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LOAD CRAFT screen search box

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LOAD  CRAFT screen should have a SEARCH function....

e.g. a box where I can type "LKO" and see all the ships I saved with the word "LKO" in the name.... 

or "Station"

or "base" ..


you get the idea.


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Maybe it should, but personally I never have that many ships in that list that I need a search.

Also, they are organized alphabetically, so if you use a system for the names (I use the destination at the first word - e.g. Duna, Mun, Jool) then ships are easy to find.

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There were a lot of threads suggesting all sorts of search features for the game, all of them would be useful, craft search, savegame search, tracking station search etc etc. The only one we currently have is part search in the editor, which is less than useful for me personally.

People need it, but there are so signs of implementing it in near future, at least not that we know of.

Or is there a mod for that?

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  On 10/9/2017 at 1:42 PM, JonathanPerregaux said:

I have enough ships now that I'm losing track of which ones have landing legs, wheels, chutes, probe cores, whatever.


I'm still for search functionality, but maybe you should change your naming scheme? Or do some additions to current names, eg. I have three similar rockets, one is simply called Brykieta Mk4, then there is Mk4D - this one has docking port, then there is also Mk4R - with recoverable first stage. Mundownik Mk4 is unmanned lander, Mk4K is manned.

Just saying though

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