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Staging question

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I have a rover attached at the bottom of my lander - with a decoupler.

but when i land and decouple the rover all stages (4 other) are gone with one hit of [space] and the whole set of stages left are merged into stage zero.

what is wrong ?

Edited by maro
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  hubbazoot said:
Can you post a screenshot of your rocket?

If jettisoning your stages disconnects another stage, all the intermediary parts get advanced to the next available stage.


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Plan is to land - release the rover and make EVA and then to start again and put the radail attached stages away from the center stage.

Ships works well until rover is detached - then stages 3,2,1, 0 get all merged to 0....

Tried different rovers, tried different decouplers, tried with and without Remote Pods/Antennas....ever the same result.

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When you add stages to the sides like that, very weird things can happen in the stage sequencing, and components can end up firing in an order other than what you intended, and other than the order in which you attached them to the rocket. Once that starts happening during rocket assembly, it can keep happening even after you fix it, so it's really odd, confusing, and sneaky. So check to see which decoupler is actually firing when you're hitting the space bar. Is it possible that it's one of the ones high up in the rocket? Maybe fly up to zero G and try it there, so you can see which parts float away and which stay attached. Also, I don't know if it's related or not, but it's generally a good idea to make decouplers be little stages on their own. That way you don't accidentally start an engine on a stage and eject the stage at the same time.

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I totally understand the frustration with complex staging issues as one of my rovers uses a Curiosity-style landing approach, and I have decouplers and boosters in unusual places.

A couple tips for you: Put all structural parts in stage 0. Anything not a fuel tank, booster, or stage separator. This makes the list of what is in each stage quite a bit easier to look through.

It looks like you have your vertical stage separation in stage 4, I think that's your problem. Remember that when you mouse over them, they'll highlight. I generally go through a mental 'flight plan' to make sure I have everything in the right places.

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