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[1.10] Luna multiplayer (LMP) - Beta


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/25/2019 at 10:10 PM, NotConor said:

I have a question, is it possible for me and a friend to have a space race in science mode where we try to unlock x technology first or travel to planet y before the other person can? It would be great if you could respond.


All science gain is shared. You could still do a race to reach Eve, etc but unlocking the parts would be collaborative.

If you're looking for a competition but still want a challenge you can start a science mode with ~2500-3000 science for your initial parts unlock and set the science gain multiplier down to 0.01. You won't be able to research new parts and will have to make do with mid-tier equipment.

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  On 2/28/2019 at 3:21 AM, NotConor said:

I have another question; can me and a friend build a craft at the same time?


There is a Library available to save your craft builds to share them. You could start a craft and save it in the Library and let your friend add to it then he/she could save it and you add to it and so on....

Edited by Castille7
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  • 2 weeks later...

This mod has got me back playing KSP like I was back in the alpha days! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Alas, I have come across a game breaking issue that I hope may be remedied with a settings adjustment. Now, when I launch my craft from the space center or from the VAB it will explode before loading and I find my probe hurtling toward the sun. It only happened occasionally when the universe was new, now it's every time and, especially when I'm logging in remote from the server.  We only have a few vessel out. It seems exacerbated when loading a rocket with a lot of parts. Initially, I was able to stop it from halting the program (when the game locks up it seems to trigger the explosion) by accelerating very slowly, which I think helped by creating fewer particle effects and putting less demand on memory and processing. Is this something that can be helped by increasing or decreasing the MTU or by changing the vessel sync interval or some other server side setting? Any ideas? Please let me know. 

Thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/27/2018 at 11:30 AM, Dagger said:

Latest version (0.17.0) should fix most of those issues I can't guarantee that is 100% stable but it contains a fix for a nasty bug that existed on LMP since the beginning and may have caused that behaviour


Cant believe i missed this. Thanks for replying i'll check it out. ☺

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

We just tried the latest version of LMP with KSP 1.7.1 to see how well it worked. For the most part things work pretty well considering! But let me report some weirdness for posterity:

EVA. With each player launching and rendezvousing two separate ships piloted by 1 kerbal, everything went more or less smoothly. But then we tried to do an EVA to swap ships. It couldn't be done. When you EVA any kerbals from your ship, a representation of the EVA kerbal does appear for the other player, but no kerbals are removed from the ship on the other players computer. This means other plays are not able to board your empty ship. If you manage to return to your ship things work normally. But if for some reason you don't, this half empty / half full ship can't be boarded. If you attempt to switch to the half empty ship you will see a half missing kerbal portait! Also during the EVA the kerbal roster in astronaut complex begins to show the kerbal as available as well as assigned.

Ladders are quite fickle, moving or not. A kerbal doing fine on a ladder on one machine may be clipping through and applying excessive forces to the craft on the other machine. Grabbing a ladder at all with atmosphere was not accepted, F bounces you away.

Parachute graphics don't show for other players, but fortunately the parachute forces do apply to the ship.

The safety bubble. Other players can't spectate your ship from the tracking station when your craft begins on the launch pad or on the runway, but if you move slightly then they can, even before leaving the safety bubble. Would be convenient to spectate any time.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there.

My friend and I love this game and are really excited about the concept of playing it together and flying side by side, doing missions etc.

However, whenever we play either I can see him in real time and he can't see me at all or he can see me and he is appearing 5 minutes in the past doing all the stuff he was doing then but he can see me no problem in real time.

We both end up chasing his past self (even though he can't see himself)

I would really like a fix for this so we can play together in real time.

Hope someone can help 

Edited by Fwashy
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/14/2019 at 9:02 PM, CreepinJesus said:

This mod has got me back playing KSP like I was back in the alpha days! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Alas, I have come across a game breaking issue that I hope may be remedied with a settings adjustment. Now, when I launch my craft from the space center or from the VAB it will explode before loading and I find my probe hurtling toward the sun. It only happened occasionally when the universe was new, now it's every time and, especially when I'm logging in remote from the server.  We only have a few vessel out. It seems exacerbated when loading a rocket with a lot of parts. Initially, I was able to stop it from halting the program (when the game locks up it seems to trigger the explosion) by accelerating very slowly, which I think helped by creating fewer particle effects and putting less demand on memory and processing. Is this something that can be helped by increasing or decreasing the MTU or by changing the vessel sync interval or some other server side setting? Any ideas? Please let me know. 

Thanks again.


 Having this exact same problem. Did you manage to find a fix for it? (Edit) FIxed it for medium sized ship by turning on "auto increase MTU" Larger vessels still freezing up and exploding.

Edited by Talavar
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The "accelerating" behaviour happens when your computer can't handle the graphics and then LMP forces the game to run at a higher speed. Next version has a part limit count setting on the server. This will avoid players from spawning vessels with million part count and then getting very low FPS.

Bear in mind that KSP is not prepared for multiplayer and this mod is just a proof of concept. To really make it multiplayer the physiscs should be handled server-side but that would be way too much work

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  On 7/17/2019 at 3:09 PM, Dagger said:

Bear in mind that KSP is not prepared for multiplayer and this mod is just a proof of concept. To really make it multiplayer the physiscs should be handled server-side but that would be way too much work


 Heya Dagger, everything seems to be working fantastic. The only problem we (my brother and I) have encountered is the ships acting erratic on the launchpad. They actually get warped underground in some cases.. other times, it spawns the ship at 1 Kilometer, on stabilizers, ready to launch (hilarious looking actually..lol)... Other times, the game will load in, and act normal for about 5-10 seconds, then the ship will randomly explode for no reason, even after liftoff. It only happens directly around the KSC. This is resolved by turning off LMP, as i've tested launching the ship in the same game without LMP enabled. We started with the latest version of KSP and current mod version, then reverted to 1.6.1 . Same issues in both version.  Is there a setting that we can tweak to help out with this, or is this just something we have to deal with for the time being? Any help or info would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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just wanted to say how great this is and how easy it was to get setup and working.

both server and client...

really well done to all who have worked on this.

I look forward to lots a great times with this.

thanks for your great work.

Edited by drtedastro
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  On 7/18/2019 at 9:59 PM, Talavar said:

 Heya Dagger, everything seems to be working fantastic. The only problem we (my brother and I) have encountered is the ships acting erratic on the launchpad. They actually get warped underground in some cases.. other times, it spawns the ship at 1 Kilometer, on stabilizers, ready to launch (hilarious looking actually..lol)... Other times, the game will load in, and act normal for about 5-10 seconds, then the ship will randomly explode for no reason, even after liftoff. It only happens directly around the KSC. This is resolved by turning off LMP, as i've tested launching the ship in the same game without LMP enabled. We started with the latest version of KSP and current mod version, then reverted to 1.6.1 . Same issues in both version.  Is there a setting that we can tweak to help out with this, or is this just something we have to deal with for the time being? Any help or info would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!


Hmmm I don't know exactly what could be the reason as I didn't see it locally. Please fill a bug report with the server files, vessels, steps to reproduce etc on github (https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/issues) so I can reproduce it locally.

If I cant see the error on my computer is almost impossible for me to fix it

Edited by Dagger
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  On 7/19/2019 at 12:10 PM, Dagger said:

Hmmm I don't know exactly what could be the reason as I didn't see it locally. Please fill a bug report with the server files, vessels, steps to reproduce etc on github (https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/issues) so I can reproduce it locally.

If I cant see the error on my computer is almost impossible for me to fix it


 Sorry for the late reply. We've come to the conclusion that it was (other)mod related, interfering with LUNA.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've been having an issue. For some reason, on the server I started up, vessels just... Teleport 650,000km into space whenever they make contact with a planetary body or enter an atmosphere. I don't know if it's something with the mods I've been using, or something else entirely, but whenever it happens there are three red rings on the X, Y, and Z axis, and the launched vessel is always on one of the rings, and the ring it's on is offset from the others. I'm extremely confused as to why this is happening. I'll fill in a bug report later, but it seems to be related to, if not the same, issue that Talavar was having, albeit on a more extreme level.

Edit: It seems that both/either Kopernicus/Vesselmover contribute to the issue, but without them, I'm still teleported 600m up whenever I touch the ground or go below said teleportation altitude, on all planetary bodies. I think it may have to do with plugin-related mods, but I don't have any experience with this kind of thing, so I'm likely wrong.

Edited by Kebab Kerman
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, just started working with your LMP mod, looks awesome! Couple questions.

Some friends and I are looking to run a server in a "competitive" mode, i.e. career where nothing is shared and where you can't take over each others' ships. Is this possible?


1) Can you run a career mode with each player having their own funds/science/reputation?

2) Can you prevent players from controlling the ships of other players?

3) Can you prevent players from destroying the ships of other players?

4) Can you restrict comm-net to only function for the player that owns the comm sats?

5) Can you restrict players from docking with another players' ship and/or transferring resources to/from it?

6) Can you disable craft file sharing, so each player just keeps their own local craft files/library with no limits?

7) Can you prevent contracts from being shared?

8) Can each player have their own roster of kerbals?

Essentially, we want to have each player with their own space program, but with everything synced so we can "race" each other to different destinations, milestones, etc. Perhaps allow docking/transferring with permission of the ship's owner, but that's about it. Is anything like this possible?


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