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[1.5.0 <-> 1.8.1] Kerbalism v3.2


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Kerbalism 2.2.0 is dropping KSP 1.3 support. Why? Maintaining backwards compatibility is slowing down development.

## v2.2.0 for all versions of KSP from 1.4.0 to 1.6.x

 - 2019-03-31

### Changes since the last release

* Add Reliability to USI Nuclear Reactors (PiezPiedPy)
* Fix ISRU capacities for CryoTanks and USI (PiezPiedPy)
* Correct LH2 storage capacities of the Radial container for AirlineKuisine, CryoTanks and USI (PiezPiedPy)
* Near Future Electrical tweaks: Uranite drilling, storage and ISRU processing added (PiezPiedPy)
* Textures Unlimited support (HaullyGames)
* Update habitats for the new V2 and DLC pods (PiezPiedPy)
* Recalculated habitat atmosphere leakage, was originally calculated for a Human day which is 4x longer (PiezPiedPy)
* Added an 'EVA's available' indicator to the Planner and Monitor (PiezPiedPy)
* Optimized Planner: Part 1 - Chill the stuttering in VAB/SPH (PiezPiedPy)
* Reduced Mass of ECLSS and Chemical Processors from 450kg to 40kg (Sir Mortimer)
* CO2 poisoning warning message will pop up sooner to give you some time to fix the issue (Sir Mortimer)
* Preemptive maintenance: if a component is found not to be in very good condition during inspection, it can be serviced to avoid a failure (Sir Mortimer)
* Fixed emitters (shields) can be used in automation tab again (Sir Mortimer)
* Processes ECLSS, Fuel Cells, Chemical Plant etc. can be controlled from automation tab again (Sir Mortimer)
* Added Kerbalism flags (Mzxs)
* Adjusted N2 leakage (Sir Mortimer)
* When analyzing science in a lab, don't drive people crazy with the "Transmission finished" message for every bit of researched data (Sir Mortimer)
* Going to EVA will now loose a nominal amount of nitrogen to the airlock. The amount can be changed in the settings (Sir Mortimer)
* Fixed the bug where monoprop appeared out of nowhere when leaving a vessel that had none in it (#288) (Sir Mortimer)
* Monoprop+O2 fuel cell is now available sooner in the tech tree. Basic Science unlocks this process along with the fuel cell (Sir Mortimer)
* Added LSS system diagrams, and a small guide on how to set up O2 + water recycling (Sir Mortimer)
* Hide Sickbay from automation if it is unavailable (Sir Mortimer)
* New Science system (Sir Mortimer, Arthur)


Edited by N70
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also, [x] science and stuff like that won't work anymore. don't worry, you can use the automation stuff with the new experiment.




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8 minutes ago, N70 said:

Kerbalism 2.2.0 is dropping KSP 1.3 support. Why? Maintaining backwards compatibility is slowing down development. 

Fine by me. Maintaining a few major versions is really nice so all my mods actually support the same version at the same time, but 1.3 is way back.


CO2 poisoning warning message will pop up sooner to give you some time to fix the issue (Sir Mortimer)

Good! Although, perhaps scrubbers should be buffed slightly as well? In the past turning a scrubber off was a death sentence because it struggled to catch up when you got the warning and turned it on. Earlier warning is good, but perhaps +25% scrubbing speed would be good too?

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52 minutes ago, N70 said:

also, [x] science and stuff like that won't work anymore. don't worry, you can use the automation stuff with the new experiment.




[x] science shows a stuttering behaviour last versions, so this wouldn't be a great loss, I guess. Is there a documentation about the new science collecting system?

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1 minute ago, Sir Mortimer said:

Not extensive, but better than nothing: https://kerbalism.readthedocs.io/en/latest/science.html

Part of the fun is discovering how to makeit work ;)

That's right and makes a lot of fun, but a bit risky within a running career. I am on the verge of leaving my home body and moons to discover the other planets. Fast  unmanned flybys get a complete new dimension, when it takes time to collect science. :-)

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20 minutes ago, New Horizons said:

That's right and makes a lot of fun, but a bit risky within a running career. I am on the verge of leaving my home body and moons to discover the other planets. Fast  unmanned flybys get a complete new dimension, when it takes time to collect science. :-)

the only other thing i can offer is a few screenshots taken I made during deveopment. https://github.com/steamp0rt/Kerbalism/pull/365

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2.2 may be unstable. If so, please feel free to revert to 2.1.x, it's still on Spacedock/Github.

big text is so people getting ready to post see this.

I've reverted Kerbalism's latest version to 2.1.2. Ckan users, have fun.

Edited by N70
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On 3/30/2019 at 2:06 AM, N70 said:

The Experiments would likely break any active missions

I noticed that the science box is there and can take surface samples, did you add in my edit or is it just on my end? I updated kerbalism but didn't remove the changes I made in my file, so I dunno if it's the new update that adds in the science box and its ability to take surface samples or if it's just my edits

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So turns out you can't disable reliability in the settings menu. Even when you turn the chance down to zero, parts still break at an annoying frequency. To each their own, but I don't find it enjoyable to have my missions killed by a random number generator.

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9 minutes ago, afafsa said:

So turns out you can't disable reliability in the settings menu. Even when you turn the chance down to zero, parts still break at an annoying frequency. To each their own, but I don't find it enjoyable to have my missions killed by a random number generator.

Interesting... in the settings.cfg file there is a reliability setting.  Open it with a text editor such as notepad and change it to Reliability = false.


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@N70 I did the pull request for the pt-br localization. Hope this help some Brazilian players to use your mod.
Thank you!

P.S.: I realized that some parts of the mod, like UI texts, and resources names(oxygen, hydrogen, etc), are not in the localization file. So the localization I made are "incomplete".

Edited by Kastruss
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49 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

Interesting... in the settings.cfg file there is a reliability setting.  Open it with a text editor such as notepad and change it to Reliability = false.


That did the trick, thanks! Can't believe I didn't think of that. I was in the process of writing a script to delete the failure state from my save file...

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Hello everyone. I love the Kerbalism mod but have a question about science in V2.2

It seems as though my probes are unable to transmit data without me manually switching on and off the files. Looking at the GUI for data storage in the vessel it appears that only the first selected file is transmitted until it reaches a size of none. Then it just stops transmitting until I deselect the file with a size of none.It is unable to move on to the next file without me switching off transmission of the completed file manually. Is this how it's supposed to function? Trying to transmit gravity data while orbiting is like playing whack-a-mole since it can start writing a new file every time you cross over a new biome. Is anyone else experiencing this data transmission hang when a file completes?


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17 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

I noticed that the science box is there and can take surface samples, did you add in my edit or is it just on my end? I updated kerbalism but didn't remove the changes I made in my file, so I dunno if it's the new update that adds in the science box and its ability to take surface samples or if it's just my edits

The science box is back, and will act as a decently roomy hard drive / sample container that you can add to your vesels. And you will need to do that on some missions, since storage space now is limited on hard drives.

9 hours ago, DrPickleshack said:

Hello everyone. I love the Kerbalism mod but have a question about science in V2.2

It seems as though my probes are unable to transmit data without me manually switching on and off the files. Looking at the GUI for data storage in the vessel it appears that only the first selected file is transmitted until it reaches a size of none. Then it just stops transmitting until I deselect the file with a size of none.It is unable to move on to the next file without me switching off transmission of the completed file manually. Is this how it's supposed to function? Trying to transmit gravity data while orbiting is like playing whack-a-mole since it can start writing a new file every time you cross over a new biome. Is anyone else experiencing this data transmission hang when a file completes?


What you're experiencing (I think) is an annoying bug in the UI: the experiment scans some data, then the file is immediately transmitted, then the file is deleted because it's empty. On the next cycle,  the experiment scans some data, then the file is immediately transmitted, then the file is deleted because it's empty. Rinse and repeat. Problem is you can't deselect the file, because it will be deleted and re-created with the auto-transmit setting on. You have no way of getting out of this loop. And it will never tranmit any other file because the "first" file it selects will reappear all the time.

Good news: it's fixed. The auto-transmit will now kick in only after the file has been untouched for ~3 seconds OR has a minimum file size of ~3Kb. If the first file doesn't pass that test, auto-transmit will just transmit the next one. This will happen so fast that it will look to you as if two (or more) files are being transmitted at the same time. You'll be able to reliably turn transmission on and off for any of those files.

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Any chance Kerbalism affects ΔV calculations? I updated Kerbalism and OhScrap! recently and now VAB ΔV calculations are off the charts (looks like Isp of engines is affected by rocket parts, for example adding 4 basic fins to my rocket bumped the already ridiculous 6k  ΔV to 13k ).

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53 minutes ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:

Any chance Kerbalism affects ΔV calculations? I updated Kerbalism and OhScrap! recently and now VAB ΔV calculations are off the charts (looks like Isp of engines is affected by rocket parts, for example adding 4 basic fins to my rocket bumped the already ridiculous 6k  ΔV to 13k ).

That is probably not Kerbalism...

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