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Split from KSP Fan-Art MkII


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Here we see the take off of Kerbin explorer one. A mission with 2 objectives

Primary: Land in the great desert and do science stuffs

secondary: Land near and explore the kerbin pyramids.


Off it goes across the water.


Into the desert


Is that it? Could it be?


Indeed it is, great kerbal pyramids are in sight!


Now we must land!


Well....do to abit of an accident the landing did not go as according to plan......


But that doesn't mean that we cant complete the mission!


There it is Jeb! Go to the tomb of your ancestor!



What a great figure of his likeness!


Time to conquer the top of this great monument.


This surely gives you a sense of scale. (Note the small green speck at the top)


But that is not enough! The space programs flag will reign high atop the pyramid!.


"And at that very moment the pyramids old anti-kraken (It was believed that the kraken would try to consume the monument. For Jebs ancestor had created the strut. The weapon that beat the kraken back to his small home world.) system activated obliterating Jeb. Luckily the monolith system activated teleporting  Jeb away just in time!"

So in other words i made jeb jump from the thing so he could climb the pyramid. He died on impact. :0.0: In the end it was one crazy day.

(note: pictures went away after post. IDK why.)


Edited by Avery616
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Yesterday i sent my kerbals on a expedition to the arctic. It was quite a success and i got some pictures to show for it too! 


The oddest screenshot is this, what appears to be a a mountainside smothered in trees.


By far the most breathtaking screenshot from the mission.


And heres the crew after the journey. Jeb is the kerbal nearest to the flag, Bob is right next to him with Bill being the one in yellow, and Valentina is at the end. And yes that x next to the flag is the proper north pole. Many odd things happen near it, the north line on the navball freaks out, Kerbals that try to stand on there end up on their sides, and the camera rotates in circles around it. Also the sun never sets, it just sits rotating around the horizon. (Wherever the sun is on the horizon is actually the daylight side of Kerbin)


Heres what the flags plaque states.


Of course to get there, the mission needed a form of transportation. I decided to use a blimp from the Hisenburg airship pack. I named it the "KSS skydancer", this ship is not of my design as i have 0 knowledge on airship construction. So i used the Hisenburg ship from the sample craft file from the download. I then modified it to fit the mission needs, such as adding a KIS cargo bay, a on board lab, more living quarters to fit the crew needs , along with the removal of things that were unneeded for the objective.


Here we see the deployment of the "Surface Experimentation Package"  which allows me to preform science long after me and my kerbals leave.


Heres the buffalo which is stored in a upper deck until deployment. Once it is time to deploy the vehicle is simply loaded onto an loading elevator and.....


...is then simply lowered into place! It can then be packed up and taken to the next landing site. One of the main reasons i decided to carry a buffalo vehicle is because i am not very good at blimp landings. So if i drifted over my expected landing zone, i could just roll the buffalo out and drive my crew to the site of interest.


This was the first time i have majorly used the Hisenburg airship mod, this made the trip abit longer than i would i have liked and in the end i will probably be using aircraft more often.(i have never really been a fan of dirigibles)  The  mission itself has been quite a success, as of now i am currently thinking over the idea to take this airship to the northern UFO crash site. I will probably take some screenshots of the Easter egg if i do. BUT that shall be a post for another day, till next time~Avery616





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