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Shuttle Challenge v5 - The STS thread [Stock and Mod Friendly] - MAJOR CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT! - 30.3.2020

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8 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

It's only the second time I use dropbox, tell me if the link is okay !



Unfortunately not okay :(

You need to create a download link. If you are in the web UI of dropbox, hover the mouse above the file or click on the [...] button to find a "share" button. Click on it and new window pops up. At the bottom, click on "create link" (which becomes a "Copy link" button afterwards) and paste it here.
If you are in the windows folder created by the dropbox app, the same option can be fine by right clicking on the file -> share .


14 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

Also if you autostrut your big contraptions once deployed, this act as a dead weight which makes the assembly more rigid ! 

I accidentally summoned the kraken by adding some autostruts to a rotor and turning it on with RPM and torque set to max. Quickly wobbled away my Ferris Wheel :( This is dangerous stuff!  

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28 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

It is and the arm is just awesome! :D



Had a little issue though: After undocking the payload from the port in the docking pay, it also undocked the small port from the arm. Do you have the same problem or did you grab the payload after decoupling? Took me a minute or two to grab it again, not very easy to grab floating stuff^^

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28 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

It is and the arm is just awesome! :D

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Had a little issue though: After undocking the payload from the port in the docking pay, it also undocked the small port from the arm. Do you have the same problem or did you grab the payload after decoupling? Took me a minute or two to grab it again, not very easy to grab floating stuff^^

I had a problem on the previous version using the actuator, I grabbed the floor of the shuttle and even after releasing it the cylinders and hinges wouldn't move .. During my tests with this version, I undocked a few tanks which I grabbed to redock inside the shuttle, and had no trouble doing so .. Maybe it doesn't works properly, there's some weird stuff sometimes : /

Glad you like it tho ! :DTook me a bit of time to fine tune the engine's outputs and traverse !

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5 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

I improved the arm a lot but it wobbles a lot with only 4.5t on the end ... That's quite annoying, because the design is very cool : /

Right of the bat, I know that at least the hinges got a "Damping" slider....maybe it can be used to reduce the wobble? Also, at least on the first arm, some engines are not set to the max. size and power output which should increase the stability as well :)

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23 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Right of the bat, I know that at least the hinges got a "Damping" slider....maybe it can be used to reduce the wobble? Also, at least on the first arm, some engines are not set to the max. size and power output which should increase the stability as well :)

I did some testings and I think the assembly is more sturdy when damping is set to max.. Maybe using fully weighted engines would be better yeah.. Also I'm now using the arm using precision mode which A LOT better !

Would you like to test it ? It's a more agile version, takes less room, and is capable to dock objects closer from the main cylinder than before (range of operation is approx half a cylinder to 4/3 of a long cargo bay, takes 1/3 of a little cargo bay once folded).

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12 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

Also I'm now using the arm using precision mode which A LOT better !

Wait, you can use precision mode on the robotic parts? NICE!

12 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

Would you like to test it ? It's a more agile version, takes less room, and is capable to dock objects closer from the main cylinder than before (range of operation is approx half a cylinder to 4/3 of a long cargo bay, takes 1/3 of a little cargo bay once folded). 

Sure, I would love to test it :)

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Here is the v4 ! I tried to max out the engines but I think it's even more wobbly .. Maybe you should scale them down again ! There's a KAL 1000 inside the bay to deploy all the stuff, Set 1 controls the first parts of the arm and Set 2 the pointy end :D. Also this version comes with lights :p


https://www.dropbox.com/s/qpltrrxht15n3zg/Shuttle brasv4.craft?dl=0


I wonder if the alligator clamps are more sturdy than the hinges..

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Now we have the DLC robotics parts, any thoughts for a challenge with them? Maybe a 4b - Rendezvous with your space telescope, grab it using a docking port or claw attached to a robotic arm (whether Breaking Ground, Infernal Robotics, or krakentech), and use an MMU to replace a solar panel or any other component of the telescope.

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3 minutes ago, cantab said:

Now we have the DLC robotics parts, any thoughts for a challenge with them? Maybe a 4b - Rendezvous with your space telescope, grab it using a docking port or claw attached to a robotic arm (whether Breaking Ground, Infernal Robotics, or krakentech), and use an MMU to replace a solar panel or any other component of the telescope.

Well, a mission like this would exclude people who didn't buy the DLC and don't want to use mods. While these people could still use a stock robotic arm like this one, I don't feel comfortable with adding a mission which requires to buy/install additional stuff or build a quite difficult sub-assembly.
Quote from myself (one post after the linked one above):


Since michal.don took over this challenge, the missions and rules changed in a way to allow creativity and minimize restrictions. While your arm is a great example of creativity, enforcing the usage of it in a mission would be a big restriction as well.
I personally like the way the missions are designed right now and I'm not going to change anything about it


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53 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

This one is better, bit less wobble with alligators than hinges... I scaled down the engines so the timer of the sequence is a bit off.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/uwvlz7ygxk4i5wp/Shuttle brasv5.craft?dl=0

The new hinge at the bottom of the arm seems to cause a lot of wobbling since it has to keep the whole arm in place. Locking and deactivating the motor seem to help. In general, if you don't use any of the rotors or hinges, locking reduced the wobbling a lot (but also complicates controlling the arm...)

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Just now, 4x4cheesecake said:

The new hinge at the bottom of the arm seems to cause a lot of wobbling since it has to keep the whole arm in place. Locking and deactivating the motor seem to help. In general, if you don't use any of the rotors or hinges, locking reduced the wobbling a lot (but also complicates controlling the arm...)

What I do is once it's deployed I just autostrut everything, but the main wobbling comes from the long telescope .. Also I used rigid attachments and it's a little bit better..

Last problem is that those robotic parts and what is dock onto them seems to looses properties, for example the magnets on the floor of the bay and the one on the fuel tank doesn't react when you approach it ..

Don't know what's wrong with that, but I'm disappointed, I expected to assemble space stations or outposts but it's not possible without properly functionning docks =_=

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3 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

What I do is once it's deployed I just autostrut everything, but the main wobbling comes from the long telescope .. Also I used rigid attachments and it's a little bit better..

Yep, I added autostruts as well but I got better results by locking the parts.

5 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

Last problem is that those robotic parts and what is dock onto them seems to looses properties, for example the magnets on the floor of the bay and the one on the fuel tank doesn't react when you approach it ..

Have you tried to dock the tank to something else then the shuttle? Docking something to the shuttle would create a double docked part and I'm not sure if this requires a simultaneous docking on both ends.
Funny thing though: the connection between docking ports is a bit different on parts which are "docked" in the editor compared to a docking in flight. This is noticeable in the PAW when you try to separate the ports in flight. If the connection is established in the editor, you'll "decouple" the parts but if you actually docked them together in flight, you'll "undock" them. Maybe this difference affects the behavior of the docking ports after grabbing them with your arm.
(This is not new in 1.7 though, I've noticed this in 1.4 already)
I'll do a little test for this :)

15 minutes ago, Kerbolitto said:

Don't know what's wrong with that, but I'm disappointed, I expected to assemble space stations or outposts but it's not possible without properly functionning docks =_=

If I'm right, it's still possible but you are not allowed to dock the shuttle to the station/outpost while docking the new module. So far, I guess the wobbling is a bigger issue to place parts precisely

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Kerbolitto said:

I've created a shuttle with swept wings, which should be able to adjust its center of lift depending on the load, but even the fat G32W hinge is too weak .. That's disappointing : /

Yep, there are quite some limitations :( I've tried to do something similar but I wanted to adjust the thrust vector via the new axis action groups, so depending on the CoM location, I could adjust the orientation of the engines (this would help some designs as soon as the ET is almost empty). Basically, I just put a hinge on the vectors but this results in a "squishy" behavior and the engines pushed them self into the orbiter...

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5 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Yep, there are quite some limitations :( I've tried to do something similar but I wanted to adjust the thrust vector via the new axis action groups, so depending on the CoM location, I could adjust the orientation of the engines (this would help some designs as soon as the ET is almost empty). Basically, I just put a hinge on the vectors but this results in a "squishy" behavior and the engines pushed them self into the orbiter...

They are far too weak, somewhat realistic in regard of unity engine but totally underpowered compared to IRL stuff.. : / I had to forgot swing wings, foldable rover, space-arm ..

Because of that crap I created a new shuttle, has 1.5 cargo bay, around 3k m/s & 0.2TWR (nukes) with 36t. payload, is also an SSTO from Laythe or Kerbin ..

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On 6/10/2019 at 4:06 AM, Kerbolitto said:

I've created a shuttle with swept wings, which should be able to adjust its center of lift depending on the load, but even the fat G32W hinge is too weak .. That's disappointing : /

You can stack hinges and strut them to the moving part to make stonger hinges.

Thats how I made this heavy crane



On 6/10/2019 at 2:08 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

Yep, there are quite some limitations :( I've tried to do something similar but I wanted to adjust the thrust vector via the new axis action groups, so depending on the CoM location, I could adjust the orientation of the engines (this would help some designs as soon as the ET is almost empty). Basically, I just put a hinge on the vectors but this results in a "squishy" behavior and the engines pushed them self into the orbiter...

Since autostruts only work through locked robotics, you could throttle down at SRB sep unlock the hinge, move it and relock it to make it less wobbly. That or you could do the same thing that i mentioned above.



On 6/1/2019 at 9:59 AM, Kerbolitto said:

Here is the v4 ! I tried to max out the engines but I think it's even more wobbly .. Maybe you should scale them down again ! There's a KAL 1000 inside the bay to deploy all the stuff, Set 1 controls the first parts of the arm and Set 2 the pointy end :D. Also this version comes with lights :p


https://www.dropbox.com/s/qpltrrxht15n3zg/Shuttle brasv4.craft?dl=0


I wonder if the alligator clamps are more sturdy than the hinges..

It sounds like youre having a lot of issues with docking ports. If you use a ball joint at either the end effector or the shoulder it would fix that since you'd have 2 vessels. @4x4cheesecake posted a link to my arm earlier. I actually only replaced the elbow on my new from my old and it works 100x better than the old one and it just about as easy to use.

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@Dman Revolution Thanks for the input, I like your heavy crane !

But for me the problem remains with a precision crane for a spacecraft, using 8-10 robotics parts on top of each others.. It's just too wobbly, and if you have to double the size of each parts this will be simply too big to be usefull, I don't want my crane to fill half the cargo bay..!


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1 minute ago, Kerbolitto said:

@Dman Revolution Thanks for the input, I like your heavy crane !

But for me the problem remains with a precision crane for a spacecraft, using 8-10 robotics parts on top of each others.. It's just too wobbly, and if you have to double the size of each parts this will be simply too big to be usefull, I don't want my crane to fill half the cargo bay..!


As long as you keep youre transverse rates really low you shouldnt see much wobble. Im talking like 1 or 2, not like 10

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1 minute ago, Dman Revolution said:

As long as you keep youre transverse rates really low you shouldnt see much wobble. Im talking like 1 or 2, not like 10

I used 4 to 6 mostly, with precision control (lock maj)

The crane created fantom forces, with only 4.5t. fuel tank and trying to dock it to a space station, it started moving the ship at 0.2m/s in random directions..


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Just now, Kerbolitto said:

I used 4 to 6 mostly, with precision control (lock maj)

The crane created fantom forces, with only 4.5t. fuel tank and trying to dock it to a space station, it started moving the ship at 0.2m/s in random directions..


what kinda autostruts are you using?

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