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Kopernicus, or MM 3.0.6 = Solar Panels don't work.

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Anyone else notice that with kopernicus or MM 3.0.6 that solar panels will not recharge the batteries?

Kind of sucks because I like using Stock Visual Terrain mod and kopericus is a requirement, and kopernicus needs MM to work.


Maybe someone else got this to work?

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I have a very large antenna station(kinda like the Eifel tower)which was built post 1.4.2 and it works fine. with only solar panels as the source of electric, i just launched it and it drained the batteries down 8k=50%. then once in orbit circular 130k kerbin I launched the panels and they charged right up.

 I then flipped to my current version of same craft on Duna and it works fine.

I use Kopernicus-1.4.2-1 &  MM3.06

Hope this helps


Edited by Jammer-TD
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I just launched again to test it once more, I still have this issue. I play with kOS so I script my launches and really don't want to have to resort to manual control everytime I circularize a launch, or even worst... Go rewrite all my scripts to do some funny stuff once circularized just to get power. Needless to say, I still have some weird issue with MM 3.0.6 and kopernicus.

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Another person reported the same issue, both of you have Kopernicus installed. Not saying it is the issue as no logs are provided.

If you could provide logs, people could look and see what may be causing the issue.


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Having a KSS install (which requires Kopernicus, but replaces the sun with a galactic black hole and adds other suns orbiting it, including Kerbol), I noticed that tracking panels default to the black hole, and reset to it whenever the ship loads. Logically, this would make the panels useless half the year, in KSS, but I dont know  how it works in your particular Kopernicus install.

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so I just wanted you to see that with no extras planet packs just mods with parts including kopernicus 1.4.2-1 and module manager 3.06 a test vehicle with nothing fancy  at 5k altitude the panels work as they should in the several launches in this vid you can see the charge be restored using gigantor panels.

http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/418/Demo/KSP Demo 4_14_2018 3_02_35 PM.mp4

I have not been able to simulate this issue

 so I am not sure what is causing the issue for you. I don't see these modules failing as I have them working, so maybe some conflicting mod is in use<< I dont have KSS>>

hope this helps



I saw this post on another forum and i believe this maybe the cause


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I came across this, have you tried a new game, see below.

  On 4/3/2018 at 2:39 AM, Galileo said:
  On 4/2/2018 at 10:39 PM, Galileo said:

Kopernicus has to implement its own behavior for solar panels to account for multiple stars. If you are installing kopernicus mid career, there may be some issues as the solar panels you have on your current vessels didn’t have the necessary changes. Try a fresh game and see if the issue persists.

Edited by Jammer-TD
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  • 1 year later...
  On 7/13/2019 at 12:00 PM, Trolol29 said:


My solar panels don' t want to open anymore when I removed kopernicus.

I am in 1.7.3


Things like this is why you can't swap huge mods like Kopernicus in and out and still continue active game saves.

Why did you remove it? Could you put it back and just not use a planet pack? (Is that possible in general? I've never installed Kopernicus without one).


Edited by 5thHorseman
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  On 7/13/2019 at 12:00 PM, Trolol29 said:


My solar panels don' t want to open anymore when I removed kopernicus.

I am in 1.7.3


I went through this in the last 24 hours, but I knew what I was getting into beforehand and understand the game files well enough to feel comfortable fixing any problem. This will probably sound harsh, but fixing this is complicated and if you don't know what your are doing I'd either start a new save or add Kopernicus back in. 

I don't have time to hold your hand through the process. I knew what I was doing and it still took me about 90 minutes to fix everything so my save would load without errors and everything works. There's also no way I can describe everything I changed to fix my save. I hope you backed up your game before you removed Kopernicus.

Kopernicus replaces the standard solar panel module with one of it's own. It does this so solar panels will track a non-stock star for the case where a planet pack has replaced the stock system's star.  If you remove Kopernicus from an existing save, you have to manually edit your save and all saved craft files to fix this. You need to change all modules using KopernicusSolarPanel to the stock ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. I ran into lots of little problems. The biggest was the save's calendar reset to Day 1. Ships in transit were no longer on course since the destination wasn't where it should be. I also had asteroids in my save that were orbiting planets that no longer existed.

Before I ever deleted Kopernicus I backed up my complete game install tree to use as a reference. Then I deleted Kopernicus and started the save, went into the tracking station, and then quit to the main menu while I researched what was screwed up. I  used a text comparison tool to compare the saves and logs to see what "looked wrong". Figuring out what "looks wrong" is where experience comes in. I was also went through the KSP.Log line by line looking for problems due to Kopernicus getting removed. I look at my logs often enough to know what's normal for my install.


Edited by Tonka Crash
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I was also having an issue with my solar panels not charging. Even the stock OX-STAT, when manually pointed directly at Kerbol in the stock solar system, did not charge.  Installing Kopernicus 1.7.3, released yesterday, did not fix the issue.

In the file Kopernicus\Config\SolarPanels.cfg is the following note:

// This will replace all instances of ModuleDeployableSolarPanel with the Kopernicus version
    // that has proper support for multiple lightsources
    // If you want to keep your ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, add "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to the MODULE node
    // That will stop Kopernicus from replacing it

I don't want that behavior while Kopernicus isn't caught up to the version I'm running.  So, rather than write a config to add the useKopernicusSolarPanels=F flag to all of my solar panels, I just deleted the Kopernicus\Config\SolarPanels.cfg file and reloaded the game.

Problem solved.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have the same problem as yours. the difference is that i'm using RSS with a ksp version of 1.7.3. i got the latest version of kopernicus. 

i've tried several ways,

if i delete the file : :gamedata/kopernicus/config/solarpanel.cfg, the solar panels still don't work; with no data in receiving area or energy output. 

if i delete the two files: 


and gamedata/realsolarsystem/kopernicus/config/solarpanel.cfg , it shows the data of receiving area, but there's no output of energy. 

delete the cfg file in the realsolarsystem/copernicus, is still useless. 

i press the alt+F12 and it shows:

Error: Timing FI threw during Update: System. NulIReference Exception: Object
reference not set to an Instance of an object
(ModularFI.ModularFlightIntegrator flightIntegrator) [0x00000) In <filename unknown>:0
at ModularFIModularFllghtIntegrator. CalculateSunBodyFlux () [Ox00000]In <filename unknown>:0
at FlightIntegrator. ThermoPrecalculate () [Oxo0000] In <filename unknown: 0
at FlightIntegrator Update () [Ox00000] in <filename unknown>: 0
at ModularFLModularFllghtintegrator. TimedUpdate O [ax0000o] In <filename unknown>: 0
at TimingFI. Update () [Ox00000] In <filename unknown>:0
Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Exception: NullReferenceException

Exception: NullReferenceException

anyone can help? 

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