and one dock.



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Same module as STS 7 except the radial dock is on the other side.



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Station is complete !





Shuttles on the ground




It's been a while since I made an attempt to this great challenge. I did some tweaks to the shuttle some time ago, I was bored to land this brick trying to stall at the exact micro-second. I don't remember having tried to land it since then but the shuttle is actually very enjoyable to fly ! It can land at 60m/s or even slower if stalled correctly so it's really cool to use now, also wings don't pop off anymore even with full tanks :D

I got a few more pics if more proofs are needed !

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Very cool station and I like the pruple light. Good job :)

  On 8/20/2018 at 6:00 PM, Kerbolitto said:

also wings don't pop off anymore even with full tanks :D


Any hints for a fellow shuttle pilot? I've tried (and fail....again) the RTLS abort mission yesterday and this is actually one of my biggest problem right now. DIfferent settings for dampers and springs  on the landing gear doesn't seem to help :(

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  On 8/20/2018 at 6:24 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

Very cool station and I like the pruple light. Good job :)


Thanks ! You can see the lights on the clamps, with a probe and battery .. It's useless, so I made it :D

  On 8/20/2018 at 6:24 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

Any hints for a fellow shuttle pilot? I've tried (and fail....again) the RTLS abort mission yesterday and this is actually one of my biggest problem right now. DIfferent settings for dampers and springs  on the landing gear doesn't seem to help :(


Actually, I don't remember quite well what I did because it's been a long time and Duna Architecture took all my brain power.. I'm now using 2 canards at the front and 2 large elevons very far behind, so the shuttle has a much stronger pitch authority. As of the wings, I remember that they popped off when landing after I tried to add some incidence. When I took this challenge yesterday I just merged one of the 8/10 versions of the shuttle which I thought was the more recent, but the wings have a tiny bit of incidence and don't break anymore...

I guess that they used to clip into some parts when bending and shooking on touchdown, and now they're a bit less offset into the tanks, but that's just a guess ..

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  On 8/20/2018 at 6:31 PM, Kerbolitto said:

It's useless, so I made it :D



  On 8/20/2018 at 6:31 PM, Kerbolitto said:

I just merged one of the 8/10 versions of the shuttle which I thought was the more recent [...]

I guess that they used to clip into some parts when bending and shooking on touchdown, and now they're a bit less offset into the tanks, but that's just a guess ..


Sounds familiar^^
I'll check my clipping maybe it helps. On my big orbiter, I just added some additional wheels to solve the issue but that would look kinda strange on a regular size orbiter...

Thank you anyway :)

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  On 8/20/2018 at 6:56 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

I'll check my clipping maybe it helps. On my big orbiter, I just added some additional wheels to solve the issue but that would look kinda strange on a regular size orbiter...

Thank you anyway :)


I don't know about landing gears, mine got 2 small in the front that can pivot when activated, and 2 medium behind. The shuttle weighted 80t. when landing on this challenge but I tried to land with full payload (+40t.) and it was ok so I don't know if that's your main issue. Maybe their placement ?

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  On 8/20/2018 at 7:01 PM, Kerbolitto said:

Maybe their placement ?


The wheels are placed in the mid of the wings...probably moving them to the body will help but it will be also really hard to land without flipping. When I think about it...I can place them on the body and use a huge offset so it looks like they are attached to the wings but it feels a bit cheaty :D

Landing weight (incl. dummy payload): ~46t. There is a small landing gear in the front and a medium landing gear on each wing.

Two pics of the orbiter in question:

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  On 8/20/2018 at 7:23 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

The wheels are placed in the mid of the wings...probably moving them to the body will help but it will be also really hard to land without flipping. When I think about it...I can place them on the body and use a huge offset so it looks like they are attached to the wings but it feels a bit cheaty :D


I think that mine are attached to the Mk3 fuselage and it's more stiffer than when I put them under wings or side tanks !

You can place them wherever you want, you won't have to take off with this thing :p Or if you want to take off from the Mun you can place your medium gears far back, retract them on take-off and use a smaller set just behind CoM !

Just like this one :


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  On 8/20/2018 at 7:49 PM, Kerbolitto said:

ou can place them wherever you want, you won't have to take off with this thing :p


But I have to land it and since the runway feels like someone put soap on it, my planes/orbiters like to slip and drift. I know, using a high friction value on the rear landing gear usually helps but I have a pretty high landing speed with this orbiter and it doesn't seem to help in this case...I'll try it anyway, cannot getting worse than it is^^

  On 8/20/2018 at 7:49 PM, Kerbolitto said:

if you want to take off from the Mun


Nope, I'll use it just to do the RTLS abort mission. Actually, I haven't tried to do the RTLS abort with my Mun capable shuttle...it is just too bulky :D

I have some different issues with my next Mun mission...first of all, a performance issue which seems to be related to a NRE caused by the 'autostrut everything' feature of EEX and I have to investigate this a bit further before I can create a proper bug report for linuxgurugamer.

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  On 8/20/2018 at 8:09 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

But I have to land it and since the runway feels like someone put soap on it, my planes/orbiters like to slip and drift. I know, using a high friction value on the rear landing gear usually helps but I have a pretty high landing speed with this orbiter and it doesn't seem to help in this case...I'll try it anyway, cannot getting worse than it is^^


Oh really ? I've never tried to move that friction slide, even for testing xD Only thing I did to my wheels was to put brakes at 200 on the rear set and it stabilizes quite well .. Try to lock the direction on your front gear maybe, that helped me a lot.

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  On 8/20/2018 at 8:13 PM, Kerbolitto said:

Oh really ? I've never tried to move that friction slide, even for testing xD Only thing I did to my wheels was to put brakes at 200 on the rear set and it stabilizes quite well


A high friction value basically does the same but it will apply without breaks (really helpful during launches from the runway) ;)

  On 8/20/2018 at 6:31 PM, Kerbolitto said:

I'm now using 2 canards at the front and 2 large elevons very far behind, so the shuttle has a much stronger pitch authority.


I guess, this one saved my mission^^ Ok, I've added some struts and clipped them into the wings as well, but a better pitch authority actually saved me from crashing into the ground with 200m/s and I was able to land even with high speed. Sometimes it is just such a simple solution^^
Thank you :)

Preparing my entry now :)

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Finally, some progress in my shuttle pilot career :)

Here's my entry for

STS-2T: RTLS Abort


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A few more pictures in the album: https://imgur.com/a/8uj4BxC

Thanks again @Kerbolitto for assisting me in finding a solution for my wings breaking apart during the landing :)

There are two small adjustments in my mod list: I've removed 'Maneuver Node Evolved', added 'Precise Maneuver' and just for this mission I've added 'Kaboom' to take out one of the SSMEs. The changes are not really relevant but for the sake of completeness, I want to mention it ;)

@michal.don Am I allowed to 'modify' the badges a little bit? I would like to merge all badges of one type (Testpilot, Kerbin, Mun...) into one image so it looks like a stack of poker chips and save same space in my signature :D I don't know how it would look in the end but I don't want to put some time and effort in something just to find out that I'm not allowed to do it ;) 

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@4x4cheesecake I hate to be a buzzkill, but you exceeded the karman line on your STS-T2 there if only just a bit

When I did that michal.don was pretty hard on that being 'not good' and I did it over like 10 times before I managed it without exceeding 70km (yes, that is significantly more difficult)

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  On 8/21/2018 at 12:16 PM, hoioh said:

@4x4cheesecake I hate to be a buzzkill, but you exceeded the karman line on your STS-T2 there if only just a bit

When I did that michal.don was pretty hard on that being 'not good' and I did it over like 10 times before I managed it without exceeding 70km (yes, that is significantly more difficult)


Actually, I had multiple tries without leaving the atmosphere but the mission description says:


Your ascent trajectory should put you out of the atmosphere for a while


Did I understand it wrong?

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  On 8/21/2018 at 12:54 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

Actually, I had multiple tries without leaving the atmosphere but the mission description says:

Did I understand it wrong?


I think I have remembered wrong and it's the other way round where I didn't manage to cross the line then

Edit: did some reading and found 400,000ft which is more than 100km and is thus above the karman line, you did it correctly and super smooth I might add

(though screenshots don't usually convey problems keeping the craft stable very well, which I had a LOT of trouble with)

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Phew, lucky me :)

  On 8/21/2018 at 2:00 PM, hoioh said:

super smooth I might add

(though screenshots don't usually convey problems keeping the craft stable very well, which I had a LOT of trouble with)


Yep, that's the magic of screenshots :D I'm recording my flights so I don't have to bother about making screenshots while maneuvering a shuttle, so if you are curious how the flight really looks, I'll upload it for you ;) 

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