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[WIP][1.4.x] - Kerbal Mods Overhaul (KMO) - Dev Thread [v0.4.1:10/04/2018]


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"Kerbal Mods Overhaul" (KMO) is nothing more than a set of patches initially made to cope with the personal desire to simplify/modify a number of very popular mods, MKS in primis, in order to bring a slightly different gameplay experience to KSP.

KMO has initially been made exclusively for myself, however, since the number of patches has greatly increased over the time, I have eventually decided to make a public release of this mods overhaul for anyone that may be interested in such a reconfiguration work.


This mod is NOT an updated version of MKS-LITE, it should rather be seen as a new gameplay experience for standard MKS (and related mods) with fewer resources, a simplified production-chain, changed part functionalities and full support for ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads resources, production chain, Survey Stations and Workshops.
Thus, this mod is NOT a tutorial mod for MKS beginners (that was the main purpose of MKS-Lite). If you just want to play an easier version of MKS in order to get your hands dirty and get to understand some basic mechanics, RoverDude has already implemented an optional patch that allows you to disable the requirement for machinery and get a gameplay experience closer to the one provided by MKS-Lite.
In addition to that, this mod does not include any part, asset, config file or anything else from any other mod.
Kerbal Mods Overhaul (KMO) is currently WIP.


Patches and Changes

I would like to make this mod as much configurable as possible, thus, I will try to add any suggestion/request into a patch, either optional or not. Please, ask for patches for supported mods only (see below). You may also ask me to create a patch for stock parts, however, the changes have to be related in some ways to the mods reconfigured by KMO.

This is a non-exhaustive list of the main patches and changes applied by KMO (v0.4):

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You can opt-in or out some patches in order to get a personalized gameplay experience in accordance with your personal taste (PatchManager required).

See the individual .cfg files if you want to know more about the part specific overhaul.


Example of a fully self-sufficient planetary base below in Spoiler. You can see how the colonization parts have been reconfigured and appreciate the new gameplay design, which allows you to create smaller and easier-to-run bases.

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Supported Mods

Below you can find core and optional mods supported by KMO. Core mods are the ones for which my reconfiguration work has initially been made for and so they have the biggest amount of patches available. Optional mods nicely complete the gameplay experience (you should NOT install them ONLY if you have some serious RAM/hardware issues).

Core mods:

Optional mods:

*If you install this mod, also consider installing Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) and Kerbal Inventory System (KIS), both made by KospY, winn75 and IgorZ.

Notice: Always Remember to install all dependencies for the mods you use!



You can either:

  1. Download KMO from Spacedock and then copy and paste the content of GameData into your KSP GameData folder.

  2. OR, Download it directly from CKAN!

Notice: This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.

Notice 2: The latest version of KMO (v0.4.1) works only in KSP 1.4+ and with EL 6.0+ installed.



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Kerbal Mods Overhaul (KMO) by 534443 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Edited by 534443
New Release v0.4.1
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Will do!!

I hope to get the chance to poke around with it in the next couple of months, between uni and work and all the other games coming out at the moment my free time is sorely limited, haven't been able to rebuild a 1.3.1 install with my plethora of mods, but hopefully your patches will expedite that process! I sort of consider myself quite the cfg/MM wrangler so if I do have any suggestions or patch requests I'll be sure to include a prototype for you to work off of :wink: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't used this mod yet, but it seems to make complete sense.  As someone who's never managed to create a complete self sufficient base, I can't wait to try this.

Can't wait to give it a go


ps.  Your visual diagram alone will save me from hours of mistakes :-)


Edited by MongooseNX
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New release v0.4.1.

Please, only update if you are already using EL 6.0.


Notice: In order to get MKS working with the new EL you need to include the following lines into a *.cfg file somewhere in your GameData folder:

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Also, update KD (if you are using it) by copying the following configuration kindly provided by LatiMacciato:


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  • 7 months later...

Update: I have just moved my primary savegame from 1.2.0 to 1.4.2 and I am now going to utilize my mod extensively. In the next few weeks, I should be able to figure out if any balance work is required and might also try to see if there is any other mod that I am currently using that could use a bit of a reconfiguration too.

As always, if you have an idea for a particular reconfiguration that you may need feel free to ask me.

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