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Your mission control setup?


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Keyboard here as well. I do see a day, though, when a flight stick will come in super handy for docking and flying through asteroid belts. Oh yeah, I have noticed a conspicuous lack of asteroid talk, and so I'm sure there is a secret plan for them to be in the game.

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Most of the flight controls are binded to my joystick and throttle stick. The extra hat switches make it very convenient for fine RCS controls, including translation for Rendez-Vous operations. I use the keyboard for EVA movement since it seems more intuitive that way. If Kerbals can rotate during spacewalks, I will probably start using the joystick for spacewalk EVA's.

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Keyboard here as well. I do see a day, though, when a flight stick will come in super handy for docking and flying through asteroid belts. Oh yeah, I have noticed a conspicuous lack of asteroid talk, and so I'm sure there is a secret plan for them to be in the game.

A lot of people seem not to realize how sparse a real asteroid field is. They think of things like the asteroid field in Star Wars, and believe that the asteroid belt is like this.

In reality, there is a LOT of space between asteroids. Such that, not only will you not have to attempt to dodge asteroids, you will have to make a significant effort to fly by one intentionally.

Computational/memory limits in the game itself probably will require that they make an asteroid belt that is even sparser of small bodies then reality, although I wouldn't be surpised if they made some small ultradense pockets for fun.


Also, I use keyboard exclusively, simply because I have no joystick. All default keybindings.

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I'm using only keyboard, but sometimes (not seriously yet) I'm thinking about some hardware, then I'm thinking about this toy cost's... and realize that keyboard is fine :cool:.

BTW, I also bind precision mode to Tab button (not collide with tab in map view), using Caps annoying me :P.

Edited by karolus10
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Flying aircraft, you need to rotate the whole vessel in frequent large and sometimes fast turns, which is immensely easier with the joystick. Flying spacecraft, you need to make occasional precise turns, which is much easier with the keyboard. It has occurred to me that flying backwards to a moon landing would be easier with the joystick, because you can simultaneously alter 2 axes (pitch and yaw) with one controller, but when I actually try it, it's so hard to reverse all my joystick-use habits that I have to switch to the keyboard to get myself out of some awful mess of confusion.

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It has occurred to me that flying backwards to a moon landing would be easier with the joystick, because you can simultaneously alter 2 axes (pitch and yaw) with one controller, but when I actually try it, it's so hard to reverse all my joystick-use habits that I have to switch to the keyboard to get myself out of some awful mess of confusion.

I only tried to fly with the joystick once and it didn't end well. It never occurred to me to try it during landing. Vanamonde, if you go into the settings menu at the KSP Splash screen, there are quick buttons that you can click to invert the controls for the joystick for each separate axis. :)

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How do you fly your rockets/planes/missiles/fireworks?

I usually bind all the important controls to my Saitek Cyborg X Joystick, and use the keyboard for rarely used keys and EVA's.

How did you get a Saitek Cyborg X to work! I have one, and there is a full 2 seconds of lag between input and output. I looked it up, and apparently there are issues between Unity and the Cyborg X drivers. I gave up on it, and now use an XBox 360 controller, which works very well.

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About a week into the game I baught this one: (Cyborg F.L.Y 5)


Made it ALOT easier to control especially aircrafts, as well as handling RCS when landing on ... places :D

Button setup on the stick:

the "fire"-buttion. toggle SAS

Top left: SAS on/off

Bottom left. RCS on/off

Top right. RCS up

Bottom right: RCS down

small "hat": RCS left/right/forward/backward

small wheel up: stage

small wheel down: toggle landinggear

Edited by djnekkid
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I use a Logitech 3D pro and have it set up so the pov hat rotates the camera. RCS is controlled by various buttons: Trigger=Forward, Various thumb buttons handle backwards/up/down, left and right are handled by side by side buttons on the left side of the base of the joystick. This way I can pan the view while I fly aircraft, and camera work while using RCS during rendezvous is much easier.

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I'm using a cheap logitech joystick and keyboard. Right now I've got it set up with some different profiles for planes and rockets, if I'm piloting a lander I've got the joystick set up to fire RCS in the corresponding direction. A bit of a pain keeping the ship oriented the right way but it's a ton of fun when both hands are working together to keep the ship steady a few meters off the surface. I kind of wish RCS had some analog thrust control, or a way to interpolate the analog input from the joystick into rapid bursts of RCS thrust. I swap the profile out for more traditional controls when flying planes and do virtually everything on the joystick: toggling SAS, controlling thrust, staging, landing gear, and control surfaces are all mapped.

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How did you get a Saitek Cyborg X to work! I have one, and there is a full 2 seconds of lag between input and output. I looked it up, and apparently there are issues between Unity and the Cyborg X drivers. I gave up on it, and now use an XBox 360 controller, which works very well.

The lag for me is not a major issue for the stick but I use the shift and ctrl keys for throttle as the throttle on the cyborg has a 5 second lag.

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