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Why are people against mods?

Goddess Bhavani

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Against mods here because as a console player with an eggbox I have enough trouble playing the basic game, never mind the mods I can't use

*spits dummy*


Otherwise I'd be experimenting with as many as possible and cursing that I lacked the time to have a go at writing one

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On 25-11-2017 at 9:18 AM, Francois424 said:

You get used to things, and if you're like me you also adjust mods so they fit your needs... say installing near future solar/propulsion but modifying ISP on the engines to not be too good and the likes.  To be redone when the mod updates.

If you make a MM patch to change these specs (and don't stick that in the same folder as NF), you don't need to change anythnig when the mod updates. i have tons of these patches to change existing parts and clone new ones for my own game play, and unless there is a change in the actual functioning of the part there is no need to update anything. i think I have over 100 patch files running and there is nearly no maintenance.


re OP: I love mods, I would not play KSP anymore without some of my favorite modders like ShadowMage, Nertea, Angel125, CobaltWolf, RoverDude and many more. I like realistic looking ships, not the stock gumby-meets-lego style of parts (just my opinion), so I rely on mods like SSTU, NearFuture etc to put that sparkle in my eye. Mods make this game so much more awesome than it already is on it's own. I've not played a game as much as I have KSP, thanks to the mods.

The largest group of people that don't like mods are most likely people that are not savy to installing or maintaining them. There is CKAN to help them out but even this could be off-putting to people who are only used to installing their game. People using a lot of mods are ussualy able to go into config files and get a general idea of what is happening and how to change stuff.

Then, ofcourse, the vanilla-snobs that feel using any mod is downright cheating, as if that is possible in a single player sandbox game like KSP. It's about having fun building stuff and exploring the mechanics of orbital flight,or even just blowing stuff up. If you like to make that as hard as possible, or as real as possible, or as easy as possible then that is your right to do so. Mods can help in that regard as there is something for everyone.

Haters gonna hate.

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