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[1.8.1 - 1.12.2] KSP Interstellar Extended 1.29.5 Release Thread


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Version is now available for KSP 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, and 1.6.1

Released on 2019-03-29

  • Added Carbon-monoxide to Hex Assembly gas tank
  • Improved automated alternative fusion fuel switching
  • Improved ISRU menu description
  • Balance: Increased positron antimatter storage capacity
  • Balance: Lowered power requirement p-B11 by 60%
  • Balance: reduced magnet power cost Bussard Magnetic scoop and increased power cost ionization laser
  • Fixed ISRU Haber process and offline processing
  • Fixed configuration issues in diode laser array and computer cores(credit: Jiri Hanan)
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On 3/30/2019 at 9:07 PM, pp3d said:

I'd like to know what is the earliest KSPI-E version that can run on KSP ver 1.6.1


Well technically KSPIE for KSP 1.3.1 compiles against KSP 1.6.1, so the oldest version for KSP 1.3.1 you could find might work in KSP 1.6.1

Edited by FreeThinker
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Version 1.20.19 for KSP 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1

Released on 2019-04-01

  • Fixed Electric Engines thrust prediction and compatibility with MechJeb
  • Fixed confusing VAB part info with generator for reactors.
  • Fixed minor display issue regarding upgrade technologies on reactor and power generator
Edited by FreeThinker
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Version 1.20.20 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1 and 1.6.1

Released on 2019-04-07

  • Added Energy Production and Fuel Usage to Reactor info screen
  • Added proton-Carbon fusion mode to Muon Catalyzed Fusion reactor
  • Added Trippe Alpha Fusion mode Muon Catalyzed Fusion reactor
  • Added Helium, Carbon Oxygen and Neon Alpha fusion mode to Muon Catalyzed Fusion reactor
  • Balance: Increased Breaking force tolerance on NSWR
  • Balance: reduced maximum power output Muon Catalyzed Fusion reactor by 25%
  • Fixed issue with Radiator stock heat cooling when active
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Version 1.21.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1 and 1.7.0

Released on 2019-04-13

  • Added Persistent Thrust to Z-Pinch Engine and Z-Pinch Airospike
  • Added 1.25 and 1.875 tweakscale sizes to Z-Pinch Engine and Z-Pinch Airospike
  • Added Pure Fusion mode to Z-Pinch Engine and Z-Pinch Airospike
  • Added Improved Exhaust effect to Z-Pinch Engine and Z-Pinch Airospike
  • Added thermal modes Methane, Hydrazine, Ammonia, LFO, Hydrolox, MethaLOx fuel to Z-Pinch Engine
  • Added plasma modes Hydrogen, Lithium, LiquidFuel and thermal mode CompressedAir to Z-Pinch Airospike
  • Added Fussion pellet manufacturing to Hex Module ISRU refrigerator
  • Added Wasteheat buffer and catastrophic overheating to Z-Pinch Engine and Z-Pinch Airospike
  • Balance reduced Z-Pinch Airospike base power and wasteheat by 25%
  • Balance reduced Z-Pinch Engine base power and wasteheat by 50%
  • Balance change mass exponent Z-Pinch Engine and Z-Pinch Airospike to 2.5 while Power is changed to exponent 3
  • Fixed description Hex Module ISRU refrigerator
  • Fixed FusionPellets fuel ratios for Z-Pinch Engine and Z-Pinch Airospike
  • Fixed fuel mode switch issue on Z-Pinch Engine
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Version 1.21.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.0

Released on 2019-04-21

  • Added Electrodeless Lorentz Force Thruster (replaced MPD thruster)
  • Added Additional Localization for Spanish
  • Added field Electrically Powered Percentage to Plasma nozzle
  • Added Cyclotron Positron Factory
  • Added Regolith definition for Icarus and Tarsnis
  • Balance: reduced ZPinch fusion engines, mass thrust and wasteheat by 25%
  • Fixed Z-Pinch FusionPellet ratios between (significantly lower fuel usage)
  • Fixed Z-Pinch fuel usage during Time warp
  • Fixed Z-Pinch and Vista effect on fuel ratios after Ips throtling
  • Fixed Center of mass of KSPI engines
  • Fixed KANDL gimbal range
Edited by FreeThinker
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Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.0

Released on 2019-04-27

  • Added Additional Chinese Localization
  • Added Placeholders for Thermal Engine Propellant modes unlocking
  • Added HTP propellant mode to Z-Pinch Airospike Fusion Engine
  • Added Warp UI Switch button to Alcubiere Drive
  • Balance: Thermal Turbojet gets unlocked with Experimental Aircraft Engines
  • Balance: Thermal Ramjet gets unlocked with Aerospace Tech
  • Balance: Electrode-less Lorentz Force Thruster Power capacity
  • Balance: increased Thermal Turbojet Gimbal range
  • Balance: decreased Thermal Turbojet atmosphere performance of non intake modes
  • Fixed Alcubiere Drive reverse heading after dropping out of warp outside Kerbin SOI
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Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.7.0

Released on 2019-05-01

  • Added KerbNet to iHAL and added KerbNet resource view to Science Laboratory
  • Added: Alcubiere Reaction wheel is only active during warp and strength scales with vessel mass
  • Fixed Alcubiere Warp drive jerking and geeforce spikes during maneuvering and changing SOI
  • Removed flashing of Alcubiere Warp during warp
Edited by FreeThinker
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Version 1.21.5 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.0

Released on 2019-05-06

  • Added ability of Quantum Singularity Reactor to be used with plasma nozzle
  • Added additional tank configuration to Cryotanks when installed
  • Balance: Magnetic Nozzle will respond with leaning thrust but static isp when connected to Quantum Singularity Reactor
  • Balance: increased Thermal Ramjet High altitude performance
  • Balance: increased Thermal Ramjet Gimbal range
  • Balance: Quantum Singularity Reactor can use full power for propulsion
  • Balance: Quantum Singularity Reactor startup minimum charge-up power now scale inversely linear with proximity of gravity well
  • Balance: Quantum Singularity Reactor will startup at maximum power
  • Fixed issue of QSR would generate more power than required or requested, resulting in unnecessary overheating overheating
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/15/2019 at 9:48 PM, pp3d said:

reporting here the Alcubiere Warp drive jerking at warp for version 1.21.5/1.6.1

Originally there was some compensation for this but after KSP 1.7 It seems to make it worse so I removed it. What I could try is to make it an optional setting.

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Version 1.21.6 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.0

Released on 2019-05-21

  • Added Russian Localization (credits by Sool3)
  • Added Ability of Nuclear Lightbulb to increased mass flow and Improved Fuel Flow Exhaust Effects
  • Added Thermal Insulators to Probe Cores
  • Added KSPIE patch to Integrate SpaceKiss Liberty Nuclear LightBulbs
  • Added Improved Integration for Dawn Ion Engine
  • Added ability of Thermal Antimatter Reactor to use any Antimatter fuel source
  • Added ability of Beam Core Antimatter Reactor to connect to Plasma Nozzle and MHD Power Generator
  • Added Dill Sample Science Experiment
  • Added High Atmosphere, Low Space and High Space Laser Beam Experiment
  • Balance: Increased Efficiency and Power of Nuclear Fission Reactor
  • Balance: Increased Efficiency Low Tech Thermal Power Generator
  • Balance: Reduced Default size Liquid Core Nuclear Engine
  • Balance: Increased Gimbal Range Nuclear and Thermal Ramjet
  • Removed ability of Thermal Antimatter Reactor to connect to Plasma Nozzle and MHD Power Generator
  • Fixed Jerking During Faster Than Light Travel of Alcubiere Warp Drive
  • Fixed issue with Ion Engine not showing exhaust
Edited by FreeThinker
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Version 1.21.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.0

Released on 2019-05-26

  • Added More Russian Localization
  • Added Auto Rendezvous/Circularize switch to Alcubiere Drive
  • Added Safety Distance Percentage slider to Alcubiere Drive context menu that determines minimum space altitude
  • Added Safety Features that prevent vessel from colliding with Celestial bodies
  • Fixed safe warp speed around Celestial Bodies with low gravity
  • Fixed Warp strength of Folding and Small Alcubiere Drive (10x)
  • Fixed Thermal/Nuclear Turbojet/Ramjet critical failure after staging
  • Removed Science Experiment om Science Lab
Edited by FreeThinker
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19 hours ago, Bill the Kerbal said:

what does this do? is it like a warp autopilot?

Do you really think we are going to allow puny Carbon Based Life Forms take full control of Faster Than Light travel? Of course not! 0.025 ms is an eternity for artificial intelligence, enough time to drop out of warp at the right angle, giving it the perfect momentum to get into orbit or match orbit with an intended target. It will be on by default. Just point your vessel in the right direction and the warp drive will do the rest.

edit: Notice next release it will also take care of warp acceleration, so you don't have to bother yourself pressing the increase speed button to your destination on time. Then it becomes less than 10 seconds to anywhere (within the solar system and nothing is blocking your path).

edit2: theoretically it would allow you to visit all celestial bodies in the solar system within few minutes. The main problem would be to avoid the gravity holes by clever manoeuvring or good planning. Does that sound like an interesting challenge?

Edited by FreeThinker
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Version 1.21.8 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.1

Released on 2019-05-31

  • Added Switch Propellant Window to Thermal Engines
  • Added Automated Warp Acceleration Mode to Alcubiere Warp Drive
  • Added Min and Max Warp Buttons to Warp Window
  • Added integration from SpaceKiss Nuclear Salt Water Rocket and Nuclear Salt Water Mixer
  • Added SpaceKiss parts to KSPIE Filter Extension Part Catalogue
  • Added Oxidizer as Thermal Propellant for Ramjets and Turbojets
  • Added Monopropellant as Thermal Propellant for Thermal Nozzle and Thermal Airospike
  • Improved Alcubiere Warp Drive Auto circulation & rendevous Accuracy
  • Balance: Reduced Ramjets stationary performance
  • Fixed issue with Nuclear Ramjet Intakes
  • Fixes issue with radialEngineBody
  • Fixed issue with duplicated or deleted resource intakes from Air intakes by secondary mods
  • Fixed incompatibility issue with Beautiful Restock which unloaded some stock textures which were used by KSP
  • Fixed issue were parts with integrated Radiator would show up in Filter Extension Radiators catalogue
Edited by FreeThinker
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I'm encountering an issue with this mod where the WarpPlugin Folder  is causing my Air Intakes to be auto closed and when manual opened provide no air to air-breathing engines despite showing that they are producing air. I have systematically checked all mods installed and confirmed it is the WarpPlugin folder. I have done a fresh install of this mod and verified the cache. I have both DLCs. 

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2 hours ago, Morvran said:

I'm encountering an issue with this mod where the WarpPlugin Folder  is causing my Air Intakes to be auto closed and when manual opened provide no air to air-breathing engines despite showing that they are producing air. I have systematically checked all mods installed and confirmed it is the WarpPlugin folder. I have done a fresh install of this mod and verified the cache. I have both DLCs. 

I had not linked it to the WarpPlugin folder, but this is exactly the issue I am having too with air intakes.  Even making sure to set them to start opened, and sizing them to insane size only allows a plane to get another 100 meters down the runway before flame-out.  Seems odd that tweaking them bigger does register as starting with more air.

This is on a fresh install with only a fraction of the mods I had before the update (but including KSPIE).


Here is a drop-box linked screen shot of a simple test:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0m1h5puvn17uai/Screenshot 2019-06-02 15.41.25.png?dl=0


Edited by jake0042
Adding a screen shot
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