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[WIP] [1.4.2] KETO : Kerbal Extreme Texture Overhaul


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17 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

Awesome mod and not giving permission is a bit not right imo, this mod looks great and I can't wait for the proper release. May I suggest you look at the cloud layer in Alien Covenant, now that's truly unique and has never been done before. Tell me, has the mod been updated to newer textures and can now be downloaded? This mod is definitely on my list

The clouds from Alien: Covenant would be much too difficult to do with the constraints of EVE and KSP, unfortunately :/ If the mod author does attempt to recreate as unique of effects as that, I'd like to see the product!

We wait until the day we are able to get true volumetric clouds into the game platform...

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8 hours ago, Warsoul said:

43k ultra high resolution clouds for Kerbin ? You mean 4k ?

Yep, 43K. As stated in the OP, you will need a strong computer to run this mod. You will most likely need a lite gaming rig to expect at least 60 fps.

On 4/7/2018 at 10:55 AM, The-Doctor said:

Awesome mod and not giving permission is a bit not right imo, this mod looks great and I can't wait for the proper release. May I suggest you look at the cloud layer in Alien Covenant, now that's truly unique and has never been done before. Tell me, has the mod been updated to newer textures and can now be downloaded? This mod is definitely on my list

I never watched the movie and I don't really plan on doing so. I'm not really a Sci Fi fan. Could you explain what these clouds look like? Or how you'd like them to render?

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Damn ! I can render 32k heightmaps with WorldMachine but 43k ! It's Huge ! Gtx 1080ti ?

Got a threadripper 1950x + 64gb ddr4 3200mhz but i still stuck with my EVGA gtx 660sc 2gb ! These Gtx 1180 won't get out dammit !

And the price for a Gtx 1080ti is ridiculous. I prefer to wait until the GPU market crash to get a Gtx 1180 for cheap or a SLI of Gtx 1080ti.


Just finished this tonight. Importing into KsP later


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Oh ! Okay ! Mine, is mine :wink: 

I will use Array mesh when i got my Gtx 1180. Too much stress for my old video card.

Did we can downscale the 43K cloudmap for the sake of performance ? I think 3 or 4 layer with the same 16k map can give pretty much the same result at lowest cost + Parralax effects x3

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1 hour ago, The-Doctor said:

Related image


Images search results for "alien covenant ship in orbit"


Images search results for "alien covenant ship in orbit"




43K is insane, I can't run 8K smoothly, lel

Unfortunately that’s not possible right now due to the way EVE renders volumetric clouds. Volumetric clouds are rendered around your ship and not the camera.

1 hour ago, Warsoul said:

Oh ! Okay ! Mine, is mine :wink: 

I will use Array mesh when i got my Gtx 1180. Too much stress for my old video card.

Did we can downscale the 43K cloudmap for the sake of performance ? I think 3 or 4 layer with the same 16k map can give pretty much the same result at lowest cost + Parralax effects x3

Woah, that’s a nice rig. But really, even a light gaming pc could run KETO. My GTX 950, 32Gb ram and i7-6600 can run this smoothly which is less than yours. In fact one of those cheap gaming pc could run it.


Also, all NASA cloud maps are single layered so it’s pretty impossible to split them up.

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Also, all NASA cloud maps are single layered so it’s pretty impossible to split them up.


You simply Downscale the 43K Cloudmap to 16k x 16k or you split your 43K into 4 x 16k x 16k, then you layer them into 4 sphere with different size then you animate the Scale and Rotation to give them life. Animating the emissive, color and opacity can add an nice fake volumetric effect.
You can Downscale quality by Layer too :
1- Top Layer : 16k x 16k cloudmap / Rotate : 0.01/0.02/0.12 Scaling : Curve Opacity : Curve , etc
2- Detail Layer : 8k x 8k cloudmap
3- Noise Layer : 4k x 4k cloudmap
4- Faded Layer : 2k x 2k cloudmap
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20 hours ago, Warsoul said:


You simply Downscale the 43K Cloudmap to 16k x 16k or you split your 43K into 4 x 16k x 16k, then you layer them into 4 sphere with different size then you animate the Scale and Rotation to give them life. Animating the emissive, color and opacity can add an nice fake volumetric effect.
You can Downscale quality by Layer too :
1- Top Layer : 16k x 16k cloudmap / Rotate : 0.01/0.02/0.12 Scaling : Curve Opacity : Curve , etc
2- Detail Layer : 8k x 8k cloudmap
3- Noise Layer : 4k x 4k cloudmap
4- Faded Layer : 2k x 2k cloudmap

It's not just a single 43k image. It's 6 images with separate resolutions which form a sphere and is rendered on Kerbin. EVE cannot change the scale, rotation, emissive properties, color, and opacity on the spot. You have to manually edit the config file to change these properties. And then you'll have to reload the game if you want changes to happen. Sorry bud but your idea is kinda impossible.

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Idk if it's possible to do with EVE but it's possible to made it in Unity. Idk how EVE work but it loook like it's a CubeMap projected into a sphere with the Triplanar method. All you need is to convert how the cloud is rendered from a CubeMap to a layered multi sphere with UV and animations.


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2 hours ago, Warsoul said:

Idk if it's possible to do with EVE but it's possible to made it in Unity. Idk how EVE work but it loook like it's a CubeMap projected into a sphere with the Triplanar method. All you need is to convert how the cloud is rendered from a CubeMap to a layered multi sphere with UV and animations.


UV effects are applied to the clouds but animation isn’t possible with EVE.

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4 hours ago, doudou said:

Hello, the textures that were in the folder DIRT have disappeared?

In this new version the mun is all gray "ugly" An idea ?

see you soon

I re-did the DIRT system as it could easily get outdated plus I don't like to redistribute mods. Just re-install DIRT. Also, if you could provide a picture that would help a lot. Just saying the mun is all gray "ugly" doesn't help that much. Thanks! :) 

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5 hours ago, Nnimrod said:

How compatible is this with rescales? Specifically Rescale! 6.4x

A user previously claimed that rescaled systems do not work well with this mod as the cloud layers can go onto weird heights. I’d give it a go, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work that well.

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I do not know whether this has been mentioned or not so apologies if it has.


I am noticing that the bluey effect transitions to a slighlty more orange/yellow effect at an altitude of 100km. Is this intentional or not, as it somewhat looks a little off?

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1 hour ago, wallum61 said:

I do not know whether this has been mentioned or not so apologies if it has.


I am noticing that the bluey effect transitions to a slighlty more orange/yellow effect at an altitude of 100km. Is this intentional or not, as it somewhat looks a little off?

Most likely a scatterer bug. I haven't noticed it yet, maybe just on your end.

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