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[1.3.1][1.4.4][v0.5.6b] History of Spaceflight - Contract Pack for Stock/RSS/RP-0/RP-1


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History of Spaceflight Contract Pack for Stock/RSS/RO/RP-0/RP-1

This mod aims to basically transcribe the entire NASA Master Catalog into missions for Stock/RO/RP-0/RP-1. This project initially started as an expansion pack to Whitecat106's popular Historic Missions contract pack, but after he quit I decided to rewrite the entire mod from start to finish. This mod will feature and expanded 1942-1958 contract set of sounding rockets from all over the  world. Plus complete mission sets (including failures) of every spaceflight launched to date(when completed).  It also has more accurate orbital specifications for you to reach including historical Apogee, Perigee, and Inclination(RSS Version). Since there will most likely be two version of Realistic Progression, RP-0 and RP-1. I will be making a version of this mod for both RP-0 and RP-1. Currently playing through the beta of RP-1 and collecting historical rocket costs and rollout costs to balance RP-1. The main balancing and release of the RP-1 version won't be until after an official RP-1 version has been released.

Currently this mod contains 670 contracts for RSS/RP-0. and 622 contracts for Stock. It contains every mission (might be missing a few but still adding) from the time frames 1942-1967, basically the first 25 years of spaceflight,  and contains:

- 53 Pre-Sputnik sounding rocket and ballistic missile contracts including but not limited to : A-Series, Aerobee series, Deacon, Corporal, Hermes 1-3, Kappa 1-6, Veronique, X-17, Cajun, Wasserfall, RTV-A-2/ RTV-A-3, Terrapin, Nike series, Eole, Deacon, Skylark-1, R-Series, Thor, Redstone, Atlas, Jupiter and more.

NASA Master Catalog

USA Missions

                                 1942                               to                            1967  
Ats (3) OGO (2) Gemini (17) MISC (32)  
Biosatellite (3) OSO (2) Mercury (10) Midas (10)  
ERS (3) Pegasus (3) Missile Tests (7) Samos (11)  
Explorer (41) Pioneer (11) DMSP (6) Ferret (7)  
GGSE (3) Ranger (9)      Echo (3) Corona (17)  
Lunar Orbiter (2) Solrad (7)                        Intelsat (2)  Discoverer (39)  
Mariner (4) SECOR (8)   LES (4) GambitKH7 (36)  
Vanguard (11) Surveyor (2) Syncom (3) GambitKH8 (9)  
Transit (22) Vela (3) Telstar (2)      
Tiros (10)     launcher tests (15) ESSA (6)      

Soviet Missions

Sputnik (3) Vostok/Korabl-Sputnik (11)      
Kosmos (123) Missile Tests (7)      
Elektron (3) Polyot (2)      
Zond (3) Marsnik (2)      
Luna (21)        
Mars (2)        
Molniya (4)        
Proton (3)        
Venera (6)        
Voskhod (3)        

China Missions

Dongfeng-1 (3)S (5)RSS        
Dongfeng-2 (3)S (5)RSS        
Dongfeng-3 (3)S (5) RSS        
Dongfeng-4 (3)S (5) RSS        
Canada Italy United Kingdom Japan
Alouette (2) San Marcos (1) Ariel (2) Lambda (2)
    Blue Water (1) Kappa (6)


More info and screenshots to follow. Currently testing and balancing what is done right now and Version 1.0 will be released once that is complete. Should take a few more weeks to finish that off barring any unforeseen catastrophes.

How to install History of Spaceflight:
1. unzip contract packs to a new folder
2. Choose which version you want to play. Either RSS/RP-0 mod or Stock
3. Copy the HistoryofSpaceflight folder into your KSP game directory under GameData/ContractPacks

4. When updating to a new version it's best to delete the previously installed HistoryofSpaceflight as well as ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and ModuleManager.ConfigSHA from your GameData folder to make sure it loads the new contracts that were added.


This pack and associated plugin is Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0.

The beta for Stock/RO/RP-0 is available here- GitHub

Also Spacedock, and Curse

Report Issues Here

Incompatible with Kerbalism or any other historical contract pack. Do not install these mods with this History of Spaceflight or you will have issues!


Recommended mods for RSS/RP-0 Version: The entire RO suite of supported mods found here:
Recommended mods for Stock: Coming Soon!

Thanks to @Whitecat106 for his hard work on Historical Contracts. A few of his contracts were helpful in understanding the bugs in my own for the early parts of writing this mod. This is my first attempt at a mod and my coding skills are pretty basic. I'm learning as I'm going. I do have a lot of free time though as I am disabled and unable to work a job. So expect a lot of work coming out in the next few months as my condition permits.


Websites referenced to make this mod:

Encyclopedia Astronautica

Gunter's Space Page

Spacecraft Encyclopedia

National Space Science Data Center Spacecraft Search





Edited by Frylovespi
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I'm so happy and thankful that you have updated and worked on Whitecat106's Historic Missions contract pack! I use it every career save! Having said that, I have a few questions/suggestions....

1. Why dose stock have fewer missions then RSS?

2. I am semi confused, dose this mod go to 1967, or to modern times?

3. Will this have future missions (AKA trips to Mars (duna) and the Moon (Mun) that are envisioned from Nasa, ESA ect...?)

4. Can you up the time period between missions? I've had a few times where I had to wait 20+ days to get a new contract, which is fine, but I mostly use non stock ksp missions, so I have only a few contracts.

5.  talking about missions, can you up the contract time periods from 70 or so days, to 100 or so days, because sometimes I build multiple versions of my spacecraft using KCT(kerbal construction Time)?


Please note I haven't tried this mod yet, I am waiting for 1.4.3 because I have been having problems with 1.4.1. If you don't like my suggestions, that's fine, that's all they are!


I can't wait to try this, THANKS!!!!!


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1 minute ago, betony1 said:

I'm so happy and thankful that you have updated and worked on Whitecat106's Historic Missions contract pack! I use it every career save! Having said that, I have a few questions/suggestions....

1. Why dose stock have fewer missions then RSS?

2. I am semi confused, dose this mod go to 1967, or to modern times?

3. Will this have future missions (AKA trips to Mars (duna) and the Moon (Mun) that are envisioned from Nasa, ESA ect...?)

4. Can you up the time period between missions? I've had a few times where I had to wait 20+ days to get a new contract, which is fine, but I mostly use non stock ksp missions, so I have only a few contracts.

5.  talking about missions, can you up the contract time periods from 70 or so days, to 100 or so days, because sometimes I build multiple versions of my spacecraft using KCT(kerbal construction Time)?


Please note I haven't tried this mod yet, I am waiting for 1.4.3 because I have been having problems with 1.4.1. If you don't like my suggestions, that's fine, that's all they are!


I can't wait to try this, THANKS!!!!!


1. I removed some sounding rocket missions from the Pre-Sputnik era that really play better in RP-0 early career. I left in the ballistic missile progression and think its a much better fit for stock. There are 17 Pre-Sputnik missions now instead of the 53 or so for RP-0. Mostly they were reach 20km, 50 km ,70 km etc repeated over and over again but with different sounding rockets. It is a way to grind funds and science from other launch sites in the early RP-0 career.

2. Right now only to 1967. Future updates will bring it up to the present time. This mod is on a much larger scale than Whitecat106's was. The end game should feature around 8000 contracts.

3. Not sure. Maybe. We'll see when we get there. Was trying to keep it historical.

4. Since this was a re-write and not a continuation of his mod I did not include the waiting period. This pack was designed for RSS/RP-0 where wait times already exist through KCT so weren't needed. The stock version is a straight port of the RSS/RP-0 version but with adjusted funds, science, and orbits to match Kerbin better. I did keep some historical apogees and perigees for stock though and inclinations are mostly present. I probably missed a few. Still testing everything and adding and fixing missions almost daily on GitHub.

5. That 70 days is meant to add pressure and force you to rush builds while using KCT. Be really sure about your rocket first. Build the rocket and then take the contract. I usually test rockets with K.R.A.S.H if unsure. But I may decide to change it. It would be a lot of work and not happen for a few more versions if it ever happens.

I hope you have fun when you eventually try it out. Full warning I have only tested a few of the contracts in stock. I know they work but this mod was originally just intended for RSS/RP-0 and I ported it over 2 days so there may be a bug or two.... or ten.

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10 minutes ago, Frylovespi said:

1. I removed some sounding rocket missions from the Pre-Sputnik era that really play better in RP-0 early career. I left in the ballistic missile progression and think its a much better fit for stock. There are 17 Pre-Sputnik missions now instead of the 53 or so for RP-0. Mostly they were reach 20km, 50 km ,70 km etc repeated over and over again but with different sounding rockets. It is a way to grind funds and science from other launch sites in the early RP-0 career.

2. Right now only to 1967. Future updates will bring it up to the present time. This mod is on a much larger scale than Whitecat106's was. The end game should feature around 8000 contracts.

3. Not sure. Maybe. We'll see when we get there. Was trying to keep it historical.

4. Since this was a re-write and not a continuation of his mod I did not include the waiting period. This pack was designed for RSS/RP-0 where wait times already exist through KCT so weren't needed. The stock version is a straight port of the RSS/RP-0 version but with adjusted funds, science, and orbits to match Kerbin better. I did keep some historical apogees and perigees for stock though and inclinations are mostly present. I probably missed a few. Still testing everything and adding and fixing missions almost daily on GitHub.

5. That 70 days is meant to add pressure and force you to rush builds while using KCT. Be really sure about your rocket first. Build the rocket and then take the contract. I usually test rockets with K.R.A.S.H if unsure. But I may decide to change it. It would be a lot of work and not happen for a few more versions if it ever happens.

I hope you have fun when you eventually try it out. Full warning I have only tested a few of the contracts in stock. I know they work but this mod was originally just intended for RSS/RP-0 and I ported it over 2 days so there may be a bug or two.... or ten.

Thanks for replying Frylovespi!

1.  That makes sense!

2. Wow, that's amazing!

3. Sorry, I had figured the 635 contracts was from 1942-present, no need to add those over historic missions! More historic missions are better!

4. Thanks, that's amazing!

5. That was more of a long term suggestion, i don't know why, but i've never tried K.R.A.S.H! I think its because I always feel like my first version is the one that will work, but I like to build my rockets based on the contract, and spend much more time designing "for the missions", then the actual missions themselves. Also, if I lose a spacecraft, I want to "feel the pain", not a few dollars.


Would you say that RSS/RP-0 is the way you intended the mod to be? Or is that just how you play?

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RP-0 is really what this mod is intended for but the audience reach is far smaller. RP-0 is really the best way to play period if you are a history nerd. Lots of great mods to make most of the historical rockets. Once you get over the learning curve it's a lot of fun. I haven't played stock in a over a year now but stock has its charms. Going to be starting a new stock career once 1.4.3 drops.

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1 hour ago, Gordon Dry said:

Could it be that this issue is triggered by this contract pack?

Especially read the edit at the end ...

Unfortunately that looks like a conflict between Kerbalism and contract configurator. It has nothing to do with my mod other than my mod does use the CONTRACT_TYPE line to identify past contracts.  Every mod pack that adds contracts will contain that CONTRACT_TYPE line.

Edited by Frylovespi
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1 hour ago, MacKerbie said:

Hate to sound stupid but what's the correct folder path for this mod? I want to make sure I've installed it correctly.


How to install History of Spaceflight:
1. unzip contract packs to a new folder
2. Choose which version you want to play. Either RSS/RP-0 mod or Stock
3. Copy the HistoryofSpaceflight folder into your KSP game directory under GameData/ContractPacks

4. When updating to a new version it's best to delete the previously installed HistoryofSpaceflight as well as ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and ModuleManager.ConfigSHA from your GameData folder to make sure it loads the new contracts that were added.

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On 17/04/2018 at 10:18 PM, Frylovespi said:
How to install History of Spaceflight:
1. unzip contract packs to a new folder
2. Choose which version you want to play. Either RSS/RP-0 mod or Stock
3. Copy the HistoryofSpaceflight folder into your KSP game directory under GameData/ContractPacks

4. When updating to a new version it's best to delete the previously installed HistoryofSpaceflight as well as ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and ModuleManager.ConfigSHA from your GameData folder to make sure it loads the new contracts that were added.

Thankyou Fry. Been playing and modding KSP for long enough now, it just caught me offguard that the folder path wasn't obvious.


Edited by MacKerbie
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5 minutes ago, MacKerbie said:

Thankyou Fry. Been playing and modding KSP for long enough now, it just caught me offguard that the folder path wasn't obvious.


You are welcome! And thank you for making me realize I forgot to include installation instructions in my posts and downloads. That has been corrected now.

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11 hours ago, Elon Kerman Jr said:

Saw this on curse and it seems good but will it work in science mode? @Frylovespi

Oh I just looked at the images but why do you get so little science like shouldn't you get more than 5 for launching like the first satellite or what.

No, unfortunately contracts pack will not ever work with science mode. Mission Control building is disabled by default in science mode as per Squad settings. And this mod is a supplement and not meant to replace doing experiments. And I think you are playing with an old version. I had updated Sputnik-1 to 10 science and Sputnik-3 to 15 a few days ago. I also just went through the pre-sputnik missions and realized that I was rewarding the science for the RP-0 version instead. So I increased the science rewards and the next release will reflect that. Once complete this contract pack will contain over 8000 contracts.  But, if each contract awards 5 science(launch failures award less) then you would have 40,000 science just from doing contracts. And as per history Sputnik-1 didn't contain any experiments  on board. All the science gained was deduced by watching it from the ground and tracking it. Sputnik-3(Object-D), which was the first space laboratory,  was supposed to be the first satellite in space by the Soviet Union but they had to fast track Sputnik-1 to beat the USA so they went with the simple satellite.

Edited by Frylovespi
sp fix added pre sputinik info
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@Frylovespi there still is an issue with "Mars-1":

ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'Mars-1': Error parsing group
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

ArgumentException: No contract group with name 'MarsMission'
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[ContractGroup] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[ContractGroup] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[ContractGroup] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1 setter, IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, ContractConfigurator.ContractGroup defaultValue, System.Func`2 validation) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, ContractGroup, Func`2)
ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, ContractGroup)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename:  Line: -1)


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7 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

@Frylovespi there still is an issue with "Mars-1":

ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'Mars-1': Error parsing group
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

ArgumentException: No contract group with name 'MarsMission'
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[ContractGroup] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[ContractGroup] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[ContractGroup] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1 setter, IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, ContractConfigurator.ContractGroup defaultValue, System.Func`2 validation) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, ContractGroup, Func`2)
ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, ContractGroup)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename:  Line: -1)


I see the problem. I changed "MarsMission" to DunaMission in the historyofspaceflight.cfg for the stock version. Must have had the file open when i was batch converting mars to duna. Pushing a fix to github now. I will add anothr hotfix release right away. Thanks for noticing it. It wasn't replicated in my RSS version and that's the version I have been using most over the last few days.

Edited by Frylovespi
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1 hour ago, Gordon Dry said:

@Frylovespi there still is an issue with "Mars-1":

ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'Mars-1': Error parsing group
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

ArgumentException: No contract group with name 'MarsMission'
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[ContractGroup] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[ContractGroup] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[ContractGroup] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1 setter, IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, ContractConfigurator.ContractGroup defaultValue, System.Func`2 validation) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, ContractGroup, Func`2)
ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, ContractGroup)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename:  Line: -1)


Its working in mine now. I put up the wrong download. It still had an extra DunaMission in the cfg. So re-download the now fixed link from github. This also introduced a new bug in a 1964 mission ESRS that i am working on fixing. It was supposed to be in the next release but i forgot to remove it so the 1964 bug will be fixed tonight. Don't report it it's known.

Edit. ESRS mission is also fixed. It didn't like my description so I had to rewrite it. Its included in the latest patch from github,  spacedock, and curse.

Edited by Frylovespi
added curse
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I would also like to point out. Expect some bugs. There are a lot of contracts. If you find one just report it and it will hopefully be sorted quick. I'm usually around pretty much all day. I make a lot of small typo mistakes on account of the strong pain medication I have to take. Either post in the forum or create a new issue on the GitHub Issues page. I will try to fix the problem as soon as I see it. I also don't really play all that much stock anymore so that is where most bugs are going to be. In the future I'll make sure that the contracts actually load in stock before releasing. I usually just load RSS and port them over and assume that they will load. That isn't always the case it seems. I will be more diligent in the future concerning stock releases. Thanks again for finding that bug and pointing it out for me to fix.

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On ‎19‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 11:37 PM, Frylovespi said:

No, unfortunately contracts pack will not ever work with science mode. Mission Control building is disabled by default in science mode as per Squad settings. And this mod is a supplement and not meant to replace doing experiments. And I think you are playing with an old version. I had updated Sputnik-1 to 10 science and Sputnik-3 to 15 a few days ago. I also just went through the pre-sputnik missions and realized that I was rewarding the science for the RP-0 version instead. So I increased the science rewards and the next release will reflect that. Once complete this contract pack will contain over 8000 contracts.  But, if each contract awards 5 science(launch failures award less) then you would have 40,000 science just from doing contracts. And as per history Sputnik-1 didn't contain any experiments  on board. All the science gained was deduced by watching it from the ground and tracking it. Sputnik-3(Object-D), which was the first space laboratory,  was supposed to be the first satellite in space by the Soviet Union but they had to fast track Sputnik-1 to beat the USA so they went with the simple satellite.

@FrylovespiOh ok I haven't actuality got the pack its just I forgot that you cant do contracts in Science mode. I will go and get it and hop on a new career save as my old one is pretty bad position right now:(.

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Hello, I got into an issue with your contracts. None have their organization image displayed, i've just a white rectangle with every of them. Wasn't the case in  the 0.5.3 version. If I can do something to help you... I didn't see any error message in the log.

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