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Map Layer over orbit lines?

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I'm drawing a primitive on the map layer and am trying to get it to show over the item over orbit lines when they intersect.

I got it to work when setting to object to layer 31 which is used for drawing vector lines, but it only works when viewing at a planet level zoom.
If I start to zoom out, when I see that system orbit lines start to be drawn, the object I was able to see, goes invisible.

Is there a property I'm missing to allow this to be viewed at a system zoomed out level? Or might this be something to do with 'when' I'm drawing the object at the BetterLateThanNever update stage.

Edited by wile1411
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It's not (only) a "when" issue but a "with which camera"/"Clipping plane" issue. I had the exact same problem when working the debug lines I posted a few weeks ago 

 The solution is in there but gist is blocked at work so I can't point it out right now :)

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Err. Not sure the code will actually help but the problem is the same. Your item is rendered on by a camera that has a short farclip plane. So it depends on what you use to draw your gizmos

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Thanx once again @sarbian. I haven't even set a camera for what I'm doing as was just using a renderer to draw my procedural primitive. I see where in your example where you set this and will play around with that.

Is there somewhere I can read up on the knowledge I'd need to know on which camera I should use for specific conditions? Also what is the default camera if you don't specify one?

Edit: Actually better question would be is there any difference in the cameras when viewing from Map vs Tracking station?



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It's a bit complex. All KSP point of view uses at least 2 camera. One for the objects that are near and a second one for far objects. The map uses a few more for effect but I don't think you need to bother about there here. JPLRepo has a nice post about the main "camera" there. it is the same for the map/Tracking station cam.

I don't remember how the layers are mapped but you will have to check if  31 is active on both cameras. To get them I guess the easiest way would be to grab PlanetariumCamera.Camera parent and then search for all child Camera. PlanetariumCamera.Camera.transform.parent.getComponentInChildren<Camera>() (or something close)

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Interesting post, thanks.

To get a rough idea about the purpose of each layer check this post :

Edit : @wile1411 try the layer 24 (MapFX), it solve an issue in my mod Antenna Helper, the circle disappearing when zoomed far away.

Edited by Li0n
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