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[1.12.x] Launch Numbering Templated

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33 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:


Thanks for doing that check.

I'll have to take a look

I see the problem, it has the runway and launchpad hard-coded.

Shouldn't be too hard to fix

glad I could be of help

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40 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

New release, 0.5.2

  • Added new launch sites and airfields (from the Making History) as recognizable launch sites

@linuxgurugamer So, seems there [may] be a minor issue with this release. I removed the previous version, and installed the new one, and I do not have the setup options for launch numbering, and it doesn't seem to function at all in game, both in saves in progress, new saves, with KCT, and without KCT.

As soon as I roll back to the previous version, functionality is restored. Not sure what's gone wrong here. Sorry.

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12 minutes ago, vardicd said:

@linuxgurugamer So, seems there [may] be a minor issue with this release. I removed the previous version, and installed the new one, and I do not have the setup options for launch numbering, and it doesn't seem to function at all in game, both in saves in progress, new saves, with KCT, and without KCT.

As soon as I roll back to the previous version, functionality is restored. Not sure what's gone wrong here. Sorry.

What version of the game are you playing?

Also, please check the settings to be sure that it is enabled for the various launchsites

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7 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

What version of the game are you playing?

Also, please check the settings to be sure that it is enabled for the various launchsites

I'm playing KSP version 1.4.4, and with the mod version you just released, version 0.5.2 I can't enable the mod for the various launchsites, as the mod options don't show up in the game at all. The game doesn't recognize the mod is there at all.

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3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Make sure you have the latest version of the ToolbarController a d ClickThrough Blocker

Unless you've updated those in the last week, week and a half I should but I will double check that as soon as I get home and let you know

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

BlocNumber never seems to get used. Not with changes made to a ship, not even with completely different ships with no parts in common.

I've made templates that force it to be displayed,


Test,{[name].name [blocNumber].blocmark [launchNumber].num }

And I end up with a vessel named "MyTestVessel.name [blocNumber].blocmark 008.num".

Arabic/Roman makes no difference.

Tested in 1.7.0 and 1.7.1
Mod version installed through CKAN.

Edited by tofof
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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

New release,

  • Fixed Scenario module, was causing nullrefs and preventing anything from being done in the game

To be specific, the bug fixed manifested itself as not being able to get into any of the buildings

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  • 1 month later...

So i'm not sure what is going on, but it seems like Launch numbering isn't working for me anymore The mod shows up in my game and I can access the control window in the VAb/SPH but when i launch craft it doesn't add any numbers or anything to the craft I'm launching. Tested at KSC and extra launch sites.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/uocit1vj0n4sr0b/Player LNlog.log?dl=0 

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7 hours ago, vardicd said:

So i'm not sure what is going on, but it seems like Launch numbering isn't working for me anymore The mod shows up in my game and I can access the control window in the VAb/SPH but when i launch craft it doesn't add any numbers or anything to the craft I'm launching. Tested at KSC and extra launch sites.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/uocit1vj0n4sr0b/Player LNlog.log?dl=0 

Please provide the template that you are using.  While there are a number of exceptions in the log, none of them was related to this mod.  Also, please ping me when posting a message like this so I'll be notified about it

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8 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Please provide the template that you are using.  While there are a number of exceptions in the log, none of them was related to this mod.  Also, please ping me when posting a message like this so I'll be notified about it

Sorry, I was getting ready for bed last night when i posted and i guess i forgot to tag you. I assume by the template I'm using you mean the settings from the mod? 



one thing of note, that I don't know if it's important, is the screen shot in the VAB is currently set to default, I almost always set it to use the Mk setting, I did so during my last game session. It was set to default when I loaded KSp just now to take these screenshots, so it doesn't seem to persist between KSP sessions. 

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@linuxgurugamer So I installed a completely new, stock version of KSP and only installed Launch numbering and dependencies, pulled the most up to date versions of those off your github, and just quick launched 2 rover and skycrane craft from the stock game. Launch numbering did not seem to function. was using default options, except had add number always and add to first vessel selected, and show bloc numbers disabled. vessel numbers were set to roman numerals. I changed nothing in the VAB editor options.


EDIT: And forgot to post link to log, here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7smq1pj4noq3qcb/Player LN log stock install.log?dl=0

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7 minutes ago, vardicd said:

@linuxgurugamer So I installed a completely new, stock version of KSP and only installed Launch numbering and dependencies, pulled the most up to date versions of those off your github, and just quick launched 2 rover and skycrane craft from the stock game. Launch numbering did not seem to function. was using default options, except had add number always and add to first vessel selected, and show bloc numbers disabled. vessel numbers were set to roman numerals. I changed nothing in the VAB editor options.


EDIT: And forgot to post link to log, here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7smq1pj4noq3qcb/Player LN log stock install.log?dl=0

Thanks, I'll be working on this tomorrow night

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On 1/15/2020 at 8:20 PM, vardicd said:

one thing of note, that I don't know if it's important, is the screen shot in the VAB is currently set to default, I almost always set it to use the Mk setting, I did so during my last game session. It was set to default when I loaded KSp just now to take these screenshots, so it doesn't seem to persist between KSP sessions. 

Interesting point.  Last night I concentrated on fixing the bug, I'll take a look to see if I can preserve the last setting

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@linuxgurugamer Has the method by which Launch numbering 'remembers' which craft has been launched changed, or has something in KSP changed that may have affected how the mod 'remembers' craft? I'm noticing while I'm playing that with several craft I'm launching the numbers don't seem to persist. I have a lander probe that I've built to land on the Mun or Minmus. I just happened to name it Mun Lander. I can built a series of them, through Kerbal Construction time and send them off to the Mun or Minmus, and they'll have the numbers behind them, Mun Lander I, Mun Lander II, Mun Lander III etc. I designed them to collect the science, then return to orbit where Kerbals collect the science then return it to Kerbin, at which point the probe deorbits and crashes. Then If i go to build another series of them, With no part changes, exact same craft, just going to different biomes, they start over as Mun Lander I, Mun Lander II, etc. I feel like that used to not be the case, that the mod would remember those craft and run those numbers up, and I'd end up with Mun Lander X, or Mun Lander XVII or higher, and I'm not seeing that. There are some craft that never go above the number one. I've built and launched at least a dozen of my W.C.T.V.'s {Whitestone Crew Transfer Vehicles} without making any changes to the craft, and every single one has been W.C.T.V. I 

EDIT: If I had to guess, from my observations, and recollections, it almost seems like once there are no active in flight versions of a given craft, the mod forgets that any were ever launched, so the next one comes off the line as the number one again? I suppose it's possible I've got a mod interaction going on, but Unless I'm wrong every mod I'm using now I've used with Launch Numbering in the past, and I don't remember having this issue, I swear I remember the numbers persisting on craft, even if there weren't any left in the world.

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