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We Who Witnessed [Chapter XIII - "New Beginnings"]


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Chapter XI


The wind rustled the golden-brown autumn leaves and they gently fluttered to the ground. Lucy shivered pulled her sweater closer as the breeze curled through her clothes. Her blonde hair was loose, and it was tousled as she walked. Lucy was only ten, but because her house was only three blocks from her school, her parents let her walk home by herself. She went to private school, which was located in a fairly-rich neighborhood. She enjoyed her small trip home, and listened to the different songs from birds located in the trees. For a fifth grader, she was intellectually ahead of her peers, but she didn't want to advance a grade for fear of being bullied. 

As Lucy rounded the final block to her home, she heard an odd sound coming from the nearby hedge-grow. It wasn't an animal sound, so Lucy put her backpack down and knelt down to investigate. She reached into her skirt pocket and procured a small flashlight, something that she always carried on her. People thought it was funny that a ten year old left her house without forgetting this small item, but Lucy swore by its use. What her eyes met was the most astonishing thing that she had ever seen. On the grass behind the bushes was a very small green ring, glowing and slowly spinning. 

"Looks like something out of my fantasy books," Lucy figured. "Definitely not something you would expect to see..."

Of course, her curiosity got the best of her and she crawled through an opening in the hedge. Gingerly peering into the hole, which reminded her of a portal, she was amazed to see grass on the other side. It was so close she could touch it. Mesmerized, Lucy began to reach into the glowing hole, and as her arm reached the other side, she could physically feel each individual blade of grass. The dew on each blade made her hand damp. Testing a theory that she had made, Lucy tried to pick one of the blades. It came out easily, just like the grass she was kneeling in. With a freshly picked piece in her hand, she compared it to the vegetation she was sitting in. It looked the same, minus a very profound purple streak through the blade that she had just plucked. 

"If I can put my hand in and out, why can't I put my whole body in?"

Now she was more confident in this mysterious object, and decided to lower her legs into the hole. She found that by sitting on the edge, she was able to sit with her upper half in the normal world, and her lower half dangling into this newly discovered dimension. After sitting like this for about five minutes, meticulously examining the specimen of grass that she had just procured, Lucy decided to take the plunge and she lowered herself into the field. 

Landing on the grass, she looked up and could clearly see clouds through the opening. Brushing herself off, Lucy surveyed her surroundings. She was in a field with rolling hills, dusted with the occasional tree. However, it didn't seem to be fall here in this world, it appeared to be spring. Hearing a distant rumbling sound, Lucy whirled around to see what appeared to be a spacecraft slowly making its way into orbit. She was captivated by the sight, having only ever heard about rockets. She had never seen one in person before. Lucy had always been in love with spaceflight, especially the 1969 Moon landings. She had watched launches on the television, but being able to see one first-hand was an amazing experience for her. 

Just as it disappeared through the clouds, Lucy began feeling light headed. She grasped her forehead and then collapsed to the ground. As she blacked out, the portal above her began to close...

Edited by Lo Var Lachland
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Chapter XII


"Yesss ... yesss ... everything is going according to plan. Thisss, thisss isss exactly as I wanted," 
the being hissed, and like a snake, slithered over to his vantage point of the Kerbol system.
Opening his mouth he spoke again.
"Jussst a few more yearssss until my goal is completed. Thessse Kerbals ..."
He spat on the ground and continued.
"Thessse Kerbals will never sssee it coming."

The beast called for one of his subordinates and, looking out over the pristine view of Kerbin and Kerbol, addressed him.
"Prepare my ssship for launch. I want to sssee my alliesss in thisss grand endeavor. And get me our prisoner, I mussst talk to him."

Obeying for fear of personal harm, the soldier slank away into the shadows, moving quickly and deliberately to fulfill his leader's needs. 
After he had left, the creature turned around and flipped on a large projection screen, which was situated in the middle of a large dark room, overseeing the Kerbol system. It had Ancient Greek-esque furniture, but it had been carved from a dark green stone, one that made a subtle glow. This glow now showed the contoured figure of the large serpent-looking monster. It was a deep green with tentacles that dragged behind it, a lighter green in shade. It had a huge beak in the center of these tentacles, and on either side were eyes the size of two Kerbals in width. Some would call it a repulsive thing that resembled a squid. But this creature was more than a simple sea creature.

The screen flickered and a creature that appeared to be something with a human shape but with a taller and thinner build, as well being colored of an olive-green shade bowed to his knee. Looking up, he began, "My Kraken, our forces are ready and awaiting your order. Earth has almost collided with Kerbin entirely. The KSC and various other countries have taken substantial damage. When do you require us to make our advance?"

The Kraken looked back at Kerbol, and, keeping his gaze away from the alien figure, responded.
"Not yet, my grand plan mussst be completed before you move your men into their attacking posssitions. Don't worry General, you will get your chance."

"Yes my Kraken."
The screen de-materialized and the Kraken ordered one of his soldiers to open his viewing gate. All at once what used to be dark and gloomy became a dazzling dance of light flooding the vast circular room. As the ray entered the window, it filled a stained-glass window behind the Kraken. The window was a perfect replication of the Kerbol system, with every planet and moon colored the proper shade and each asteroid numbered and labeled. The large ruler now moved to the wide glass-structure and took in a deep breath. Looking at one of his guards, he motioned out to the space beyond. Hissing, he began on a diatribe against his most hated race. 

"Thisss, thisss is the promisssed land that I have assssured you of. Each one of you, you will get thisss in the future. Once thessse ... Kerbals,  thossse blasted moronic mortal beingsss, have been ... dissssposssed of. They do not know what true ... power isss. They think ... power ... issss interplanetary travel. They think that ... power is being able to harnessss the Sssun's rays. They do not know what a God of my magnitude can do to them. Once I am done with them they will know power no more, ssssince they will not exissst. And thessse ... Humans ... who think they are the primary race ... I will dissspose of them asss well, and take their planet in my name asss well. In the name ... OF THE KRAKEN!!"

The guard who was listening to this monologue dropped his weapon in fright when the Kraken said this final statement, and the Godly being whirled around.

"Fool! Do you not have control of your own handsss? Mortal beingsss, I ssshould have never usssed you asss my army. Lucky for you I need you. Remember that next time."

The soldier's lip quivered, and he dropped to the ground. 

"Please o' Kraken, have pity on me, I am only a lowly soldier. I did not mean any harm, it was the surprise that prompted this response."

"You mussst learn that pleading for mercy will not work. Thank your lucky ssstars that I have a ussse for you. If not I would sssshoot you into the cold expanssse of ssspace. Return to your possst."

Trembling, the man picked up his weapon and stood back at attention and clutched his lance with more vigor, careful not to drop it once again. 
Disgusted, the Kraken left the room, spitting at the soldier's feet. 

"Unidentified Landing Pad, Somewhere In Space"

"The Kraken has arrived."

"Good, I will go meet him. Prep the Actium for launch."
Pilot Jorcal Kerman exited the flight deck and de-boarded the large, sleek transport. Kneeling at the Kraken's feet, Jorcal smiled and, still kneeling, greeted his leader. 

"I, Jorcal Kerman, hereby do swear to serve my Kraken however long I may live. My true Lord, my true Savior, my true redemption. I leave all behind and only serve you as your humble servant. May I always listen and obey you in everything I do. May I never sway from the true path, so help me, oh Kraken. Have mercy on my mortal soul, I am but a tiny creature in this large universe shaped by your true awesomeness. May I welcome you, my Lord, to the regal transport vessel Actium."

The Kraken nodded, as best as a tentacled being can nod, and looked over the spacecraft in admiration.

"Good, good. Thank you for the introduction, I am happy to sssee that sssome Kerbalsss with common sssenssse have decided to join my caussse. The Ssship is beautiful, ssshow my my cabin."

Motioning to the giant boarding ramp, Jorcal led the Kraken on board and to his quarters, a room much decorated like the one he had just been in. However, this one had white trim around the green furniture and a large window that gave the Kraken view to the outside. 

"Yesss, thisss will work. Tell the Pilot to ssset a course for Vopra. I need to ssspeak with my ... compatriotsss. I do not care how long it will take, jussst get me to the planet."

The Kraken's guard bowed and returned to the corridor, while the mighty creature settled down for a long nap, mumbling the same words over and over again in a hypnotic trance. 

"The time will come, the time will come, the time will ... come ... the ti... ill... co ..."



Edited by Lo Var Lachland
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