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Exploreation of cosmonotics chapter 5 where are we?


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hint to what i am using for planets :) nice pack @Gameslinx :D 

welcome to THE space program idea i have commited too a sandbox, youtube silent series of my latest endevours (UNCUT) (nope OBS hates the new PC so imigur all the way!) instaid of pictures which i dont understand how on the current forums 

the goals:

to explore laythe for other life forms 

to allow for long term exploration goals like a long time in LKO

stress test my new PC (yes this is a goal)

test new means of space stuff



a long time ago the early perhistoric kerbals, looked up they seen purple green and red they wondered what they were after which kobal communications were set up the smartest relocated to the peninsula that we now call the KSC these group of clever kerbals had an idea which the smartest of which robert koddard created a rocket using the pendulum effect. it failed then later he tried putting the engine nozzle at the bottom it worked but got unstable while transonic being coined by gene kerman, this was a great leap forward but the kerbals hadnt realised wings would help at first they tried wings at the top it failed and toppled over at 200 k/s (keters per second) 


this was in 100 KD in 110 KD after 10 years of intense kresearch and krevelopment they found out that wings at the top will stabalise the craft comeing into the atmosphere but when going out it wont work so they put wings on the same rocket at the bottom it reached mach 1.2 and exploded the kerbals were confused so a smart kerbal his nickname lord kerbin decided to launch a rocket himself with a thermomiter aboard and the heat was very hot 1000 degrees kelcius then it exploded so he wrote these words:

"if we put a material which will ablate away through means of disapearing through heat we will have a sucsessful rocket"

they attempted the change and suprise suprise it failed the SRB failed (yes i see you smiling @Plecy75) they took 5 years in working out cause of failure.

they gave up and launched again it worked this time which is the same moment bob got scared and shouted "WHAT IF IT GOES BOOM!" this invisaged jeb to quickly sketch a "boom stopper" coined by bob of course, a piece of fabric designed to CREATE DRAG gene was furious saying IT NEEDS TO BE AERODYNAMIC HONESTLY JEB WHY jeb tested it out without any ground clearence of course he was in trouble from the KSC owner however it worked so the punisment wasnt needed then jeb asked why not put me in a tin can everyone thought that jeb was crazy this is the continuation of that story...


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^ pictures (link)

Jebediah kerman takes flight on the KS 1 "space craft" with a jet engine... yeah i know right kerbals have a way with names right :D well the kerbal Science Foundation (KSF) agrees but they gained valuble data in creating the first Bi propellant engine, meanwhile in the propultion department of the R&D facility scientists have developed the first Mono propellant booster a solid one! 

(just dont tell plecy!) 

they are heard stating to the administrator:

"although we dont see this technology getting onto manned flights i'll see what valentina or jebediah thinks on that matter"

in the space plane hangar adrian kerman has been working on the latest engine test tech including the first Bi-Prop engine the LV-909

in other news the space programmes chef scout has scouted 10 kerbalnauts with 6 manned missions currently planned which the parramiters of can be found in the spoiler below 




flight type

crew number


apoapsis (km)

periapsis (km



Kerbspace I

the scott ship



Bill Kerman



kerbstone I


Kerbspace II




Bob Kerman



kerbstone I


Kerbspace III

kerbal girl power



Valentina Kerman



kerbstone I


Kerbspace IV

hullo from orbit



Scott kerman



katlas I


Kerbspace V

alltitude is life insurance



Elishia Kerman



Katlas II


kerbspace IV

all is well if this works



Joeger Kerman



Katlas I


stay tuned for more updates later on!!!

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kerbspace I

mission outcome: failure!!!!

reason: needs more fuel

discription after the guidance cut out bill kerman was unable to save his craft and himself this marks our first fatality in the space program because of this we have to go on his legacy will be a one which propells this space program on to greater goals like landing on laythe 

as scientists figure out how to stop this from happening the latest tech is being researched in the form of an orbital rocket for now kerbspace II-VI are canceled kerbspace V and kerbspace VI are not canceled they are still on track for a launch soonTM   

current maifest:



Kerbspace V

alltitude is life insurance



Elishia Kerman



Katlas II


kerbspace IV

all is well if this works



Joeger Kerman



Katlas I


as for bill kerman his legacy will be a one of trying to get to space the job is dangouous he accepted the risks these are the conciquences that we now face to rebuild the space program


mission outcome: success!

duration: 2.23 days

crew: Eleisha Kerman


roceket: katlas I

capsule kerbal girl power

during this mission scientists predict that within 5 years we can get a kerbal in a space station to be there for 1 whole year, 425 days so our chef designer, Whener von kerman set to work on designing spacecraft that can stay in orbit for a lot longer and will have a capacity of atleast 2 kerbals as stated in the design breif also with 200 days of life support our other designers designed a docking port they named clamp o' tron in our other departments mainly the mission planning and coordernation department have made the desision to ground all manned flights until we can have a capsule that can house 2 kerbals meaning that bob, val scott, joeger can get their flights however jebediah has been getting stressed lately unable to convince the mission planning board to give him a flight.

we decided to create our new space station stay tuned for more updates also let me know what you think of this report series!

after 10 days the design of the kerbsplorer capsule and rocket had been finalised the finest engineers of kerbin came together at the VAB while the finest flight crews of Valentina, Scott, Joeger and Eleisha kerman was assembled and trained for the most risky mission to date, Kerbsplorer 1 and two in essense was to test the viablity of a space station in low kerbin orbit a test of the finest mathematitions of kerbin, after 1 year kerbsplorer 1 was given the go ahead for launch rolled out to the pad waiting for lift off in only 3 hours the crew of Valentina and Scott kerman boarded the kerbsplorer capsule 1 year after Eleisha, the first kerbal to orbit kerbin had landed at the first crack of dawn the brave kerbanaughts awoke to board the space craft they had a breakfast of orange squash, bacon egg sandwich and cookies they walked out to KSC 01 the launch pad for kerbsplorer 1, destined for the history book when inside Scott came out with this elaberate quote "flight have you checked yo' stagin'?" now during this year between Eleisha's first flight and this flight Bob asked the administrators if he could swap with Eleisha to be on the first station flight if Kerbsplorer 1&2 was successful they agreed and later that day jebediah wined at the administratiors how he couldn't go on Kerbsplorer 1 or 2 they said "look, jeb if you are pacient and we will give you a flight on the first expedition on station how does that sound?" he agreed thus the manifest of kerbals was set we havent talked about the other 4 kerbals havent we, they basicaly got booted off for not trying hard enough thinking that this was a holiday  after 433 days since the space programs creation the fourth manned flight and the most complex by a country mile this was the defnining moment a make or break endevour for the program 

then came the final terminal count call...


"ok all flight controllers stand by for terminal count"





















ok all set stand by for launch...

to be continued...

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launch debreif:

the craft lifted off successfully and made its way into orbit acctualy getting into orbit before the apoapsis was in possition the first and second stages worked better than anyone expected  right now valentina and scott are orbiting kerbin waiting for kerbsplorer 2 to launch with Eleisha and Joeger to rendezvous with the kerbsplorer 1 spacecraft and then dock after witch the four kerbals will be in that configuration for half a day after witch Scott and Valentina will head home while Kerbsplorer 2 will stay in orbit for another 3 days before de orbiting and comeing home 

given the circumstances the crew of Kersporer II were told to come home and as they did designers and engineers bodged an entire space craft to stick on the launcher origanaly intended for Kersplorer 3 but since that isn't viable for the stabliity, the agency isn't going to let Valentina and Scott die in orbit because failure is not an option!  this launch was acctualy so urgant the press wasnt avalable so they couldnt photograph the launch but it went nominaly our star kerbonaught Elisha kerman was up to the task to save her fellow kerbonaughts scott and valentina they docked within an hour of launch and transfered half an hour later, they deorbited quickly to stop the kerbals from feeling home sick after all they had been away for the better part of around a week...


chapter 4 - learning

50 days after the landing of the rescue mission 5 craft have been up to build the KSS flying at an altitude of 286km, the program is ready to send up its first mission in 10 days with a crew of jebediah, bob and Elisha kerman to go to space for 212.5 days half a year, the flight that will lift off in 200 days with a crew of Joeger, scott and a first time space flyer, Kerman Kerman.

also we have set out our plans to launch Jool probes in the next few years with a Mun flight sometime in the next 10 years!!! exciting times right

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chapter 5 Where are we?

this is the first time the kerbals realised of an astoroid about to hit with no time to save it looks like our poor kerbals are about to be wiped out, so what do they do, nothing. but it appears as if this object is weird it has 8 tenticals and a head, in the libary of kerbon it seems as if this is the kraken, yes basicaly what im saying here that kerbin had a kraken attack only a few kerbals remain on kerbin and thus ends the shortest chapter in this series

chapter 6 rebuilding kerbin

to be continued


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