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Most magical moments in your KSP


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, hands down this moment:


This was the first time I found one of the great Mun arches, and also right after writing my first Emiko chapter... and not really knowing what to do next. I had just seen one of these surprise proposals on TV (can't remember on  what show now) but I thought it would be fun to write about... so I whipped up a custom flag quick, sent up a second ship, and managed to land right near the arch... and the rest was history. I wrote up the second chapter... my first attempt at anything romantic... which then inspired me to write the third chapter... and it got kind of crazy after that...

But it all started with a surprise proposal under a Mun arch... still my favorite moment and screenshot...  :)

Oh... FYI... she said yes...


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For me, it was a Minmus landing.  But not the first.

It was early in my science save; I was still doing landings with a Mk. 1 Command Pod on top of a two-stage lander, 400 tanks and Terriers, landing legs on the descent stage, RCS, and extra batteries.  I'd landed on the Mun a couple times, tipped over the lander and managed to get it upright again, and then it was time to go to Minmus.  First landing, on the Flats, was really not too difficult -- face it, you could probably land a pogo stick with a couple Estes motors on it on Minmus.

The second Minmus landing was a whole different deal.  I was trying to land close to the abandoned descent stage and flag -- but those landmarks were in the dark when I got there (which was when I really noticed that Minmus isn't tide-locked like the Mun and Ike).  Well, it was either wait almost three days in orbit around Minmus, or try to land anyway.  In a lander that wasn't fitted with lights.

Well, there's the nav ball, and there's the altimeter (which, conveniently, reads from the level of the Flats on Minmus), and there's the velocity display.  It's dead flat all around there.

We can do this.

I set up the descent trajectory by watching the resultant orbit of my deorbit maneuver node (forgot to compensate for Minmus's rotation, but it's slow enough it wasn't a deal breaker), setting it as nearly as I could to right on top of the flag marker.  Made the deorbit burn.  Watched the nav ball, altimeter, and velocity (remembered to set velocity to surface about halfway down).  Didn't yet have Better Burn Time, but did have a lot of extra fuel in the descent stage, so I eased down.  I discovered when I got down to ten meters altitude or so that the engine itself casts a little light -- not enough to really see anything, but almost as good as the shadow of the lander for judging final landing.  By that time, I had the flag in visual range, and had a distance reading on it.

My second landing on Minmus, ever, was a mere forty meters from the first.  In the dark.  With no lights on the lander, and no lights on the surface.

That was the moment I realized this game was not just playable, but could be mastered.

I'm not there yet, but I know where "there" is.

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