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"Interesting" new re-entry effects


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I'd be happier about the new effect if it didn't randomly glitch the mesh with every minor camera adjustment.  You can find decent angles for good screenshots, but in motion it's just a hot mess. (get it?)

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16 hours ago, JAFO said:

Those pics look really ugly.. think I'll stick with the ReentryParticleEffects mod, thanks all the same, Squad.

Teeeeeechnically, Reentry-particle effects are actually stock  effects which aren't used in the stock game.
Additionally, the effects of  Reentry-particleeffects are still separate from what we are looking at in those screenshots.
Reentry-particle adds in the plasma trail, but this here is plasma shock-wave from the crafts front.


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15 hours ago, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

new re-entry effect allows you to peek inside helmets....

not only helmet, but everypart that are getting hot


If you place your camera behind (like 45degrees off) your pod with a heatshield, you'll see the bottom of the pod through it, and in between the pod and heatshield.

Its really weird

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16 hours ago, Eliijahh said:

I'm pretty sure this is a bug. Weird, I didn't remember any release bullet point mentioning a change in the re-entry effects.

They did supposedly swap to a new particle system (shuriken), so its probably whats causing teh change, but what id like to know is why so many engines still use the same exact effect, maybee the devs could have actually taken the time to give every engine unique fx, but no, all the time was spent on expansion, and maybee 5% was spent on fixing bugs, 1% on art improvement to stock (at least we got the MK1-2 pod replaced by something that i can stand to look at, the old was so bad i refused to mount it on much of anything that wasnt purpose built pirate vessel intended to look like it was pulled out of a dumpster, mostly alongside lots and lots of 2.5m fuel oil tanks).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not a fan of the 'new' effects either.  To me, with all the weird behavior, it just looks very buggy and unchecked before release.

I suppose it doesn't affect anything other than visuals, so it's not a game breaker, but really off putting to see.

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The effects themselves, meh. Okay I guess. Kinda ugly.
Part geometry becoming transparent though, that's got to be (another) bug.
I really don't know how this passed even a cursory playtest, but then the same goes for all the other brand new bugs in 1.4.x. :rolleyes:

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