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The (Mis)Adventures of FASTNAO: Chapter 9: Update (sorry. it isn't totally dead, tho)


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  On 4/5/2018 at 12:58 AM, obney kerman said:

Yay! second page!

Also, @Butterscotch, please stop spamming.

I just spammed to get to be able to Message/Edit Profile



  On 4/5/2018 at 12:25 AM, Lithobrake said:

It's not like I obsessively check multiple threads for updates. Every five minutes. :confused:


I do that with my email and KSP threads!

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Small Steps, Giant Leaps (Part 1)


The crew had been selected. Commander Doodson Kerman, Science officer Kirbin Kerman, and Senior Engineer Jenmund Kerman. Tiamat 5, the second mission to land on the Mun was getting ready to launch. And Doodson was scared. This mission was of vital importance. The science it would bring would enable FAST-NAO to finally build Munstation 1. (If you guys have any Ideas for the name, please share!) This station would be the hub of munar exploration for a long time. The plan was to land at the edge of a crater, get science and hop. The launch was successful, and the munar orbit insertion flawless. Doodson was beginning to relax a little. Maybe we’ll have a nice cushy margin, he thought. However, soon it became clear that the landing party would be lucky to make it back to Kerbin Alive!  The fuel margin was EXTREMELY tight. Hopping was out of the question.



Meanwhile, back on Kerbin, a meeting was happening. The boffins had come up with an undeniable conclusion and all the senior staff were meeting. Linus, Gene, Gus, Wernher, and Walt.  There was also a representative from the building team, Obney Kerman. Obney, though had aspirations to become an astronaut himself. Gene began the meeting.

“The Tiamat mk1 Mun lander is a great start, but we need to think about the future. We’ve already got contracts for Duna Operations, and we need to think about long-term Munar Exploration. The Tiamat Mk1. cannot hop, and is therefore not suitable for Munar exploration. We need to think about building a base.” It was then Wernher’s turn to speak.

“We already have a contract to do so, and I think the first step is to build a fuel depot in munar orbit. With a science lab, we can explore all the biomes of the mun. With a lander stationed there we could refuel, and not have to launch each mission. After Tiamat 5 gets back, we can launch the first module. Obney? Gus?”

“I’ll tell the workers to get working on it” said Gus,

“And I’ve got an idea already.” Replied Obney.


Meanwhile back on the mun, Tiamat 5 was preparing to depart.  The spacecraft gently lifted off the surface and began flying flat.


The spacecraft left the mun with 4m/s to spare. Doodson is credited with bringing the spacecraft home with such a tiny margin.

The station had been designed. The prime module had the fuel, a cupola, and and a hitchhiker. Podgun Kerman was in the module. The launcher was the biggest booster ever built, and the most expensive. Podgun briefly contemplated that he was on a massive, barely controlled bomb that even Obney didn’t think would work. There were also no abort systems.

10….. 9…… 8…… 7…… 6……. 5……. (ignition sequence start) 4…….. 3…….. 2…… 1……..  Podun felt the 16 engines ignite under him, and prepared for a glorious demise, and a quick ride to Kalhalla.



However, the booster actually brought him to space. It was a little short on Delta-V, and therefore had to use some of the transfer stage to get the payload to orbit.


During the insertion into Munar orbit, Podgun had to dip into the depot, but didn’t use much.

Soon the Tiamat mk2 spacecraft was sent up to dock with the station. (Commander Jebediah Kerman, Science officer Lacergal Kerman, Senior Engineer Fredgun Kerman) Podgun met the crew in the Hitchhiker.



“You excited for your Munwalk?” Podgun asked Jeb.

“Oh heck yeah!” said Jeb. “You’re due to undock in an hour or two,” said Podgun. “I hope they let me take one later”

And thus, the deceleration burn began into East crater.


“Holy Mulch!” yelled Lacergal “Do you see that thing?!” It’s some sort of rock arch!”

“Copy That Lacergal, were seeing the images,” said Gene. “Hop over there next.”

Jeb put the lander Down gently, and surface ops were initiated.


The flag was planted, and the Kerbals looked off Ten kilometers to the north.


FASTNAO is getting faster… NAO




Edited by Lithobrake
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Small Steps, Giant Leaps (Part 2)

“Get ready for Main engine ignition in 5… 4…. 3… 2… 1….” On the mun, the poodle on Tiamat 6 reignited, and the crew were accelerated towards a certain object 10km to the north. The arch was on a ridge, so the landing was tricky, however, they were able to get it right.


The crew did their science, and, with the go-ahead of Gene, they began to examine the arch.




Gene was sitting at his control desk, sipping coffee. Tamara Kerman, the Cap-com was talking to the Kerbs on the mun. BANG! A loud sound came over the speaker, and suddenly the connection was cut off. Meanwhile on the mun, the crew was looking at the arch. Something else was on their speaker. A cold, cold, voice laughing into their ears. And suddenly all the light failed and everything went black. They were drowning in a cold, dark pit.


And then, there was light again, and they were on their own feet and Tamara was asking them what had happened.

“Probably Just interference,” said Jeb “You know, maybe the arch got in the way.”


Following this, an uneventful lowlands hop, and a quick return journey went by. Soon, the second module to Butterscotch Station was launched, which included a science lab, and arms.



This followed by the Tiamat 7 expedition lander, which landed in the Southwest Crater, The Northwest crater, and The Midlands. It ran out of fuel, and had to use RCS to get back. The Second expedition visited the Canyons, Midland Craters, and farside basin. On the way back though, it ran out of fuel, and the crew had to use their RCS packs to get back.


Next, the Tiamat 8 ship visited the Polar Crater, the Polar lowlands, and the poles. It returned safely, and soon work was beginning on Minmus Station 1, and Butterscotch station got a ring.



And for a while, everything was normal.


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