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[1.4.2] Before Kerbin - 2 Billion Years before Kerbol


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Hey, Downloaded this mod from Spacedock. Its pretty nice and the OPM capatibilty is great.

I did find it heavy on RAM as you mentioned on the front page. I do have a solution for you. Its called OnDemandLoading.

On 1/8/2016 at 1:36 PM, The White Guardian said:

But, there is one more, simple thing you can do to make your pack over 1000 times better!

How, you might ask. The answer is simple: Kopernicus has an incredible feature called OnDemandLoading: it will only load the textures of planets nearby, so if you would be orbiting Duna for instance, it would only load the textures of Duna and Ike, and won't load the others, such as Moho, Dres, and Jool.

This saves a lot of memory! But, in order to make it work with your pack, there are two things that you must do:

- All textures must be stored in a folder called 'PluginData'. There can be multiple PluginData folders, but as long as all textures are saved in a folder called PluginData, you're good.

- All texture formats must be specified. This step is easy: at the end of every 'texture-filepath', add what format it is: .dds, .png, .jpg, etc.

And done! You are now using OnDemandLoading, which means that everyone using your pack will experience exploration with memory optimized.

The above quote seems to be missing one step to make it work. You need to put this into a config file in the GameData folder to enable.

    useOnDemand = True
    useManualMemoryManagement = true

Went and did this to your mod and had some good results. I used GCMonitor for Memory Usage, shown in Screenshots. Check the OnDemandLoading Screenshoots, before and after. Went from 5.036G to 4.154G  ram usage for me. Could vary for others. 

You might not get the same savings because you have an older version of CTTP as the texture files were not properly put in the PluginData folder. So I would recommend grabbing the Updated CTTP v1.0.3. You would need to re-path all the existing configs to GameData/CTTP/Textures/PluginData

I also re-pathed the sea-water*.dds files to use the CTTP files and added a few missing .dds in the configs for my test.

If you want, I can PM you the changed files to review as I don't want to disperse unofficial files for your mod.


Something I noticed while in the configs was that you used AtmosphericOptimized. AtmosphericExtra is the successor to that(Also changed in files for test). See the below quote.

On 6/12/2016 at 3:44 AM, CaptRobau said:

From now on everything we'll be doing in side of the Material node. For those who've dabbled with texturing before KSP 1.1, note that AtmosphericExtra is the successor to AtmosphericOptimized. If you used that before, use AtmosphericExtra now.


A minor thing is if you want to save 10MB on downloads, you can delete the cache files before deploying. Kopernicus will regenerate them.

I did find it strange that your configs for your planets is sitting in the LSM folder.


None of the items listed is game breaking, and this is still a very nice planet mod.

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2 hours ago, Barar said:

This one could benefit from this too as it is similarly configured. Let me know if it helps you.





Yep, already know about ODL, but thanks for the suggestion! 

GPO already utilises this and it uses a mere 7GB on max quality for the amount of planets it adds.

As well as this, I'm going to convert all BK and AK heightmaps to L8 DDS, all colour maps to DXT-1DDS and all normal maps to DXT-5 DDS.

Then I will apply OnDemand for all configs.

I will update cttp also. 


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15 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

Dear god, what kind of beast of a computer do you have??? :0.0:

Anything less than 8gb of ram is pretty low for today’s standards. 8 is fairly normal to see in any laptop or PC you buy now.  

All in all any planet pack this size and quality that uses less than 8gb, which includes the default 4gb that KSP uses, is pretty good. I’d say 7 is “mere”. In reality it’s more like 4gb. 

Edited by Galileo
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1 hour ago, The White Guardian said:

Dear god, what kind of beast of a computer do you have??? :0.0:

Most computers have 16GB of RAM nowadays and as Galileo said, 8 is on the low side.

For the sheer size of GPO, a usage of 7 gig at full quality, 4-8k textures and onDemand is quite good. For reference, BeforeKerbin adds less than half the planets that GPO does and uses around 5, which shows that it really needs optimisation 

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7 hours ago, Barar said:

I did find it strange that your configs for your planets is sitting in the LSM folder

They are not. Just double checked. The only things in the LSM folder are the stuff for the loading screen?

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Ahh looking at the folder, must have dragged it in somehow when I double clicked. Sorry for the error of wasting you time.

Only made the suggestion about the OnDemandLoading as I did not see it mentioned in this thread and people asking about the 5G, and it was late. I do kinda feel like I was trying to explain Black Holes to Stephen Hawkings now. At least I helped with CTTP. 

Well I should probably go land on a few planets and plant flags.

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7 minutes ago, Barar said:

Ahh looking at the folder, must have dragged it in somehow when I double clicked. Sorry for the error of wasting you time.

Only made the suggestion about the OnDemandLoading as I did not see it mentioned in this thread and people asking about the 5G, and it was late. I do kinda feel like I was trying to explain Black Holes to Stephen Hawkings now. At least I helped with CTTP. 

Well I should probably go land on a few planets and plant flags.

No worries, you've reminded me to actually sort out OnDemand! :P 

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On 8/16/2017 at 4:36 PM, Gameslinx said:


Nope, gilly didn't exist back then. Serpent, Eden's moon, hit the planet. Hence the purple shades and metallic appearance, it was heavy and poisonous. It kills the life on Eden and makes it heavier and toxic.

So I'm guessing Gilly is a fragment of the  beautiful planet that was once Eden?

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When I tried to load KSP it would load fine but none of the planets changed. I tried to see if I can get an answer from youtube but then the author told me to go to the forum and to post my KSP.log but when I tried to load it again it wouldn't show the log, but I remember it saying that kopernicus couldn't load the planets. I don't know what to do and I am a bit stuck.

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40 minutes ago, Dedpewlio said:

When I tried to load KSP it would load fine but none of the planets changed. I tried to see if I can get an answer from youtube but then the author told me to go to the forum and to post my KSP.log but when I tried to load it again it wouldn't show the log, but I remember it saying that kopernicus couldn't load the planets. I don't know what to do and I am a bit stuck.

Your KSP.log is located inside your Kerbal Space Program folder.

Please upload it to DropBox and send us the link.

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5 hours ago, Dedpewlio said:


Didn't have a chance to look yesterday. Looking now.

7 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

something seems off about my install, what exact mods were used when the video trailer was made? I want my install to look exactly like your video trailer. Also thank you for making each planet seem interesting to visit

It's the sunflare most likely.

I used Isk from @JadeOfMaar's Sunflares Of Maar, then changed it since everyone appeared to be using it

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On 20/04/2018 at 11:06 PM, Dedpewlio said:

Here it is, please notify me if you have found a fix or if you need anything else.


[LOG 13:26:01]: Exception Was Recorded: Out of memory

You're either not running KSP 64 bit, or you do not have enough RAM to run the mod.

7 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

Great mod

What wasn't working when you tried to install? Or was it a mistake on your half?

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I think it might be both, but I’m not so sure on the ram issue because I have 16 gigs of ram on my computer. But when I launch KSP it doesn’t have an option for 64 bit only 32... and usually it shows 64 bit first unless I did something wrong. If there isn’t a fix for this that’s completely fine, as long as it could potentially help with future issues.

1 hour ago, Gameslinx said:

[LOG 13:26:01]: Exception Was Recorded: Out of memory

You're either not running KSP 64 bit, or you do not have enough RAM to run the mod.

What wasn't working when you tried to install? Or was it a mistake on your half?


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