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B-58 is the Hustler, the first American nuclear bomber capable of mach 2.

I just realized, what it is bad idea to use it on spacecrafts in many ways (capsule i mean).

P.S. Added 2 new possible projects to the list.

Edited by quadro7f
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Were'd you find the concept stuff for the Soviet Space plane? I tried looking under M-19, nothing even close to it came up.

From Buran site (http://www.buran.ru/htm/history.htm) and many other forums. It calls "üó-19 óурúþûõт", try to search using these name. This plane still secret. Most advanced variant using liquid hydrogen and nuclear reactor's heat to accelerate in atmosphere using ramjet effect, almost without any fuel consuption.

BTW. How to remoove the Poll? Does anybody know?

UPD: Fresh WIP Screens. Nose section almost completed. Only some textures tweaks and landing gear left.








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OH MY GOD THAT CONTROL PANEL. Please, tell me that those buttons aren't just for show.

Sry mate, its only for showcase atm. I would like to make those panels for game, but sadly i am not a programmer and i have absolutely no idea how to do that.

But anyway, i planning to make a full 3d cockpit interior (in fact its already done, hehe), so maybe this buttons and some useful displays will be there and you could push them like a boss. Its all depends on how Squad will implement IVA.

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Finger still crossed for those habitat landers :/ Otherwise great work!

Ok, i'll add them to future projects, maybe with ares rockets as well.

Btw, i just sucessfully tested MuMechServo Plugin by r4m0n. So i planning to use it for cargobay doors. And if flight tests will be good (i hope doors wouldn't just rip off from shuttle because of G-forces) and license will allow me to include this plugin, then i'll use this scheme for cargobay and other stuff like towers. It worlks perfect so far.

Oh, and about towers, this is top secret, but i trying to make this as well:





I gonna try to implement Crawler, based on Carts Plugin. Its more than possible, i think. In theory, you could build your own tower, using pieces or components, like you seen on apollo's red tower, each one will be pretty big (because of optimization and for reducing possible lags) with ladders and surfaces to walk on. The plan is what you starting you rocket's design from crawler, then add special launch platform on top, then build tower on this platform, and at last - a spacecraft to launch. So all this construction could easily drive over space center and parks whatever you need it for launch (of course, on very low speed to prevent crushing).

After parking you can remove crawler or just leave it there. And then you start another flight as bus, filled with crazy kerbanauts or passengers (if you build passenger-like shuttle or rocket) and drive them to the tower, board into ship, remove tower's boarding parts using servo plugin, and finally launch it.

This is general plan. There are lots of details and testing needs to be done before i could say what this idea works, and add this to projects list and start doing this.

And remember, i didn't say this.

Edited by quadro7f
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buhwuwwuhwuhwuwwh ....

Sorry, i needed to pick my lower jaw from the floor before trying to 'say' something.

My lord, this is un-be-lie-va-ble! If you would only create just ONE of those things, i would already have too few thumbs to express my admiration!

If you could create the crawler .........!

It is indeed possible to create your own tower with the parts in f.e. the Damned Robotics mod, but it isn't practical. The parts will never stay solidly together and you create an enormous lag. One detaild part like the image would be much, much better!

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buhwuwwuhwuhwuwwh ....

Sorry, i needed to pick my lower jaw from the floor before trying to 'say' something.

My lord, this is un-be-lie-va-ble! If you would only create just ONE of those things, i would already have too few thumbs to express my admiration!

If you could create the crawler .........!

It is indeed possible to create your own tower with the parts in f.e. the Damned Robotics mod, but it isn't practical. The parts will never stay solidly together and you create an enormous lag. One detaild part like the image would be much, much better!

Thats true, they could kill any PC, so i planning to make them as big as possible, but with some customisable options, something like 15-20 meters on each section (its like 4-5 floors per each), so normal-size tower will contain 3-4 sections and for apollo-size rockets about 4-5 sections (400 feets or 122 meters). And to make them stable, they will have extra-big breakingForce, breakingTorque and other parameters, but tests will show, of course. And if there will be lags, then i will make 1 big piece.

About Crawler. It will have lots of weels instead of tracks, becasue i dont think what carts plugin can simulate tracks, but anyway, those weels will act pretty similar (4 blocks with around 16 heavy-duty weels each). Anyway, fisrt poject based on this plugin will be bus, so i could understand how to work with it and then use that experience for making crawler.

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Normally i would say, the more wheels the merrier, however not in the case of the Crawler.

I urge you to try the tracked approach first nevertheless. I know it is believed that the cartplugin probably can't simulate tracks, but i think there is a workaround possible. I'll explain.

Take the Bigtrak_bike. It has only two wheels, yet it stays upright. The trick is that the creator used an invisible third wheel.

Then the tracks on the Crawler. In principle a track consists of several metal plates connected to each other (forget about all the other parts to keep it simple). An animation of a moving track can consist of just three or four images which are repeatingly played quickly one after the other. It will probably need more images as the crawler moves (very) slowly. Now you have a rotating track without it moving. Then use the same trick as the Bigtrak creator used: create an invisible wheel for each (inside or outside) track with stearing and drive function. The running surface of that wheel should be slightly lower than the track. It would be nothing more than a cart on four wheels. Could that be possible in your opinion or has my imagination overloaded my brain?

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Ok, i ll try to make tracks using these scheme or another. I might also need to ask Tosh if this possible. Btw, i think, crawler steering by rotating 4 blocks like this:


So, i need think about control system once more, maybe it will be better to make just 4 big virtual weels (with steering function) and place them as blocks, and then make blocks with false weels and animated non-collision tracks. Dont know yet. To be able to make such complex things i need to look at carts plugin first.

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This project is coming along great! i cant wait for the shuttle! =) i think for easier building that the rcs and cover parts should all be connected so it would be only two parts and not 8 or 9 separate parts. people with a lot of mods will have issues trying to find all those tiny parts. Plus it will save staging space and less parts = less lag.

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This project is coming along great! i cant wait for the shuttle! =) i think for easier building that the rcs and cover parts should all be connected so it would be only two parts and not 8 or 9 separate parts. people with a lot of mods will have issues trying to find all those tiny parts. Plus it will save staging space and less parts = less lag.

I have special part, called "Hood Patch" wich can replace all forward upper section with rcs trusters if you dont need them. And each rcs trusters have their patch-variants too, if you need to remove some of them and leave others.

Here is how it looks:



About size - shuttle is pretty big, much bigger than standart mk3 cabin, so all its parts big too. The most small part i made so far (upper RCS Thruster) is about the size of kerbanaut.

About lag - i trying to use as low polygons as possible. I've seen mods where 1 booster has a 3x-times more polygons than all my shuttle parts so far. I using very complex textures and shaders to compensate this, so it looks and plays very smooth.

All parts starts from "USTS" tag, so they always grouped together, in each 4-5 sections of menu. If you have issues with finding stuff (because of too much of it) then it's game interface problem, there should be filters by parts manufacturers at least.

Plus idea of this shuttle is to have complex transport system what you can build and tweak for different tasks, like cargo delivery, sciense expeditions, passanger routes, interplanetary flights, etc. using USTS parts as base with 3D Cockpit and middeck. For example, you could build different-sized shuttles (like modern passenger planes) with small or standart, or extented cargobay, or winout cargobay but mega-fuel tank instead. Even baby-shuttle (as i call it) with only cabin, small hull and wings. Or you want me to stop doing all this and make just 5-8 standart-replica looking parts? In that case it would be similar to CSS shuttle, so thats mean what there is no longer any reason for me to make this project and i can switch back to WoT sounds mods development, because wot fans want me very bad.

Edited by quadro7f
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Please continue with the idea for the shuttle you have been building i would much rather kill my pc than have to use the css shuttle! You are doing a great job I would hate to see all that time wasted because a reader criticized the way you are doing this!

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Yesterday was epic storm here, over city, and one powerfull lightening taken down internet hub, so i couldn't answer, because of internet connection destruction, but anyway, during those dark times, i completed nose section. All rcs thrusters works fine now, collision and structural integrity are perfect. Right now i tweaking textures once more time, plus i need to create bump maps for all parts (so many work for me :( ).


There is some bad news as well - sounds for RCS thrusters doesn't work. Does anybody know how to turn on sounds for them?

If performance really becomes an issue couldn't you release a version thats either one part like he suggested or with even more reduced polygons? I'm not sure how 3d programs work though :S

Why people saying about performance issues? Performance isn't issue at all! Even HD textures 2048x2048 works very smooth so far. Of course, there is no bump maps yet, but this shouldn't be a problem at all. I watching very carefully on all aspects of this mod.

Please continue with the idea for the shuttle you have been building i would much rather kill my pc than have to use the css shuttle! You are doing a great job I would hate to see all that time wasted because a reader criticized the way you are doing this!

Dont worry. I just trying to say what there is no point to create second CSS-like shuttle, because we already have one. CSS is very good shuttle, easy to construct, with good aerodynamics and excellent engines, plus you can download it right now. I mean, i using another approach - more customizability and more attention to details, with ability to create you own shuttle design with lots of plugins for maximum experience, challenge and fun. That's the main idea, anyway.

P.S. If somebody interested, i am making development live streams, so you can actually see full creation process from scratch till game.

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Yesterday was epic storm here, over city, and one powerfull lightening taken down internet hub, so i couldn't answer, because of internet connection destruction, but anyway, during those dark times, i completed nose section. All rcs thrusters works fine now, collision and structural integrity are perfect. Right now i tweaking textures once more time, plus i need to create bump maps for all parts (so many work for me :( ).


There is some bad news as well - sounds for RCS thrusters doesn't work. Does anybody know how to turn on sounds for them?

Why people saying about performance issues? Performance isn't issue at all! Even HD textures 2048x2048 works very smooth so far. Of course, there is no bump maps yet, but this shouldn't be a problem at all. I watching very carefully on all aspects of this mod.

Dont worry. I just trying to say what there is no point to create second CSS-like shuttle, because we already have one. CSS is very good shuttle, easy to construct, with good aerodynamics and excellent engines, plus you can download it right now. I mean, i using another approach - more customizability and more attention to details, with ability to create you own shuttle design with lots of plugins for maximum experience, challenge and fun. That's the main idea, anyway.

P.S. If somebody interested, i am making development live streams, so you can actually see full creation process from scratch till game.

I believe you have to set it in the configs which sound to use. As for the performance issues people are just worried because at the games current state is fragile and some modders forget that and go all out on polys like you said alone with high res textures. I really like that your on focus with that =) means you care and know what you are doing =P i cant wait to use this mod hehe. I would love to be a flight tester of the project.

Development stream sounds awesome. it is cool to see how someone works. A nice visual aid as well for new modders and how the project is going.

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From what I understand more parts = more calculations (it does calculate the physics for each part, right?) and due to the game being restricted to a single core, even people with very good PC's can take a hit from this.

Thats why a "lightweight" version of it thats pre-build would be useful to users with low end computers, I shouldn't have a problem with it.

Another problem is if you have a lot of mods, high res textures make more difference than you might think, but again, this shouldn't be an issue because turning down the resolution on a texture is easy, and most people probably won't have problem with it.

I was just adding my 2 cents, looking forward to release of this greatly, it is something I have wanted to see in KSP for a long time.

I have one question though, when docking is put in, or a mod to do it is made (as shown by that video posted a few days ago), where would the docking port be on the different configs? I'm not even completely sure where it is on the space shuttle xD

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