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Liked Total Annihilation? Then you'll love this!


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.. there is JUST the Game you guys might be interested in:


Want to deorbit an Asteroid and drop it on Jeb? Go on, thats actually a viable strategy as far as the trailer is concerned..

(I know, it needs a mod with little green men..other than that, perfect :)

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as far as I know, Squad would like to extend this game to the schools sector one day. Which I personally think is a genuinely great idea. Weapons will no doubt be added by third-party modders

but thank you so much for showing me that game, I plan on getting it.

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  Kuldan said:
.. there is JUST the Game you guys might be interested in:


Want to deorbit an Asteroid and drop it on Jeb? Go on, thats actually a viable strategy as far as the trailer is concerned..

(I know, it needs a mod with little green men..other than that, perfect :)

A game that looks like TA, plays like TA, kinda sounds like TA and HAS TA'S ORIGINAL NARRATOR!

Thanks for bringing it to our attention. :cool:

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Heh Salvager, no hard feelings.. I kinda thought it fits in off topic m ore, but the footprint would be bigger on general, especially with the kerbal at war sticky.. well, fair enough though, glad you guys enjoy the link .. I really hope this project comes to fruition :)

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It's had a good run in General, but don't worry, Off-Topic has a lot of traffic as well, have you looked at it's thread and post count? 32,460 over Generals 19,355 so don't worry, you still have a big footprint :)

And I'd prefer this thread have a life here than it just getting locked for being in the wrong place, oh and to stay on topic myself, that does look like an amazing game, I pledged :D

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  Endeavour said:
This looks amazing! I never played Total Annihilation because I was like 2 when it came out, but if it was like this I need to check it out.

Supreme Commander was a decent sequel/reemagining of TA, so if you haven't already, try that first. As for TA, it was a classic. I think there are some mods/total conversions out there that update the graphics and stuff. Look around.

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The game seems pretty good, I like the design style, really hope they stick with that.

More importantly though is that we're seeing different methods of funding take hold on the game developing industry, hopefully this could lead to a rise in the number of games that become Open Source or Free Software (free as in freedom, not gratis).

I'm also amazed at how low the funding goal is, I would imagine that games of that magnitude would take a lot more money to develop.

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  Ted said:
The game seems pretty good, I like the design style, really hope they stick with that.

More importantly though is that we're seeing different methods of funding take hold on the game developing industry, hopefully this could lead to a rise in the number of games that become Open Source or Free Software (free as in freedom, not gratis).

I'm also amazed at how low the funding goal is, I would imagine that games of that magnitude would take a lot more money to develop.

I don't think they raised 100% of the funds via Kickstarter - I'd imagine that they still have some of their own funding and some cash flow from that MNC game

The artistic style is perfect for this kind of game - no fluff whatsoever! Also even with 900.000$ it will still be one of the larger kickstarts once sucessful.

Robot artillery and linux support - it keeps getting better! Only thing that makes me sad is the intended release date :| Any info yeton when they plan a beta?

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