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Ship separates when KIS/KAS EVA strut linked

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I've been using KIS/KAS for a little while now, and basically no problems.  I almost exclusively use it for EVA struts and SEP Science stuff.

I've been using the Konstruction! ports even longer.  Sometimes for assembly, but really mostly for the forced alignment when docking.  No major issues with that one either.  I've used these two mods in conjunction many, many times.

This... is weird though.  Just launched this craft straight into Kerbol orbit without orbiting Kerbin first.  The idea here is to detach, spin around, re-dock, EVA, connect links, get back on board, then to freeze Jeb for his long trip to Dres.  Undocking goes fine, re-docking goes fine, getting out goes fine, but when I connect the first link, the ship separates.... not by undocking, but by dissolving the link between the Konstruction! Docking Port Jr. and the MK1 command pod.  Almost as if they're pushed apart.  I'll get a video uploaded if need be.  I've done this twice now, with identical results.




Log (I hope I have the right one this time): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByNnawSf7zdIM21vMUhOcFZSYjg

GameData folder:


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Update: After remembering I did recently update to KIS 1.7, I reverted back to 1.5 (which is what I had been using before) and got the same results.

If I let go of the pod before attaching the struts, I'm able to attach all 4, but the ship shakes on attaching the first one.  This has never happened before, and I've been able to attach struts while holding onto the ship and floating about just fine.

After attaching all 4, I grab back onto the pod...


And it instantly separates again.

I took a short video of the separation:


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13 minutes ago, nascarlaser1 said:

since the docking port seems glitched/looks funny after separation, could it be that the game still thinks they are 1 ship? otherwise I'm out of ideas (haven't used those struts before since I  don't dock anything).

Definitely two ships.  They drift apart normally, struts won't attach, and I can switch between them.

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