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IGN and Giant Bomb take a look at KSP!


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Well, if it gets too popular, then you may start attracting unsavoury types to the forum. Oh well. If that happens, I will personally chase them away. You have my word.

On mine honour, I vow to exterminate each and every person of an unsavoury disposition that enters this sacred place!

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Giant Bomb are really entertainers first and foremost. And what they produced was a very entertaining video. Here's everything you need to know about Giant Bomb Flight Club summed up in one video:
Such a great video. That P-51D Mustang crash at the end gets me every time.
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I'm glad KSP got covered by giantbomb. Otherwise I would have never found it.

How did other people discover KSP?

I found KSP from the steam forums for Microsoft Flight ...as MS have discontinued development of Flight people were suggesting alternatives and one guy mentioned KSP ...so I took a look at it, loved it, bought it and have been LIVING like a Kerbal ever since. I have also been promoting KSP wherever I can and hope that it grows as a result, but retains it's sandboxey self.

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I found KSP from the steam forums for Microsoft Flight ...as MS have discontinued development of Flight people were suggesting alternatives and one guy mentioned KSP ...so I took a look at it, loved it, bought it and have been LIVING like a Kerbal ever since. I have also been promoting KSP wherever I can and hope that it grows as a result, but retains it's sandboxey self.

Flight was complete garbage anyways. They should have just kept making Flight Simulators, with that crap-heap on the side.

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