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Skunk Works presents..


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9 hours ago, AdmiralSirJohn said:

I  like it!

I wonder, any plans for later era ships?  Or earlier?


If you're interested in fan designs, you're welcome to a couple of mine...

Originally we were working on a game similar to FASA's Star Trek Tactical Simulation, but plans stalled, so now I use the Kerbal Game to test the feasibility of some if the ships.

I'm interested in knowing what models you have?

Stinky Ace

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On 25-1-2018 at 1:50 AM, StinkyAce said:

Ok GUys, I have been asked for this one, So here it is....


The Imperial Star Destroyer....


This sucker is TITAN




https://spacedock.info/mod/1677/TITAN CLASS SHIP 1





@StinkyAce really love the design and even in .5 scale it is impressive (not yet reversed it to 2 scale) But i have a question. the turbolasers wont work in my game. i have the green pointer which correspond with bdarmory, but the turbolasers wont fire and wont move (that last one isn't as important as the first and i don't know if thats even possible). i have all the required mods as stated is the textdocument. Can you help me with this one? 

again, love this one!

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17 minutes ago, Blackent1 said:

@StinkyAce really love the design and even in .5 scale it is impressive (not yet reversed it to 2 scale) But i have a question. the turbolasers wont work in my game. i have the green pointer which correspond with bdarmory, but the turbolasers wont fire and wont move (that last one isn't as important as the first and i don't know if thats even possible). i have all the required mods as stated is the textdocument. Can you help me with this one? 

again, love this one!

Hmmm, did you add powercells? Also that's release all the batteries fire forward, but now I have figured out turrets and am implementing them..

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9 minutes ago, StinkyAce said:

Hmmm, did you add powercells? Also that's release all the batteries fire forward, but now I have figured out turrets and am implementing them..

*sigh* of course! I forgot the powercells XD I instantly destroyed some kerbel scum :wink: Much thanks for the quick respons and much love for this awesome ship!

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2 minutes ago, StinkyAce said:

Would ya be interested in becoming a Skunk Works test pilot?

I constantly check if you put new designs online :wink: I would love to be a skunk works test pilot. But a fair warning, i only have basic knowledge of your ships (liftoff and the different engines/landing gear/different propellent and electricity and how to activate them. I assign them to action groups to make it easier :) ) But if that's no problem, i would love to share my findings and experience with you to improve the skunk works ships.

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22 minutes ago, Blackent1 said:

I constantly check if you put new designs online :wink: I would love to be a skunk works test pilot. But a fair warning, i only have basic knowledge of your ships (liftoff and the different engines/landing gear/different propellent and electricity and how to activate them. I assign them to action groups to make it easier :) ) But if that's no problem, i would love to share my findings and experience with you to improve the skunk works ships.

Perfect, I use action groups as well, in example, I have a Cardassian Galore in testing that has 4 dedicated ags for firing arcs. 

The only thing Skunk Works insists on is absolute secrecy on the models. 

We release them when ready.


Your input and advise on improvements are what's needed. How can.we make them better.. so then, I will need a way to deliver the vehicles to you for testing.

And welcome to Skunk Works.

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1 hour ago, StinkyAce said:

Perfect, I use action groups as well, in example, I have a Cardassian Galore in testing that has 4 dedicated ags for firing arcs. 

The only thing Skunk Works insists on is absolute secrecy on the models. 

We release them when ready.


Your input and advise on improvements are what's needed. How can.we make them better.. so then, I will need a way to deliver the vehicles to you for testing.

And welcome to Skunk Works.


I don't know what's the usual way of delivery, but i can easily adept to that. Also, I will never share the models, i will play with them and provide input and advise on the models to you. 

 If i can offer my preference on models, my preference goes to models of the star wars universe. I don't have a problem with testing the Star trek (or other) models, but I know relatively less about it. But i'll leave that up to you. 

Is it wise to continue this conversation somewhere else?

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20 minutes ago, Blackent1 said:


I don't know what's the usual way of delivery, but i can easily adept to that. Also, I will never share the models, i will play with them and provide input and advise on the models to you. 

 If i can offer my preference on models, my preference goes to models of the star wars universe. I don't have a problem with testing the Star trek (or other) models, but I know relatively less about it. But i'll leave that up to you. 

Is it wise to continue this conversation somewhere else?

Private message me.

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  • 2 months later...

I tried out a few of your mods for 1.4. Not sure how op you plan on making em. But i found on most such as shuttles and the arizona/enterprise, crash tolerance is crazy high. I can smash into the ground going 150m/s+ with no effect. I also find the reaction wheels pretty op too. I know its something i could tweak myself but wanted to let you know incase you didnt intend such opness. Models look great btw. The enterprise hull is a bit pixelated. But otherwise looks pretty good. I was a tad dissapointed such a large craft doesnt have a cargo bay or surface attach nodes of some kind. Basically flying a giant command pod lol. But a really sweet looking one at that.

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With the shuttles there is a travel pod and surface docking ports. Attach them to the points on enterprise hull, this gives you docking ports.

As for the OP, yeah i figured future tech, inertial dampeners and such. As for the control wheels, i found the op helps in launch. 


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23 minutes ago, StinkyAce said:

With the shuttles there is a travel pod and surface docking ports. Attach them to the points on enterprise hull, this gives you docking ports.

As for the OP, yeah i figured future tech, inertial dampeners and such. As for the control wheels, i found the op helps in launch. 


Ohh guess i didnt see em. And yea i agree it helps. Its just funny looking seeing a 100t vessel able to rotate like that on kerbin.

Last night i was having fun going 350m/s on ocean water with a shuttle lol. I didnt expect to bounce off the water like it was land after a steep nose dive. Who woulda thought lol


Also i figure its cause they are 'warp drives' but i had to limit throttle to about 1% with MJ to be able to circulize my orbit without a crazy amount overshooting.

Edited by Jesusthebird
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I love your models, thank you for making them.  I also have a ton of models, many Star trek, flying saucers, many others even Voyage to Bottom of Sea etc... Many custom ships that I build for Opensim. But I can't find good information on converting them to  Kerbal.I have some in Blender others in obj/ DAE files, etc.. Any help or point in right direction.

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45 minutes ago, Dr. Boo said:

I love your models, thank you for making them.  I also have a ton of models, many Star trek, flying saucers, many others even Voyage to Bottom of Sea etc... Many custom ships that I build for Opensim. But I can't find good information on converting them to  Kerbal.I have some in Blender others in obj/ DAE files, etc.. Any help or point in right direction.

Unity, thats the basis for making stuff in KSP, if ypu have unity, and understand the basics of modelling, converting them is easy. There are a lot of good modders here that can help.


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