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[1.12.x] CSA Contares 'RUS' 2.0.16


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CSA Contares 'RUS' represent a big part mod to build the most launcher and spaceships from Russia, Ukraine and past Soviet Union.






What you get with CSA Contares 'RUS' ?

All objects are created as accurately as possible on a 50% scale.
50% scale means 1/2 of the size, 1/4 of the thrust, 1/8 of the weight.
Further adjustments are due to the physical properties of the Kerbal universe.

Reference diameters are 0.3125m, 0.625m, 0.9375m, 1.25m, 1.5m, 1.875m, 2.2m (ESA Parts only), 2.5m, 3.75m and 5.0m.

Required mods:



Download via SpaceDock

CSA Contares RUS on GitHub

Craft-Files for included.




<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">CONTARES</span> von <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="https://*.com/mod/1186/CONTARES" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">hraban</a> ist lizenziert unter einer <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/">Creative Commons Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell 4.0 International Lizenz</a>.




Versions / Update


2.0.0 initial
2.0.1 More TweakScale support, add 3 missing parts. Add Craft-Files for all launcher.
2.0.2 Add Craft-Files for Spacecrafts. More finetuning on patches
2.0.3 Add more Craft-Files, add missing realPlume settings
2.0.4 Add ENERGIJA and POLYUZ parts. Change all ModuleRCS by ModuleRCSFX to prevent a "bug" in KSP 1.4.x
2.0.5 Update all SAS Modules. Rework of all KRAFT-1 (Energija) textures.
2.0.6 Optimize empty mass of UNION and R6&R7 launcher. Change mass of UNION-Spacecraft parts.  Add missing TACLS settings. Add missing RealPlume settings for PINBOL.
2.0.7 adds RCS to all capsules. more finteuning on cfg files
2.0.8 adds Vostok/Woshod parts including radial airlock and more parts to build the early Sojuz launcher upper stages. Many changes on UNION launchers (Soyuz)
2.0.9 change of empty weight on UNION 1.1 and 1.2 laucher parts (R7/Molnija/Soyuz); changes on TAC-LS settings
2.0.10 Adds KARAVELL upper stage (Kerbalized and unique variant of Fregat). Adds new BLOCK-L upper stage for MOLNIJA. Adds fairingless SLB. Change some window textures. Adds new Version of PTK NP Federazija including Landing legs ,service module, solar panels (In the CORE Mod) and new docking Antenna KURS NP
2.0.12 Compatibility update and adds NAUKA Docking module also fictional Mun-Rocket N2
2.0.13 update to KSP 1.8.1. Adds TSIKON launcher
2.0.14 changelog on GitHub
2.0.15 TweakScale compatibility update
2.0.16 compatibility update; focus on storage system





Edited by hraban
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  On 2/27/2018 at 11:57 PM, Deltac said:

Are the MIR Solar panels supposed to be available with this, or do I have to use a different mod?  I have Core and Rus installed with their dependencies.


Currently, CSA Contares does not provide any solar panels as they were used on the old and long-ago MIR. That does not mean that they are not planned. Please be patient.
Alternatively, the very good solar panels from SSTULabs or Tantares can be used, but in the case of Tantares, a tweakscale patch is needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/16/2018 at 4:54 PM, Blinkboy77 said:

cool mod, do you project to make, space shuttle STS and Buran?


It avoids creating something that has been implemented countless times. Historical, American projects can be implemented by the people who want to deal with it. In addition, it should be noted that the Soviet spaceplane Buran was never used, after all, people in the Soviet Union could create and understand cost-benefit calculations.
The implementation of the Energija (KRAFT 1) was and is only a gap-filling workhorse and makes in use as an ordinary launcher with mounted at the top payload much more sense. The projected successors would be even more efficient (Yenisei 5, Energija-M).

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hey there
I came to say that this is a wonderful mod but I encounter some problems and I dunno if it's me or this mod but

i'm ussing CSA Contares NAM and CSA Contares RUS 

1. between C-KWANT and KIR-M you cant transfer any kerbal no matter what

and 2. same between U-CA Crew Module and U-HA-9 only if i decouple U-HA-9 you can get inside U-CA Crew Module from top witch is weird..

need some help with this, pls


Edited by GERULA
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  On 3/22/2018 at 11:21 AM, GERULA said:

hey there
I came to say that this is a wonderful mod but I encounter some problems and I dunno if it's me or this mod but

i'm ussing CSA Contares NAM and CSA Contares RUS 

1. between C-KWANT and KIR-M you cant transfer any kerbal no matter what

and 2. same between U-CA Crew Module and U-HA-9 only if i decouple U-HA-9 you can get inside U-CA Crew Module from top witch is weird..

need some help with this, pls



Hello @GERULA,

The described problem has not been noticed and will be checked in the next few days. If you are using the Mod Connected Living Space, the explanation may be a pending update of the MM patch file.
Hopefully, apart from the mentioned sub-mods, you have also installed the absolutely necessary CSA Contares CORE with all dependencies.

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  On 3/22/2018 at 12:15 PM, hraban said:

Hello @GERULA,

The described problem has not been noticed and will be checked in the next few days. If you are using the Mod Connected Living Space, the explanation may be a pending update of the MM patch file.
Hopefully, apart from the mentioned sub-mods, you have also installed the absolutely necessary CSA Contares CORE with all dependencies.


thx for your replay. o/

indeed you're right, I was using Connected Living Space Mod and I saw on their forum that other ppl may have the same issue with different mods, but after I removed Connected Living Space, still nothing, between C-KWANT and KIR-M now you can move from C-KWANT to KIR-M but back you can not and it keep saying this tJWVsxU.png

and now between U-HA-9 and U-CA Crew Module now it keep saying "status locked" but I don't see any button to unlock or open hatch, also between them I'm using SO-SPA decoupler



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  On 3/22/2018 at 1:22 PM, GERULA said:

thx for your replay. o/

indeed you're right, I was using Connected Living Space Mod and I saw on their forum that other ppl may have the same issue with different mods, but after I removed Connected Living Space, still nothing, between C-KWANT and KIR-M now you can move from C-KWANT to KIR-M but back you can not and it keep saying this


and now between U-HA-9 and U-CA Crew Module now it keep saying "status locked" but I don't see any button to unlock or open hatch, also between them I'm using SO-SPA decoupler


Provided CLS is uninstalled, the transfer works in all parts, in and out, with occasional "status locked" messages. Seems to be an occasional dropout of the KSP engine. It usually works on the second try. Maybe it has to do with the number of colliders that were used in a part. With the C-KWANT these are three colliders, with a click on the cone or the 8-corner area occasionally leading to "status locked". Click on the cylindrical area always worked.

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  On 3/22/2018 at 5:06 PM, hraban said:

Provided CLS is uninstalled, the transfer works in all parts, in and out, with occasional "status locked" messages. Seems to be an occasional dropout of the KSP engine. It usually works on the second try. Maybe it has to do with the number of colliders that were used in a part. With the C-KWANT these are three colliders, with a click on the cone or the 8-corner area occasionally leading to "status locked". Click on the cylindrical area always worked.


tested again, clicked everywhere but nothing

you can move kerbals from C-KWANT to any other modules, but you cant move them back at all, no matter what I do the game keep saying that that is the source part which is not and target switching locked,  

and the vessel status is locked.


on the other two parts U-CA and U-HA-9 you cant transfer them at all in any direction, because target switching locked uUylhtA.png

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  On 3/23/2018 at 6:05 AM, GERULA said:

tested again, clicked everywhere but nothing

you can move kerbals from C-KWANT to any other modules, but you cant move them back at all, no matter what I do the game keep saying that that is the source part which is not and target switching locked,  

and the vessel status is locked.


on the other two parts U-CA and U-HA-9 you cant transfer them at all in any direction, because target switching locked



In the test with the current dependencies necessary for CSA Contares CORE, except CLS, the described problem can not be reconstructed.

Please check if all plugins / mods you use are really suitable for KSP version 1.4.1.

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  On 3/23/2018 at 8:37 AM, hraban said:

In the test with the current dependencies necessary for CSA Contares CORE, except CLS, the described problem can not be reconstructed.

Please check if all plugins / mods you use are really suitable for KSP version 1.4.1.


you're right, tested clean and your mod works wonderful, sorry for bothering you witht his problem.

now I have to find what mod cause this and prevent my kerbals to move from vessel to vessel with your mod.

do you have any ,,suspects,, from this list ? 



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  On 3/23/2018 at 10:32 AM, GERULA said:

you're right, tested clean and your mod works wonderful, sorry for bothering you witht his problem.

now I have to find what mod cause this and prevent my kerbals to move from vessel to vessel with your mod.

do you have any ,,suspects,, from this list ?


Sorry, if I see your GameData directory, at least 30% fall into the category "not approved for 1.4.1" and another 30% in the category "I do not know and/or I don't use it". The sources of error are therefore diverse/multiple.

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Sir, it is me again. I had solved the problem with a lucky hit from the first attempt of removing suspicious mods and just passing buy to give you the list with suspicious mods. I really dunno who is the guilty one but one of them it is.

I keep folders with installed mods, removed mods, ect so it was easier for me to do this Sherlock Holmes job. Maybe will help you in future if other ppl will come with similar problem.

thank you for your help and for your wonderful mod. Keep up the good work:rep:


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Inspired by VULKAN pictures build a 200t+ Launcher with given Parts:

- Kraft 1 maintank with addtional upper part for stack mounted payload with 4 RK-Z-0120 LH2/LOX engines
- Yenisei 5 second stage with one RK-Z-0120 LH2/LOX engine
- 8 Booster build from 16.5 long KERLOT tanks mounted with RK-Z-171 engines and nosecones from KRAFT-M
- 8 RetroBooster from CORE
- Payload-Fairing build with newest Test-Version of ProceduralFairings (updated by @Phineas Freak)



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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 4/22/2018 at 11:57 AM, Dr. Jet said:

What about localization support? I can do Russian for you.


Thank you for the offer that is gladly accepted.
With luck, all sub-mods will be available on GitHub over the next week. From this point on, the support offered should be easier.


Here the way to CSA Contares RUS on GitHub

RUS on GitHub


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Some bits and bobs.

  1. Current part titles are awful. Most of em. And descriptions... are not very descriptive.
  2. Textures are not .dds (fixed)
  3. Writing "Salute" ("Salyut") as "KALJUTE" is eye-tearing.
  4. Do you know that "KIR" means literally "dick" in Farsi?
  5. Some engine indexes are wrong (early R-14 engines instead of Cosmos-3 engines). Don't use english wiki as a source for those. (fixed)
  6. Some parts have wrong node orientation (docking radar and inbuilt RCS engine).


Also some parts are functional duplicates (KIR_BACK_9 and KIR_BACK_6 for example). I suggest ModulePartVariants for decluttering.

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P.S. What is "PCS Transport Vehicle"? 

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  On 4/23/2018 at 7:09 PM, Dr. Jet said:

Some bits and bobs.

  1. Current part titles are awful. Most of em. And descriptions... are not very descriptive.
  2. Textures are not .dds (fixed)
  3. Writing "Salute" ("Salyut") as "KALJUTE" is eye-tearing.
  4. Do you know that "KIR" means literally "dick" in Farsi?
  5. Some engine indexes are wrong (early R-14 engines instead of Cosmos-3 engines). Don't use english wiki as a source for those. (fixed)
  6. Some parts have wrong node orientation (docking radar and inbuilt RCS engine).


Also some parts are functional duplicates (KIR_BACK_9 and KIR_BACK_6 for example). I suggest ModulePartVariants for decluttering.

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After the mod is not a replica and only inspired by the original one the designation is free. No matter how you name something, in any language the phonetic reproduction is disrespectful. The descriptions are lean and incomplete due to my poor English. So far I have not completed all descriptions in German and a translation into English by means of a translation program usually only supplies "smelly cheese".

The Unity Engine processes .dds textures as well as .png or others. The conversion in .dds textures I spare myself, it brings after thorough testing nothing.

What is wrong with the naming of the Cosmos-3 engines I can not understand. Both Wikipedia, Astronautix and other, much more trustworthy publications are correct. For the first stage the RD-216M in the mod named RK-Z-216, for the second stage the S5.23 also named as DU-49 as RK-Z-S5.23.

The difference between KIR_BACK_9 and KIR_BACK_6 is not only the texture, but also the adapter size at the bottom. With the new functions of KSP 1.4.x a consolidation of such parts is planned.

Regarding the parts with wrong node orientation I would need the names.

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  On 4/23/2018 at 8:32 PM, hraban said:

After the mod is not a replica and only inspired by the original one the designation is free. No matter how you name something, in any language the phonetic reproduction is disrespectful. The descriptions are lean and incomplete due to my poor English. So far I have not completed all descriptions in German and a translation into English by means of a translation program usually only supplies "smelly cheese".


It will be easier after localization  implementation. All strings in one file.

  On 4/23/2018 at 8:32 PM, hraban said:

The Unity Engine processes .dds textures as well as .png or others. The conversion in .dds textures I spare myself, it brings after thorough testing nothing.


Difference is faster loading time and a bit less memory usage. Tested.

  On 4/23/2018 at 8:32 PM, hraban said:

What is wrong with the naming of the Cosmos-3 engines I can not understand. Both Wikipedia, Astronautix and other, much more trustworthy publications are correct. For the first stage the RD-216M in the mod named RK-Z-216, for the second stage the S5.23 also named as DU-49 as RK-Z-S5.23.


For russian rockets and engines one should use russian wiki at least. :wink: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Космос-3М#Космос-3_(11К65)

Western sources oftenly rely on cold war intelligence materials, so they are not always correct.

Lower stage engine for Cosmos-3 is 11D614 (modernized 8D514 engine from R-14) and upper one is 11D49 (exclusively developed for Cosmos-3). Proper english abbreviation for "ЖРД" is RD, not RK.

RD-216M is early engine of military R-14, even earlier than RD 8D514. As for DU-49, I can only interprete it as "двигательная установка образца 1949 года" ("propelling system, model of 1949"), but cannot find a corresponding engine in documents.

  On 4/23/2018 at 8:32 PM, hraban said:

The difference between KIR_BACK_9 and KIR_BACK_6 is not only the texture, but also the adapter size at the bottom. With the new functions of KSP 1.4.x a consolidation of such parts is planned.


OK, will use a model change and re-check for nodes. It's still a functional decluttering. :cool:

  On 4/23/2018 at 8:32 PM, hraban said:

Regarding the parts with wrong node orientation I would need the names.


"SWE", "LFO Vipera" and "Micro-Gabun" at least. First node is inverted, other two are rotated by 90º. Will possibly fix myself if nodes are declared in config rather than being empty objects.

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