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[WIP] Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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Hi ! I was really looking forward to finally send my own-made Kanadarm (using IR of course) to space, but I had a few issues.

Firstly, simply having the robotic arm on my vessel make it wobbly, but it's fine if I spam the "panic!" button every 2 seconds to stop any movement, even I've set "locked" for any piece. (yes it's annoying, but okay since the arm is supposed to be a part of my station -or for a planteray base- and so not launched often)

For info, I've also set collisions [on] for all the robotic parts. Maybe I shouldn't ?

Anyway, once I'm in space (70<alt<100 over Kerbin), I can barely move any part, looks like the velocity, so even in the vacuum, don't allow pieces to move as you want, and make them move due to "wind pressure" of the speed.


[EDIT] I've made a few tests at launchpad (so no speed and air pressure this time), finally just looks like it's the "engage lock" from right-clicking on the part (maybe also from the HUD) BEFORE the launch that is the problem.

I'll try again to send it to space without locking but spamming "panic!" button to prevent woggling (that seems to happen cause it was under the fairing, even if built way larger than the arm volume)

Edited by TarTi
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1 hour ago, TarTi said:

For info, I've also set collisions [on] for all the robotic parts. Maybe I shouldn't ? 

Collisions on IR parts definetly can be issues in some situations. It is worth to try without it. For example if you want tu hide IR parts mechanizm within fuselage for variable swept wing craft you must set collisions to off to avoid explosions.

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5 hours ago, kcs123 said:

Collisions on IR parts definetly can be issues in some situations. It is worth to try without it. For example if you want tu hide IR parts mechanizm within fuselage for variable swept wing craft you must set collisions to off to avoid explosions.

I see, but there it's just a crane without clipping, at least for all the arm.

Btw after many tests, even with collisions [on], there are off. I can easily go through anything else, even itself.

This said, it was completely stable without fairing. I can see it wobble through the fairing, clipping it and making things explode.

So firstly I will disable collisions, but only for the first part of the arm first, which is necessarly clipping on the "ground" of my vessel, then fairing everything

If this is not working, all collisions [off], still fairing

If not, go to space without fairing (cross fingers for me please) and I'll test a last time outta atmosphere.



Okay, with all collisions OFF, it worked ! :) 



Step 2 complete, docked to my station (which looks so crap since I installed some other cool designs like IR ones ^^') :


Made saves, loads (many times, I challenged myself to bring it to the station only using RCS as 2nd stage engine :P , but RCS were disbalanced), timelapses and everything works for now.


Final Step is to transfer something from a dock or a decoupler from another vessel not coupled to the station (so, like a shuttle) to a station dock using the station robotic arm.

Edited by TarTi
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9 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

I have released Beta 5 of the mod. So far we are not working on more than some little renamings of gui labels and stuff like that. No bigger issues at the moment. Close to a release I hope...

So it's not planned to fix collisions ? This is an already an amazing very good work anyway, thank you again ! 

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3 minutes ago, TarTi said:

So it's not planned to fix collisions ? This is an already an amazing very good work anyway, thank you again ! 

we will fix everything if it's broken (even when it is KSP) :) ... but I've currently not seen any evidence that it is... we're currently testing and looking into this again

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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43 minutes ago, Boyanski said:

Infernal Robotics parts work in VAB/SPH but not on the launchpad. What is this?

Check out what version of KJR you have installed. Also, check out stock game autostruting on wheels, those can have issues too.
Use KJR Next along with IR mod, but you might want to use KJR Next version 4.0.0. Latest available still have some unsolved issues.

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Just now, MarkvirsII said:

so how do I install IR


DO I do it the normal way or is there a special way for IR

Normal way + normal way for KJR Next :)


Also I didn't recovered my vessel correctly after my save. So no spatial station with IR, it will be on/in the shuttle instead, so no need to save.

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10 minutes ago, MarkvirsII said:

ah since a person told me that there was alot of mumbo jumbo for IR:)

That was long time ago before IR Next was available. Now it is much easier to install, you have everything you need in one archive file.

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21 hours ago, kcs123 said:

Check out what version of KJR you have installed. Also, check out stock game autostruting on wheels, those can have issues too.
Use KJR Next along with IR mod, but you might want to use KJR Next version 4.0.0. Latest available still have some unsolved issues.

I don't have KJR installed. I checked autostruting and that didn't work. Thanks for replying anyway!

21 hours ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

Odd. Which version are you running, and do you see the robot arm icon over on the right (same icon as in the editor)?

Yes, icon is visible both in VAB/SPH and on the launchpad. Parts work as intended in VAB/SPH but on the launchpad using the IR menu does nothing. I tried binding keys and that also didn't work. Thanks for the reply.

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5 minutes ago, Boyanski said:

Yes, icon is visible both in VAB/SPH and on the launchpad. Parts work as intended in VAB/SPH but on the launchpad using the IR menu does nothing. I tried binding keys and that also didn't work. Thanks for the reply.

Can you test with a single IR joint on top of a command pod? If that works then can you try your craft in orbit or at the launchpad without gravity? I am thinking this could be the same bug I experienced where a joint couldn't lift a relatively light load.

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12 minutes ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

Can you test with a single IR joint on top of a command pod? If that works then can you try your craft in orbit or at the launchpad without gravity? I am thinking this could be the same bug I experienced where a joint couldn't lift a relatively light load.

yes, this bug is known, and I'm working on it... try to put the speed and acceleration to a maximum, then they are (slowly) able to move... I have to tweak the values a little bit

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On 5/20/2019 at 4:34 PM, kcs123 said:

That looks awesome.

Thanks! Here's the whole set now in-game!



Considering none of these parts existed 3 weeks ago (excluding a few old concept models from 2+ years ago) I think got these made in record time :cool:

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55 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

I see that you created new set of hinges too :) No longer need to worry should legacy parts would work or not when this comes out.

Indeed! That was somewhat the idea with this collection, to offer Rework versions of the rail and gantry, but also provide some new options that fit in with the style. Sadly the legacy parts are quite hard to maintain as nobody on the dev team has the art assets any more, so don't be surprised if they don't feature in the final release.

Btw, the lengths are 1.875m and 3.75m for the short and long versions respectively (gantries being the exception), meaning they fit well along the side of fuel tanks and wings!

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