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[1.5.0 <-> 1.8.1] Kerbalism v3.2


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46 minutes ago, m4ti140 said:

Is there any way to prevent Kerbalism from stopping timewarp whenever a vessel (any vessel, not just the focused one) loses signal? When I launch something into an inclined LKO I can't timewarp at all, it gets halted every time the offending vessel completes half an orbit.

You can enable/disable those with the in-game settings of whatever spacecraft you're concerned (or not concerned *concernDoge Kappa) about; It's a simple check or uncheck to alert you to the various aspects (signal, power, etc..); unchecking those will then not bother to alert you when your craft reaches that trigger threshold. I think the Kerbalism in-game menu is the cfg or something along those lines?




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The current SpaceDock download includes multiple conflicting version files ( GameData/Kerbalism/Kerbalism-BP.version, GameData/Kerbalism/Kerbalism.version), which is confusing the CKAN bot. We could try to sort out which one is the right one to use, but it's probably better to fix the download.

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3 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

I'm also more than confused - in the OP are two links, for 1.4.x and for 1.3.x backport, both pointing to same Spacedock URL.

Actually it's a little chaotic.

The Gitlab is more unorganized than I can resist, IMHO Github is more friendly.

I can't use github.


I published both a 1.4.2 version and the 1.3.1 BP version on Spacedock, look under Changelogs

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Could anyone please clarify exactly what is the current status with antennas and ground stations? How do they work, how to properly use them in a playable way?

Let's say, if I want to go to Minmus, what is the simplest way to have an uninterrupted signal? If I want something closer to the old version by @ShotgunNinja, should boosting all station ranges to "Range = 9E+11" in "Default.cfg" work?

I would greatly appreciate some details, as would probably many users of the mod.

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Hi, I've had some issues with Kerbalism/SSPXr/B9PartSwitch.

Specifically, this issue:

Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: B9PartSwitch.HandledFatalException: Fatal exception while attempting to load fields for B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'Food' exists

I've made a very temp patch that allows you to switch container types on the SSPXr containers and to stop B9 from throwing the exception and crashing your game.

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what... Kerbalism-BP.version appears in Jenkins zips despite it not existing in any directory on the entire machine? what?

Edited by N70
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You need ammonia to make nitrogen and you need nitrogen to make ammonia. 

I learned this through base building, I'm likely the only ever to do such with this mod.

The solution is to make nitrogen mineable and extractable from ore and air respectively.

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Ok, I made a workaround for the Kerbalism-BP.version: manually run "7z d Kerbalism.zip Kerbalism-BP.version -r". It works. I replaced the versions on spacedock with the fixed zips.

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18 hours ago, m4ti140 said:

Is there any way to prevent Kerbalism from stopping timewarp whenever a vessel (any vessel, not just the focused one) loses signal? When I launch something into an inclined LKO I can't timewarp at all, it gets halted every time the offending vessel completes half an orbit.

About the notifications, when you click on a vessel in the kerbalism monitor, click on the cfg tab.


Once you click on that you'll see a list of notification tabs (like signal, batteries etc..) with a 'green tick' on the right column, click on the one you don't want to get alerts for.

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@N70 There have been many queries over the years as to how this issue that Nathangun resolved for m4ti140.   I'm thinking two fold here.

The first is that we could do with that kind of 'training' in the OP.  The second is an option to have these turned off by default or have global config notification editing like for probes, relays, crewed vessels etc.

In my own games I tend to spam satellite contracts around Kerbin, Mün  and Minmus but I edit these at contract completion as a matter of course.  I'd prefer to have them all off by default and switch them on manually for vessels I have  along term care for: i.e. crewed vessels!

Would this need an issue raised in the gitlab or such?



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2 hours ago, evilman222 said:

Is this mod playing nicely with MKS yet? You mentioned that you were working on compatibility a while back.


1 hour ago, Alacard said:


It IS possible, I know how, but it'd come at the cost of crew bonuses.

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15 hours ago, sp1989 said:

Is anyine having a problem that the relays dont work at all now. I still have control of the ships but I enjoy also needing a relay network for unmanned ships.

I think signalling has been disabled completely?


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1 hour ago, theJesuit said:

I think signalling has been disabled completely?


For the Better.  The Kerbalism signal method was terrible.  It was a worse version of Kerbnet...  I'm glad they're finally getting rid of it so I don't have to manually disable it every time I install.

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4 hours ago, Xordus said:

For the Better.  The Kerbalism signal method was terrible.  It was a worse version of Kerbnet...  I'm glad they're finally getting rid of it so I don't have to manually disable it every time I install.

I couldn't agree less, but that's why it was made to be disabled and replaced with something else if you wanted. I'd suggest looking into how to patch things with ModuleManager if you're really annoyed about having to manually disable it with each update

  @Signal = false


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4 hours ago, Genolution said:

Sorry I've been away for a while. What happened to Shotgun Ninja? I hope he's in good health.

I hope he's ok too, but we don't know. He hasn't posted since April 2016.

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On 4/4/2018 at 6:52 PM, makkz said:

Hi, I've had some issues with Kerbalism/SSPXr/B9PartSwitch.

Specifically, this issue:

Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: B9PartSwitch.HandledFatalException: Fatal exception while attempting to load fields for B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'Food' exists

I've made a very temp patch that allows you to switch container types on the SSPXr containers and to stop B9 from throwing the exception and crashing your game.

I have had this specific issue. Food.

Is the problem with Kerbalism or SSPXr having unusual configs?  

Is this SSPX.cfg patch to replace the one already in Kerbalisms folder?

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?


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