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KSP Interstellar Extended Support Thread


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does the signal strength of the relay antennas effect the microwave beam power and the relay effectiveness or is it just antenna size? 

i personally think that the medium and large transceivers 15T and 50T are kind of OP.. putting one of those on obit makes all my 15g and 100g relays obsolete.. it also makes it so i can just put the smallest antenna on a ship and get full signal everywhere.. 

i was thinking of making them 200G and 250G. would this affect the beam power at all? 


also im working with the Inline Thermal Receiver Mirror Dish and im trying to make it relay independently.. 

i put can transmit to true, but its still showing false as an independent relay.. 

i cant find a switch for the relay to make it true.. 

is it because the power is set to thermal instead of energy?


also what is can mirror power mean? also what does isThermalReceiverSlave do?


Edited by aaronsta1
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Neat now we can make antimatter from solar wind.

Magnetic Scoop -> Hydrogen, Deuterium and Helium3 from Solar Wind in ISRU refrigator -> Muon Catalyzed and TriAlpha fusion reactor (or Hydrogen only -> QSR and Muon Catalyzed on p-p mode as starter for QSR) -> Antimatter Processor + Positron processor in UV beam producer.

Also you can store positrons in diamagnetic antimatter tank - by separating positrons from antiprotons, meaning positron traps can be used merely as buffer.

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greetings. I would like to translate this translation into my native language. I'm from Russia. if this is possible, then I need the lines that need to be translated, and I'll send the translation back to you, and you integrate it into the mod. Thank you. 
My email ryfiys@mail.ru
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2 hours ago, Arivald Ha'gel said:

@FreeThinker I see another interesting thing. Although this might be "as designed" although exaggerated.


8GW DC Electical system needs. Which goes to 0, once EC is full. Same craft as that for Solar Panels problem demo.

It appears you have docked, this is a known bug. It is usually resolved by simply quick save and reload

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all day ive bin messing around with reactors and genoraters, are the genoraters limited? if so, why? 

ps if you love building huge ships and huge power systems like i do get hanger exstender from space dock ull love it, almost limitless:D


making antimatter from home LOL broke my platform LOLOLOL

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6 hours ago, mrgreco said:

all day ive bin messing around with reactors and genoraters, are the genoraters limited? if so, why? 

ps if you love building huge ships and huge power systems like i do get hanger exstender from space dock ull love it, almost limitless:D


making antimatter from home LOL broke my platform LOLOLOL

OSR can be used only in space.

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Hi, is there i can ask for help ?

I got some problems to understand how to use this mod ... And i already gone through every video or tutorial in french or english lol

For example :

Now i have 2 probes on Kerbin orbit, at 700km. Both have Phased Array Transciever (Deployable), one of them got a "powerplant" with molten salt reactor and electric generator for generate MegaJoule i guess.
But when i click on the phased array there is "Satellite connecter 0/1" same thing for the "Satellite on Relay" whereas they are both activated as relay/transmitter ..!

Someone already seen this problem ?

Hope my english was not so bad XD Thanks for all

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8 days :P spacemouse you da man



5 minutes ago, Tsaet said:

Hi, is there i can ask for help ?

I got some problems to understand how to use this mod ... And i already gone through every video or tutorial in french or english lol

For example :

Now i have 2 probes on Kerbin orbit, at 700km. Both have Phased Array Transciever (Deployable), one of them got a "powerplant" with molten salt reactor and electric generator for generate MegaJoule i guess.
But when i click on the phased array there is "Satellite connecter 0/1" same thing for the "Satellite on Relay" whereas they are both activated as relay/transmitter ..!

Someone already seen this problem ?

Hope my english was not so bad XD Thanks for all

oops i was tryin to replay to you,,, take a screenshot press f1 and post it 

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54 minutes ago, mrgreco said:

8 days :P spacemouse you da man



oops i was tryin to replay to you,,, take a screenshot press f1 and post it 

how is that thing not overheating almost instantly?  you should need some extremely large radiators to handle that QSR's power output...

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I was looking at the numbers for the different radiators, and had some questions. 

1. Is the stock set of extendable radiators basically always the best? It looked like they were just so far beyond all of the new ones for every application, no matter the tech level.

2. Is there any use to the heat exchanger part? I tried messing with it, and found no apparent use. 

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Here is a screenshot, so the other probe can be seen by this one (no planet between them), and it has the same Phased Array :) also some radiators.

I know i don't really understand lot of things in this mod so i tried to copy what i seen somewhere else and ... it doesn't work lol

So why don't they connect each other ? What's wrong ?

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On 8/26/2017 at 10:33 PM, Freekin said:

Could someone clarify the difference between Water and lqdWater?


On 10/30/2017 at 11:53 AM, FreeThinker said:

lqdWater is ment more as a raw non consumable form water, contaminated by a variety of salts and poisonous elements, while water is a pure form, non contaminated form of water . Conversion from Water to LqdWater should always be fast while the other way around should take some effort.


Anyway, I am a bit confused too. How do I purify LqdWater to Water? Are there more than one way? What are they?

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56 minutes ago, mrgreco said:

cant dock in space, anyone els havin this ishu?????

i can grab usin the claw thing grabber , but cant dock usein ports

Nope, the only problem i have is what i posted about earlier.

What kind of docking port do you use ? Have you two big vessel or just small ones ?

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ok so after awhile and about 100 or so trys to dock, i got it to dock but it seems like the magnetic grab to it is gone and the docking has to be 100% perfect in order to work, im guesin they wanted the docking to be almost real,,,sooooo i got mechjeb mod for the auto docking problum fixed :D:P       if you think about it, at this high tech lvl everthing should be almost auto..

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18 hours ago, Tsaet said:


Here is a screenshot, so the other probe can be seen by this one (no planet between them), and it has the same Phased Array :) also some radiators.

I know i don't really understand lot of things in this mod so i tried to copy what i seen somewhere else and ... it doesn't work lol

So why don't they connect each other ? What's wrong ?

Without seeing both it's hard to say for sure but, it looks like you have a transmitter to get power but not send it. Also, the satellites need line of site, the ability to see eachother. If theres something like a planet in the way it might not work.

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