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Korean KSP Forum is in serious problem.


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Hi, I'm Korean player of KSP and the member of Korean(Republic Of Korea) KSP forum. Before I start talking, please notice that I'm no good at English. If I made any English errors, please forgive me.


Few days ago, it's the April Fool's Day. That day, the president of the forum 'Hoya' noticed that he(I don't know his/her gender, but I'll use he) fired all of the staffs in forum without him. At first, the members thought he was doing the fool thing. But later he noticed again about it, the situation has becoem worse. Also he abolished all election system of the forum. It's been 3 days that his dictatorship has started. He hasn't explained enough for the whole members why he stared the dictatorship.  In addition, before the dictatocrship, he didn't use his power that much. Also some members including me has thought that the forum is becoming like S.Korea in 2016 when Rasputin Scandle in Korea started. Many memebers are complaining about the lack of explanation. But Hoya hasn't answered to anyone in the forum.


Many members are worried about when Hoya sold the forum to other person. Also there is a fear about that the member who has complained can be forced to leave the forum by him.


I just want all players of KSP to notice that Korean Forum is out of control including Hoya. The members hope that the forum becomes normal as before April 1st. The members want democracy, just like Korean tried to fight with the corrupted president during candle rally during 2016-2017 and democratic election of the staffs. I hope everything becomes as normal. Have a nice day.:(

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The forum has over 12 thousand members. It has over 5 years long history. Also the most of them doesn't see that the forum is owned by him. He didn't work at all until few days ago. So you can see that the forum has been grown by 12000 normal members. Also the forum is leading Korean players of KSP in S.Korea. The forum has similar system with this forum but it is also democratic system. The members are making Korean language pack for KSP. In addition, I heard the they sent the pack to the development team of KSP. The forum had worked well with democratic system by the members until his dictatorship started. You should know that Koreans has thought the democracy VERY VERY important since 1960 when the first president of S.Korea stepped down by democratic rally. I hope the whole players to notice that even Korean forum isn't as big as this forum, but it is the biggest democratic KSP forum in S.Korea which has 12000 members and it's not owned by any person. Have a nice day:(.

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Who ever created the forum originally is the legal owner I assume, and he can do with it as he pleases. (For better or worse.)

I mean, what exactly would you like any of us to do about it? If he legally owns the web page, then nothing he has done is wrong. Even if we "take notice" as you ask, what possible effect could that have?

I'm not "against you" I'm just not really sure what you are trying to accomplish here? No one has the legal right or authority to fix this for you. Maybe you guys should stop using his forum and make a new one?

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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The forum is based on the Social Network System named 'NAVER Cafe.' Even if someone makes a new forum, the person won't call as the 'owner'. Even the offical rules of NAVER Cafe doesn't talk about the owner, but the 'president'. Many forums members elects new president or staffs after their time is over. Then the new staffs do the job that the members want to do. So as a result, he is not the owner but the president....same as Trump is not the owner of the America.

Also.....yeah....I know I can't get any help from this forum. But I just want to make sure the players that they shouldn't visit the forum even they are invited. In addition, if I have made you confused, I'll apologize to you about my fault. And.... now the members are making new forum. I think I should move to there. Anyway....thank you very much to reply to my writing. I wish this forum won't become like the forum.....Have a nice day:(

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Not sure what's happening here, but the policies of another forum are not an issue for this forum. Also, bringing politics into discussions here never ends well, so thread closed. 

Why not just talk about KSP here? :)

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