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When We Left kerbin - Chapter Twenty: Epilogue

Angelo Kerman

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Chapter Twenty: When We Left kerbin


“We’re all bedded down in cryosleep, Kelbin,” Raphia said over the ship’s intercom. “I’m the last. I’ll see you again in a few years.”

“Have a good rest,” Kelbin responded. He could hear her mutter something about Atlantis’ cryo-shelter being cold and unfriendly before switching off the intercom.

He paused a moment, thinking he should say something… He remembered a quote by Lagatha vonKerman. She and Colonel Parie were working out the details of jointly running Saucer Works. Both nations were also calming down, but neither one could explain the recent “accidents.”

“When we left Kerbin, we did not see ourselves as giants,” Kelbin said, “We were humbled upon seeing our world so small… Ok, Marnica, hit it!”



A few moments later, Kelbin felt the g-forces build as the engines ignited and pushed him against his seat. He never expected to be in command of the first spacecraft to Jool. But with Valentina still on Duna and Jeb and Captain James… gone… Kelbin was KSP’s most experienced astronaut available for the mission. Whatever that mysterious transmission from Duna was aimed at, they’d figure it out.

As the thunder of the burn subsided, DSEV-05 broke away from Kerbin’s grasp. Other ships in the Jool One Fleet followed suit.



With the first step of the farthest journey beyond Kerbin completed, Kelbin finally had a chance to relax a bit as his crew began setting Atlantis’ systems into hibernation mode. A lot had happened since his first trip into space: he established Skybase, salvaged spacecraft, tested flying rocket saucers and Deep Space Exploration Vessels, learned about the secret saucer research base on the Mun, briefly became part of the Kerbal Stargate Program, and discovered the fate of the Annunaki. And so much more had happened over the past couple of years.



The flight crew completed their chores and headed down to the cryo-shelter to hibernate. As captain of the ship, he was the last to enter cryo-sleep. He took one last look around, then tapped the close button. Unlike the last vision of his “trip” to Eve, where he entered the cryo-shelter, he felt his body grow cold as the glykerol began its work. In a few moments his bodily activity would be next to nothing.

But until then, as he fell asleep, he began to dream…


Giorgio Kerman, resident expert on the ancient aliens, looked at the footage from Stargate Base for the umpteenth time. He couldn’t help but feel sadness for all the people that were lost, all the people that he knew. He saw footage from one camera that he hadn’t checked before. It was from one of the observatory’s entry hatches. It took ten seconds of video before the base exploded. Curious, he decided to look…




This ends Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1. It’s been a long and fun road. Thanks for reading!

Edited by Angel-125
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Hooray new chapter!
Oh no! Last chapter!
Seriously, even though I don't get the plot 100% (what was the fate of the Norse-American aliens? And who was lost at Stargate Base?) it's been great.

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7 hours ago, fulgur said:

Hooray new chapter!
Oh no! Last chapter!
Seriously, even though I don't get the plot 100% (what was the fate of the Norse-American aliens? And who was lost at Stargate Base?) it's been great.

Yup, it was a long time coming. I finally had time to play over the holidays and got the screenshots needed. While this story is done, I'm gearing up for a new one. I'm not sure if it's a continuation of this universe or a new one. I am definitely considering JNSQ, which would require a restart. But I also left some loose threads just in case I come back to the KEEP-verse (Kerbal Elcano Exploration Project was the predecessor to this story).

The Annunaki/Norse Americans' are thought to be extinct... as far as anybody knows...

MIA: Gene Kerman, Wernher vonKerman, Captain James T. Kerman, and many more of the top personnel from the Kerbal Space Center were lost, leaving people like Bobak Kerman as Flight Director and Linus Kerman in charge of the KSC. Gene and his crew were last seen running through an active stargate...



Edited by Angel-125
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  • 4 years later...
6 hours ago, Eclipse 32 said:

can someone give me the proper order of all of these mission reports?

Duna Space Program | Test Flight | K.E.E.P. | When We Left Kerbin are my original mission reports, in that order.

For JNSQ, in order: To the Mun! | Shuttle Launch System | Commercial Space Ventures | Flight of The Endeavour | The Last Mun Flight

I'm on a break for The Last Mun Flight- I'm slowly working on some fixes for Sandcastle that I need to progress further.

Thanks for reading! :)

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