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Comms Delay


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Hey Kerbies,

I apologize if there is already a post about this, I couldn't find it when I did a quick search.


Does any one know of a mod or method to add delay to a radio signal? I'm trying to implement a after school program using KSP for my local schools and REALLY want to expose the kids to time delay communications the farther the get away from Kerbin. Working on a mission control/Pilot setup. Any thoughts would be awesome!


Thanks in advance!!

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OH la la! Thanks

I'm looking for something that will let them actually talk to each other, ala the Martian. So when the pilot asks for some info or something there is a delay before he gets a reply....from the kid sitting next to him lol. I'd really want to them to be able to wear headsets and for the mission controller to have access to all the maps and telemetry so that they have to talk to the pilot and work as a team to complete the mission. Obviously this would only be an issue if they were real far apart.

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On 11/16/2017 at 11:59 AM, Jerec81 said:

Hey Kerbies,

I apologize if there is already a post about this, I couldn't find it when I did a quick search.


Does any one know of a mod or method to add delay to a radio signal? I'm trying to implement a after school program using KSP for my local schools and REALLY want to expose the kids to time delay communications the farther the get away from Kerbin. Working on a mission control/Pilot setup. Any thoughts would be awesome!


Thanks in advance!!

Hi @Jerec81, could you clarify your question, please?

Are you trying to have multiple players communicating within KSP, or simulate it externally?

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Hey Nightside,

So yes to both...kind of.....


Basically I want to get the kids to work in pairs to build ships and execute a given mission. 

One would work as the flight controller / Mission control, the other would be the pilot. Each would take turns. 


I'm working on a solution for hardware that will output the telemetry and other data to a panel for the mission controller to see and work with. But a key piece for say landing on Minmus would be the communications delay between Mission control and the pilot. Updates on fuel levels or excessive speed while trying to land. I'm working on making good "reasons" to communicate since normally playing KSP it's just you and you controlling everything. 

I've seen some really cool control panels that work off of telemetry from the game, buttons to stage or open solar panels, throttle, all the stuff you would do on a keyboard. 

I'd really love for the pilots nav ball to not have node or maneuver data on it and he has to relay on the mission controller to tell him heading, angle and thrust times.....Pie in the sky maybe....but soooooo cool

Maybe I just need a hardware solution....a Pi or Arduino between two headsets that just adds a delay based on distance from Kerbin....?

I know time delay isn't a real integral part but I think it will help immerse the kids in the situation, help is pretty far away, better plan ahead, kind of deal.

I'm quickly getting out of my element here.....  :)

Edited by Jerec81
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dGreat idea @Jerec81, KSP has a way of getting people to think big! There are a few I've seen around the forums but haven't played with much myself that might get you part way there. It wouldn't be hard to remove the SAS functionality for pilots or probe cores and make it like a Level 0 pilot that has to constantly hold the controls.

If you haven't found it yet check out the external tools part of the forum: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/35-tools-and-applications/

Maybe not quite what your are looking for, but still interesting.


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