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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Kerbal Flying Saucers - Build Flying Saucers in KSP!

Angelo Kerman

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Don't see a need for star trek parts. There's nothing that can't be replicated using tweak scale and stock parts, or procedural parts. But adding some visual parts to complete the look would be cool. They can be dual use. (Thinking of the bussard collectors and deflector dish.)

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  On 4/20/2018 at 12:49 AM, Angel-125 said:

A tractor beam is already on the books, along with a drill beam. Imagine hovering over a spot about 20m up, then turning on the drill beam to get resources. I also have a transporter on the books that uses plugin code I created for Pathfinder's Pipeline mass driver. With a corresponding transporter room somewhere on the surface, you can beam (technically, wormhole via stargate) resources, KIS items, and crew back and forth. With Pathfinder installed and set to Classic Stock play mode, one of its templates will include a transporter room. :)


That's awsome, I been playing KSP with this future parts in my mind. I thought gonna use this parts as typical rescue, crew transporting and for tasks for small things like a pesky battery that I forgot. All this parts does that wonderfully. Or at least this how think gonna balance it for my gameplay. Using this new parts for the extreme mobility and trade it off by limiting my payload size.

I love the whole the whole "stargate" transporter one, suggesting make it almost ludicrously expensive and it would be investment you enjoy at key places. I would suggest a limited range as the drill beam for the tractor beam, now reading my own statement, yeah, that is kinda obvious. :D

But like 100 m beam in vacuum and maybe gravity makes the beam weaker ? I see the tractor beam like the obvious suck up kerbals in space, rescue contracts and other small objects extraordinaire tool  =)


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Back to IVA slogging... I've got the UV maps done for the cabin shell, and some light placements done..



Doesn't look like much but the important stuff is that I can start texturing the interior. Some inspiration for the KFS interiors:



Props will use MAS/ASET as much as possible..

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I think I may been hacked by Angel-125 at 512th(yes, seriously, would been weirder with 1337 hours) hour in KSP.  I was designing some super low part long distance airplane, as I have not really explored Kerbin at ground level. While by some weird idea, could it been beamed into my head or I may be developing a serious mental health problem of reverting 150 times in row just to get that perfect control behavior on elevon. The first weird idea was to actually fly the airplane longer than 30 seconds even if was not perfect as mother Kerbesa. I see that frown forming slowly on some KSP managers reading here, but it was not my fault, I promise on Kerbus.

The second idea, just came too like unknown radiation beam from a unknown place, maybe as some spurt of a suppressed patriotic idea. Let's go north, it is like I never there. Climate is excrements but it has fancy aurora and stuff. Also the Santa Klaus is there somewhere under the snow, plotting his next delivery of well wished for, new technology. 

Valentina is sitting in the cockpit, flying as the the ace she is. Bombardments of instructions from the KSP Manager(That's silly Sunesha), really anxious and with a unhealthy addiction of micromanagement. His instructions is even competing with whitenoise over radio in frequency. Valentina takes a moment loosing her tight bun. Another sacrifice that had to be made in the latest Safety course, which happens almost hourly or at least it feels like that for poor Valentina.

With her hair loose, all that oxygen is racing into head and she sees with clarity for the first time. She is also convinced this is another poor attempt of keeping the girls in their place. As a side effect of this small moment of freedom, she manage to cancel out the noise of her manager. Out her left window she spotts a big round object sticking out the snow, little sideways as it just want demonstrate it's attitude.
Valentina thinks to herself, "That can't be Santa Klaus ? No, just children and Sunesha believes in Santa Klaus. No way, it must be made by a intelligent lifeform, in my own calculations, it must be made by a lifeform at least 3,57 times smarter than our manager. Which means it is 0,06 times smarter than a normal kerbal." 
Even in this spontaneous small moment of rebellious mood, Valentina does the right thing and report it in.

Long and even boring investigations started of the round object. Curiously absent is the space manager, spending precious funds of looking for Santa Claus. Concluded in his own investigations that this was final proof that Santa Klaus exist. As no other lifeforms are known to the Kerbals, it must be the only conclusion that makes sense. Poor Valentina was once again pushed a side for the photo op. As the manager had installed hidden cameras inside the airplane's and had first seat to Valentina's rebellion. As punishment, the record would be shown that Jeb had found Santa's Klaus's round sled. Also Jeb had long campaign of sucking up to the manager. As the record shows, he was successful. 

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  On 4/26/2018 at 10:33 AM, Barzon Kerman said:

ETA for alpha release?


About June, unless you'd like to pay me livable wages for the Silicon Valley (about $80 USD/hr). :)

In all seriousness, quality art takes a long time, IVAs are a royal pain, and I have several projects to work on at once. For example, the mothership's OmniLab has omni converters that let you select a converter from a bunch of templates:


Instead of having a fixed set of converters for, say, Pathfinder's BrewWorks, and making use of 1-2 of them, you can instead be more efficient by configuring the converters do do what you'd like.

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  On 4/26/2018 at 3:52 PM, Barzon Kerman said:

:( Ok,


It beats waiting a year... like I did! I created the initial concept document in early 2017, but had so much to do with my other mods that I had to wait until 2018 to start working on KFS. I'm actually kind of excited to have something releasable in about a month. :)

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  On 4/26/2018 at 3:49 PM, Angel-125 said:

Instead of having a fixed set of converters for, say, Pathfinder's BrewWorks, and making use of 1-2 of them, you can instead be more efficient by configuring the converters do do what you'd like.


Interesting... I'm sure I can find a way to abuse that.

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Getting closer...


The part is now remembering the omni storage resources, and adding them to the list. Next I need to wire up the KIS storage and the sliders that let you adjust resource amounts. After that, some bug fixes, mod updates, and back to the flying saucers IVAs. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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