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Too Many Saves Crash

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Having and issue with Kerbal Enhanced Edition for Xbox One

Playing Career Mode, Custom Difficulty.

When I try to save I get a pop up saying "Too Many Saves" in red bold letters followed by "You reached the maximum amount of saves.  Delete some other saves to be able to make new ones." 

This issue occurred in original KSP, however it would ask at that point if you want to overwrite.

This error happens every time, and occasionally causes the game to freeze.

I have Revert Flights turned off and to keep myself from cheating I turned off quickloading as well.  When I try to load a save I get text stating "Loading of saves is not allowed in this game."  This is followed by the game freezing, and the icons at left of KSC disappear from the screen.

Have had several crashes where when attempting to save, return to KSC or return to main menu the game stays at the pause menu and does not do any of those actions.

I would like to know of any work around other than deleing this save file.  My other save file is working fine, but it is only at save #4 or so.

Also Xbox One only gives the option to delete all saved data, not individual save files.  I still have the original game installed as well if this is cause for any interaction.

Thank You


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I'm on xbox also, you shouldn't have to delete your xbox save.

When at ksc press start then load save. You can then delete a few of your saves. 

I personally make a lot of saves before during and after each mission. 

I then purge my saves every so often. Leaving only my new save, the quicksave and most importantly do not delete the persistent save. 

I triggered a save corruption not long into my last career by deleting this

(Atleast thats  what i think caused it)

Hope this helps.

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