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[1.12] Space Age 1.3.8 (2023-02-25)


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Space Age 1.1.1

  • Compiled for KSP 1.8 "Moar Boosters". Not compatible with KSP 1.7.3 and below!
  • Added: Ability to award score (and therefore funds, science and reputation) for Total-type achievements (untested)
  • Fixed: NRE when checking for Max-type achievements and the value is <= 0

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  • 3 months later...

Love this mod, there is some features I miss:

  1. changeable text fields.
    Mostly it is about name of the vessel, if the vessel name was changed ("fixed") on the flight, 
    I want it to propagate to all mentioning in the Space Age. But not always changing of a vessel is "fixing".
  2. records on the Chronicle (max mass, cost, etc) is showed without the vessel name. And again, changeable text.
  3. Score is just some number. I miss max score value and % of the max score. Per planet and/or total.


And the big one, I'm not missing it, just cool feature:

  • some steam-styled hidden achievements or "dignity titles",  showed on the score tab.
    The logic there could be infinitely rich, like ContractConfigurator or ModuleManager rich, so limiting to combining several scored first achievements make sense.
    For example:
    • hierarchical ones:
      Engineer of <Planet> ("All probe first achievement of all bodies in the SOI of <Planet>" (including moons)), 
      which replaced by "Master of <Planet> ("All first achievement of all bodies in the SOI of <Planet>" (including moons)), 
      which merge to Ambassador of inner planets and Ambassador of outer planets, 
      which merge to Grandmaster of Kerbol, or something like that.
    • standalone ones:
      Terra Nova (something about Laythe)
      Effulgent (visit "radiactive" planet)
      Can't feel my legs (land on Gilly)
      King of Captured Asteroids (Bop, Gilly)
      and so on.
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  • 1 month later...

@garwel Very exciting stuff. Going to use it for HistoricalContractOverhaul. How do I change base score reward?


    @Easy {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 1850
            @repPerScore = 1.85
    @Normal {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 1350
            @repPerScore = 1.35
    @Moderate {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 1000
            @repPerScore = 1
    @Hard {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 800
            @repPerScore = 0.8

doesn't seem to be cutting it.

Edited by nepphhh
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  On 3/14/2020 at 2:39 AM, nepphhh said:

@garwel Very exciting stuff. Going to use it for HistoricalContractOverhaul. How do I change base score reward?


    @Easy {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 1850
            @repPerScore = 1.85
    @Normal {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 1350
            @repPerScore = 1.35
    @Moderate {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 1000
            @repPerScore = 1
    @Hard {
        @SpaceAgeChronicleSettings {
            @fundsPerScore:NEEDS[~HistoricalBudgets] = 800
            @repPerScore = 0.8

doesn't seem to be cutting it.


Score rewards are currently set in the settings on a per savegame basis. I may add an option to set them in the config file, but I want to avoid a situation where the user will be fighting configs over who controls which settings.

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  On 3/14/2020 at 6:45 AM, garwel said:

Score rewards are currently set in the settings on a per savegame basis. I may add an option to set them in the config file, but I want to avoid a situation where the user will be fighting configs over who controls which settings.


Understood. I'd like to set the default score reward for each difficulty setting. If I start a Moderate game, it'll be 1000 funds per score and 1 rep per score by default, but I can always change that (thus creating a Custom difficulty setting)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm getting strange behavior in the last couple days where every single launch seems to trigger all achievements from start... so I get a bunch of messages and dings that show launch, first time in orbit, first 100k money, etc... this started just a couple days ago. Log is below - and I can't think of anything I've changed in settings?



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  On 5/10/2020 at 7:33 PM, Atlas Gaming said:

I'm getting strange behavior in the last couple days where every single launch seems to trigger all achievements from start... so I get a bunch of messages and dings that show launch, first time in orbit, first 100k money, etc... this started just a couple days ago. Log is below - and I can't think of anything I've changed in settings?




Your log shows nothing unusual. Are you sure these were SpaceAge's messages? It doesn't normally say anything about you getting the first 100k of funds (unless you used some custom config).

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  On 5/11/2020 at 1:40 PM, garwel said:

Your log shows nothing unusual. Are you sure these were SpaceAge's messages? It doesn't normally say anything about you getting the first 100k of funds (unless you used some custom config).


Doh! Turns out I had one of LinuxGamer's mods installed which was doing this - 


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Space Age 1.2

  • Important: All mod settings will be reset due to changes in the ways they are processed!
  • Added: Reset Settings option, which allows you to revert all the settings (except debug mode) to their default values
  • Added: New achievements: Most Expensive Vessel launched and Maximum Kerbals on Missions (simultaneously)
  • Added: New achievement value types: Cost (for vessels) and TotalAssignedCrew (number of kerbals currently marked as Assigned)
  • Added: Show AppLauncher Button option in the settings (on by default)
  • Removed: Use Blizzy's Toolbar option in the settings. Show or hide the button from the toolbar itself
  • Changed: You can now use multiple onEvent values in custom achievement configs
  • Fixed: Some cases when launches weren't properly registered
  • Some minor changes in detecting and categorizing launch and destroy events
  • Code refactoring and readability improvements

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  • 3 months later...

It's been a lot of time and a lot of work, but I am now almost ready to release Space Age 1.3! It features a Ship Log, which will help you review the adventures of your specific vessels. It can also track takeoffs from other planets and orbital maneuvers. Last, but not least, it is localization-ready. Volunteers for translation are sought!

I am publishing it as a pre-release, so that you guys can check it out and catch some bugs. If all goes well, a full release will follow quite soon.

Space Age 1.3 Beta

  • This is a beta pre-release. It should be reasonably stable, but making a backup of your persistent.sfs and enabling Debug Mode (for better logging) is recommended. Report bugs in the Issues tab or here on the Forum
  • Compiled for KSP 1.9.1. Should be compatible with KSP 1.8 - 1.10.1
  • Added: Ship Logs. You can now click Log button next to events in the Chronicle to open a log of events related to a specific vessel. You can switch time format for these between UT (calendar date + time) or MET (mission time)
  • Added: Support for localization. Only English is available now, but submissions are welcome
  • Added: Logging of burns (maneuvers) along with approximate duration and delta V. You can only see these in ship logs, so as not to spam the Chronicle. Only burns longer than 10 sec (adjustable in the settings) are logged
  • Added: Logging of takeoffs, also shown only in Ship Logs. A "takeoff" is when a previously launched vessel leaves ground for more than 30 sec (adjustable in the settings)
  • Added: Showing in the Chronicle, which vessel completed an achievement (doesn't apply to old achievements)
  • Changed: Fractions of seconds are not stored any more (for slight performance/memory improvement)
  • Changed: Better handling of short hops for Takeoff and Landing events
  • Fixed: Launches were sometimes logged incorrectly (or not logged at all)
  • Code refactoring for better maintainability

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Space Age 1.3

  • Compiled for KSP 1.9.1. Should be compatible with KSP 1.8 - 1.10.1
  • Added: Ship Logs. You can now click Log button next to events in the Chronicle to open a log of events related to a specific vessel. You can switch time format for these between UT (calendar date + time) or MET (mission time)
  • Added: Support for localization. Only English is available now, but submissions are welcome
  • Added: Logging of burns (maneuvers) along with approximate duration and delta V. You can only see these in ship logs, so as not to spam the Chronicle. Only burns longer than 10 sec (adjustable in the settings) are logged
  • Added: Logging of takeoffs, also shown only in Ship Logs. A "takeoff" is when a previously launched vessel leaves ground for more than 30 sec (adjustable in the settings)
  • Added: Showing in the Chronicle, which vessel completed an achievement (doesn't apply to old achievements)
  • Changed: Fractions of seconds are not stored any more (for slight performance/memory improvement)
  • Changed: Better handling of short hops for Takeoff and Landing events
  • Fixed: Launches were sometimes logged incorrectly (or not logged at all)
  • Code refactoring for better maintainability

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  • 2 months later...

For some time I will not be getting heaviest vessel to orbit Kerbin achievement :)


Could you exclude vessel with asteroids to the separate mass achievement category?
Or ignore asteroid mass within vessel mass achievement, but make heaviest asteroid on orbit achievement?

Edited by flart
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  On 12/10/2020 at 7:42 PM, flart said:

For some time I will not be getting heaviest vessel to orbit Kerbin achievement :)


Could you exclude vessel with asteroids to the separate mass achievement category?
Or ignore asteroid mass within vessel mass achievement, but make heaviest asteroid on orbit achievement?


I'll see how hard it should be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi, garwel. Thanks for the mod; I've been using it for quite a while now. A problem is that in the very most recent version (and the one immediately prior, at least), it doesn't remember that anything has happened. Every single time I do something that it covers, it fires the appropriate event for that and gives me more points. The "first orbit," "first return," "heaviest vehicle," etc. are most common, of course. And this happens upon not just every launch, but every switch between ships, even if straight from the map view, back and forth, without ever returning to land. 

No idea why. I don't use any other mods that look at the progression files (rather, I shouldn't be...) I have Contract Configurator, but don't have that old achievements mod (the one that gives kerbals their own service bars), which is the only thing I can think would do it. Any ideas? Thanks.

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  On 4/12/2021 at 3:01 AM, BrobDingnag said:

Hi, garwel. Thanks for the mod; I've been using it for quite a while now. A problem is that in the very most recent version (and the one immediately prior, at least), it doesn't remember that anything has happened. Every single time I do something that it covers, it fires the appropriate event for that and gives me more points. The "first orbit," "first return," "heaviest vehicle," etc. are most common, of course. And this happens upon not just every launch, but every switch between ships, even if straight from the map view, back and forth, without ever returning to land. 

No idea why. I don't use any other mods that look at the progression files (rather, I shouldn't be...) I have Contract Configurator, but don't have that old achievements mod (the one that gives kerbals their own service bars), which is the only thing I can think would do it. Any ideas? Thanks.


Can you enable Debug mode in the mod's settings and share the log file when you experience these issues?

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Sure thing! Do you want all 294557 lines of it, or do you only need the lines relevant to SpaceAge? They seem easy enough to find and there aren't too many. I do see this show up quite frequently:

Exception loading ScenarioModule SpaceAgeScenario: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x001d5] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at ScenarioModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x0000e] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 
  at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (ConfigNode node) [0x0005e] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0

And a few copies of this:

Exception handling event VesselSituation.OnReachSpace in class SpaceAgeScenario:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario+<>c.<UpdateScoreAchievements>b__70_2 (SpaceAge.Achievement a) [0x00006] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at UniLinq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>d__209`1[TSource].MoveNext () [0x00064] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T]..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) [0x00077] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.UpdateScoreAchievements () [0x00083] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.CheckAchievements (System.String ev, CelestialBody body, Vessel vessel, System.Double value, System.String hero) [0x003bd] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.CheckAchievements (System.String ev, Vessel v) [0x00008] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.OnReachSpace (Vessel v) [0x00086] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Uploading Crash Report
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario+<>c.<UpdateScoreAchievements>b__70_2 (SpaceAge.Achievement a) [0x00006] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at UniLinq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>d__209`1[TSource].MoveNext () [0x00064] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T]..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] collection) [0x00077] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.UpdateScoreAchievements () [0x00083] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.CheckAchievements (System.String ev, CelestialBody body, Vessel vessel, System.Double value, System.String hero) [0x003bd] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.CheckAchievements (System.String ev, Vessel v) [0x00008] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at SpaceAge.SpaceAgeScenario.OnReachSpace (Vessel v) [0x00086] in <dc2ad752be4a4b519d277be4f5bcd479>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)

Could it have anything to do with my use of Kopernicus and an additional planet pack (not a replacement for any existing bodies)? I'm just spitballing. Oh, something else I just noticed. When clicking the Achievements tab of the SpaceAge toolbar window in game, the window just disappears and it's inaccessible (clicking the toolbar button does nothing) until I move to a different camera view (whether switching to a different building at KSP, or switching from a ship view back to the KSP). That's probably related to these exceptions.

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Yes, I will need the entire log. You can upload it to a file sharing platform (Google Drive, Dropbox, MEGA, whatever). What I can see from these parts is that something is seriously wrong with the way Space Age is initialized in your game, but I don't know why.  It may be a version mismatch, a mod conflict or something else.

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  On 4/13/2021 at 6:17 AM, garwel said:

Yes, I will need the entire log. You can upload it to a file sharing platform (Google Drive, Dropbox, MEGA, whatever). What I can see from these parts is that something is seriously wrong with the way Space Age is initialized in your game, but I don't know why.  It may be a version mismatch, a mod conflict or something else.


Ah, okay. Thanks for taking a look! I bet it's just an incompatibility with another mod, but for the life of me I can't imagine which.

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  On 4/15/2021 at 2:08 AM, BrobDingnag said:

Ah, okay. Thanks for taking a look! I bet it's just an incompatibility with another mod, but for the life of me I can't imagine which.


Can you please enable debug mode in Space Age's setting, leave the game (exit to main menu or, better, to desktop) and load it again?

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Thanks. I had a quick look and apparently your your save contains some corrupted SpaceAge data, which results in the mod not loading correctly. I don't know how it happened in the first place, but I can fix this issue. If you also share your persistent.sfs, I'll be able to take a closer look at what happened there.

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