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[1.12.x] Click Through Blocker - NEW DEPENDENCY


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First of all, just want to tell you how much I appreciate you. Every time I come back to KSP I see you still working on mods, thank you so much.

Now, I am having the issue reported above that the settings on my click through blocker aren't saving. I used CKAN to install my mods.

Here's my Player log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gq9nc2orqpbeols/Player.log?dl=0

What I'm doing: 

1. Start at KSC

2. Enter Settings -> Difficulty-> Click through blocker

3. Toggle follow mouse to click setting

4. Click Accept->Apply->Resume

5.Enter VAB, or quit game and reload

6.Settings reverted to follow mouse.


Additionally I tried changing the cfg from false to true, but my game wouldn't load. Verified game files, reinstalled CTB. It loaded, but I was having the same issue.


If you need anything else let me know. Also, hopefully got the reporting rules down. First post, I think ever.

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Just now, linuxgurugamer said:

The save file might be helpful.

I assume you aren't out of disk space?

I'm not, but as soon as you mentioned it I did get scared. I often flirt extremely close to zero. What all do you need for the save file? Just the persistent .sfs, or do you want the whole folder?

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31 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

New release,

  • Fixed issue where changing the FocusFollowsClick in the settings wasn't being saved properly
  • Fixed issue where changing the global setting in the settings wasn't being honored

Thank you so much! Like I said earlier appreciate your dedication and hard work! Been playing on and off for years and seeing your name always makes me excited for more mods. 

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5 minutes ago, bukschr said:

Thank you so much! Like I said earlier appreciate your dedication and hard work! Been playing on and off for years and seeing your name always makes me excited for more mods. 

Your welcome. 

If you are interested, I do have a Patreon account

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  • 5 weeks later...

Does anyone have an idea about this error?


[ERR 17:39:23.891] Exception handling event OnGameSettingsWritten in class RegisterToolbar:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ClickThroughFix.RegisterToolbar.OnGameSettingsWritten () [0x00005] in <f9b9b46b6e1c48c08cc3ef7849951f90>:0
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0

[EXC 17:39:23.892] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ClickThroughFix.RegisterToolbar.OnGameSettingsWritten () (at <f9b9b46b6e1c48c08cc3ef7849951f90>:0)
    EventVoid.Fire () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)


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12 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

Does anyone have an idea about this error?

  Hide contents

[ERR 17:39:23.891] Exception handling event OnGameSettingsWritten in class RegisterToolbar:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ClickThroughFix.RegisterToolbar.OnGameSettingsWritten () [0x00005] in <f9b9b46b6e1c48c08cc3ef7849951f90>:0
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0

[EXC 17:39:23.892] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ClickThroughFix.RegisterToolbar.OnGameSettingsWritten () (at <f9b9b46b6e1c48c08cc3ef7849951f90>:0)
    EventVoid.Fire () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)


Do you have the ToolbarController installed?

Please provide the logs

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Just now, linuxgurugamer said:

Do you have the ToolbarController installed?

Please provide the logs

Yes, I have it installed.

Log: https://we.tl/t-gwY3852mVl



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BetterBurnTime (BetterBurnTime 1.10)
Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)
Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)
Chatterer Extended (ChattererExtended 0.6.2)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:
Coherent Contracts (CoherentContracts 1:1.02)
Community Delta-V Maps (CommunityDeltaVMaps 2:2.8)
Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4)
Community Trait Icons (CommunityTraitIcons v1.1.1)
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Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit
DMagic Orbital Science (DMagicOrbitalScience 1.4.3)
Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1)
Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3:
Extended information about scientific experiments in VAB (ScienceSituationInfo 1:1.3.5)
Ground Proximity (GroundProximity
Harmony 2 (Harmony2
Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.3.2)
Kerbalism (Kerbalism 3.16)
Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-144)
KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.24.2)
Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)
MOAR Station Science (MOARStationScience v2.6.1.3)
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PlanetInfoPlus (PlanetInfoPlus 1.4.3)
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ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3)
Restock Waterfall Expansion (RestockWaterfallExpansion 0.3.0)
ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.3)
Rocket Sound Enhancement (RocketSoundEnhancement 0.9.6)
Rocket Sound Enhancement - Default (RocketSoundEnhancement-Config-Default 1.2.4)
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SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4)
Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0838)
Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0838)
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SIMPLEX Kerbalism (SIMPLEXKerbalism 2:3.10)
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2 hours ago, Vl3d said:

Yes, I have it installed.

Log: https://we.tl/t-gwY3852mVl

I'll look at this, but would prefer the player.log


Just now, linuxgurugamer said:

I'll look at this, but would prefer the player.log


Oh, you can ignore that.  I'm aware of it, and have an update waiting to go out.

it's not hurting anything


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Just now, Vl3d said:

What is the player.log? I only know about the KSP.log

Read this BEFORE asking for supporthttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/

Anyway,  I released the fix here


New release,

  • Fixed another nullref when starting game
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads-up: in the file changelog.cfg this last VERSION is stated as "version =" (instead of; I guess that's OK but might cause some confusion...

Once again, thanks for all your work and your great mods! Cheers!

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8 hours ago, alartor said:

Just a heads-up: in the file changelog.cfg this last VERSION is stated as "version =" (instead of; I guess that's OK but might cause some confusion...

Once again, thanks for all your work and your great mods! Cheers!

I've fixed it, but not worth doing a release for it.  If ever there is another release, it will be there, thanks

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/25/2022 at 3:40 PM, bukschr said:

First of all, just want to tell you how much I appreciate you. Every time I come back to KSP I see you still working on mods, thank you so much.

Now, I am having the issue reported above that the settings on my click through blocker aren't saving. I used CKAN to install my mods.

Here's my Player log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gq9nc2orqpbeols/Player.log?dl=0

What I'm doing: 

1. Start at KSC

2. Enter Settings -> Difficulty-> Click through blocker

3. Toggle follow mouse to click setting

4. Click Accept->Apply->Resume

5.Enter VAB, or quit game and reload

6.Settings reverted to follow mouse.


Additionally I tried changing the cfg from false to true, but my game wouldn't load. Verified game files, reinstalled CTB. It loaded, but I was having the same issue.


If you need anything else let me know. Also, hopefully got the reporting rules down. First post, I think ever.

I'm having this same problem on version

I can change the setting to follow mouse click on the current scene and it works but anytime I go to a new scene or restart the game it reverts to follow mouse.

persistents  https://file.io/o7Gh9IyaT1cP
Mods https://file.io/aN4Ms4T2THvB

I don't know why it won't save the click setting.

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