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Physics time warp. Xbox enhanced edition

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 Ive just been to land on Gilly and oh my god it is torture not having physics warp.

Can we have some word from the devs when physics time warp will be  fixed for xbox?

This question has been asked numerous times in other posts, but still no comment from the devs.

I would appreciate a " oh we may have overlooked that" at the very least. 

Honesty is better received than burying your head in the sand pretending the problem does not exist.


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2 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

Yes, but no nonphysical time acceleration. Now we have nonphysical time acceleration, but no physical time acceleration. 

FTW on Eggbox had the x1-x4 available at all times, including in space accessible via the controller (on screen doesn't show buttons for it, but showed when it was active), x5 and higher only when not under acceleration in either direction.


Main issue I had with it was one of the two controllers here has an iffy contact on one of the bumpers so often miss hit when trying to trigger it.


It worked fine though, but would have benefitted from the ability to customise the controls (specifically a key thats is "return to x1 NOW!" that is only active under acceleration, and is a key that doesn't have a horrid effect normally

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