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[WIP][RSS/RO] Alternate Apollo


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Wow nice pics :cool:

Sorry I haven't updated here in a while, I will finish off this stuff soon hopefully and then I think I will go back and redo the D2 models and textures a bit with more consistent pixel densities etc since I didn't really know what I was doing when I started out. Maybe make it look a little more stockalike.

Oh and that tank part was something I was just doing for fun, was going to be part of an alt-history launch vehicle for the D2 and station parts.. didn't mean to actually upload it to github :P  

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For not knowing what you were doing, this came out pretty awesome!

Question: how amenable are you to config file contributions, balance wise and/or 3rd party mod patches? I’ve been slowing making some up for my own use, but if you think it may be useful, I can write them a bit... cleaner. 

In theory, I have the frameworks for a Snacks cargo config, remotetech for the appropriate parts, and a switch to use actual LHO2 if CRP is installed. On that last note, I’ve also pondered trying to haul the number balance in line with BDB; this is not intended to deminish your parts, quite the contrary, the two sets work very well with each other! The Saturn 1 has a purpose once more! :D 

I do have a suggestion/request though, that I don’t think I can patch myself: have you considered a 3.75 m decoupler/adaptor to go with the 1.875 and 2.5 m sizes? Currently it is a little tricky to launch off of that size rocket. 

Finally, the Not-Salyut station parts look awesome! I’m looking forward to having a go with them, but I’m not sure how/what I want them to function as yet. :) 

Edit to add one simple thing I did do: I suggest moving the fuel cell + some mono prop from the service module into the four-engine skirt. That way there is a smaller/lighter SM for the orbital configuration, and a reason to use the solar panels. 

Edited by komodo
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  On 1/29/2019 at 5:18 AM, mcdouble said:

Maybe make it look a little more stockalike.


In my opinion - don't worry about more stockalike.  This mod provides an excellent set of parts that mesh well with the BDB mod.  I'd rather have something that complements the BDB aesthetics than something that looks more stockalike (then again, I don't use stock LVs).  I am curious to see what you had in mind for the alt-history LV - the tug is a cool part, and even the "didn't really know what I was doing" parts are better than anything I could come up with.

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  On 1/29/2019 at 7:57 AM, komodo said:

Question: how amenable are you to config file contributions, balance wise and/or 3rd party mod patches? I’ve been slowing making some up for my own use, but if you think it may be useful, I can write them a bit... cleaner. 


Feel free to contribute anything you'd like, I'd welcome and appreciate any help with things like that. 

  On 1/29/2019 at 7:57 AM, komodo said:

I do have a suggestion/request though, that I don’t think I can patch myself: have you considered a 3.75 m decoupler/adaptor to go with the 1.875 and 2.5 m sizes? Currently it is a little tricky to launch off of that size rocket. 


I was actually just redoing the interstages so I will definitely look into that. (Also good idea moving the fuel cell to the skirt section)

  On 1/29/2019 at 1:22 PM, MOARdV said:

In my opinion - don't worry about more stockalike.  This mod provides an excellent set of parts that mesh well with the BDB mod.


Stockalike was probably the wrong word, basically the textures are a bit messy with pixel densities all over the place and I just wanted to clean that up a little, and make it fit a bit more consistently with mods like BDB.

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  On 2/1/2019 at 4:11 PM, mcdouble said:

Stockalike was probably the wrong word, basically the textures are a bit messy with pixel densities all over the place and I just wanted to clean that up a little, and make it fit a bit more consistently with mods like BDB.


Making it fit with BDB more is a great idea, my suggestions would be to try and match more of the match more color pallet wise (like match the grey silvery texture of the Apollo D2 to the BDB Apollo and its service module for example), add some more scratches and or other tiny details to all the parts ya know. Oh and lastly it'd be rad if the solar panels fit with the more stockalike blue color scheme rather than the dark navy-blue you have now. You're doing a great job so far with all of it, keep it up. :D

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Something I have noticed recently, although my free time has taken a hit... having the mission module decoupler integrated in the reentry module wreaks havoc on staging, at least on my install. I haven't figured out yet if adjusting the setup of moduleDecoupler on the part can resolve it, but thus far I haven't had any luck. Has anyone else ran into this issue?

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  On 2/9/2019 at 9:08 PM, komodo said:

Something I have noticed recently, although my free time has taken a hit... having the mission module decoupler integrated in the reentry module wreaks havoc on staging, at least on my install.


What do you mean exactly? The only staging icon for the reentry module should be to decouple whatever is attached to the top node. Haven't noticed any problems with it.

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  On 2/13/2019 at 4:03 AM, mcdouble said:

What do you mean exactly? The only staging icon for the reentry module should be to decouple whatever is attached to the top node. Haven't noticed any problems with it.


The icon and decoupler work correctly, that part isn't in question. The staging order gets confused when parts are added down the stack, and ends up with odd things like all of the engines being in the same stage. I think it is partially due to the heat shield being integrated as well. What you end up with is a decoupler on your decoupler (cue meme) and I think the game just doesn't know what to do, or at least, not sure what the intent of the user is. if there is a part between decouplers, it sends a signal to the game to give a hint of intent. (I think.)

I haven't had any additional time to play around with it, unfortunately :(

Edited by komodo
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  On 2/18/2019 at 11:03 PM, Barzon Kerman said:

 FYI The AJ-10 doesn't have any stats on a non RSS/RO game. It is heavily modded though, so that might be why.


It has a flawed realplumes patch. Check the issues on the github, I believe I made some notes there on the issue. Easiest fix is to find the realplumes patch and disable it temporarily. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My turn to post a couple of pictures.


Union Station, under construction.  The Kanaloa-derived boost tug is still attached to the aft port.  It will be undocked to make room for a 0.625m docking port hub that will allow multiple D2 to visit at the same time.  The forward berth just received a hub module (with cupola pre-installed instead of a zenith berth) configured for 0.9375 APAS.  The tug that delivered the hub is still attached.

Meanwhile, Apollo D2 flight and crew qualifications continue with the Titan-Multibody LV.



EDIT: For some specific feedback - your Apollo Lab solar panels are my favorite solar panels - the way they interact with the sunlight is visually more interesting than anything I've seen since the very old Bobcat MIR panels.  I like that they're almost black, but their specular color is reddish-brown.  I wish I knew how to modify other solar panels to behave the same way.

Edited by MOARdV
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  On 3/3/2019 at 7:33 PM, MOARdV said:

For some specific feedback - your Apollo Lab solar panels are my favorite solar panels - the way they interact with the sunlight is visually more interesting than anything I've seen since the very old Bobcat MIR panels.  I like that they're almost black, but their specular color is reddish-brown.  I wish I knew how to modify other solar panels to behave the same way.


They are wonderful!

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  On 2/18/2019 at 10:32 PM, Tyko said:

This looks really cool. Are you planning on releasing stock balanced configs as well? 


Hiya, sorry for my lack of replies, as usual I am bad at checking the forums :P

In theory the stock configs should be working at the moment, but there's probably plenty of tweaks that can be done. I've been slowly redoing the parts to clean up colliders, have more consistent texture art etc so when that's done I will try to release the D2 stuff properly with balanced stock configs and everything.

  On 2/19/2019 at 8:25 PM, komodo said:

It has a flawed realplumes patch. Check the issues on the github, I believe I made some notes there on the issue. Easiest fix is to find the realplumes patch and disable it temporarily. 


Ah yeah thanks I saw an issue like that raised on github but I've never got round to looking at it, will do soon.

  On 3/3/2019 at 7:33 PM, MOARdV said:

For some specific feedback - your Apollo Lab solar panels are my favorite solar panels - the way they interact with the sunlight is visually more interesting than anything I've seen since the very old Bobcat MIR panels.  I like that they're almost black, but their specular color is reddish-brown.  I wish I knew how to modify other solar panels to behave the same way.


Thanks, that was my attempt to create the effect of the Skylab solar panels (like below) which kind of do something similar. It's basically just changing the specular colour in Unity so pretty easy to do but I guess there's no way to modify existing parts to do that without re-exporting them from Unity..


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  On 3/10/2019 at 5:27 AM, mcdouble said:

Ah yeah thanks I saw an issue like that raised on github but I've never got round to looking at it, will do soon.


Given the all the requirements are NEEDS they should be in the same entry aka :NEEDS[<mod1>&<mod2>& etc]  

That is more correct than going :NEEDS[<mod1>]:NEEDS[<mod2>] ETC


Alternately if someone has the Community Resource Kit this the NEEDS Realfuels is moot... AKA I have never had this AJ10 disappear and I don't use RealFuels.  That however makes the MM patch more complicated and it is beyond my knowledge/understanding of MM to try to help with.

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  On 3/11/2019 at 6:19 PM, Pappystein said:

That is more correct than going :NEEDS[<mod1>]:NEEDS[<mod2>] ETC


Specifically, the second form doesn't work: MM throws out anything other than the first NEEDS. 

I have somewhat of a CRP patch, but it isn't polished up whatsoever. My free time has about evaporated. I can post it here if anyone would like to take a crack at it, though. It's (almost) always easier to tweak than create...

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Changed the plume config from




I don't know if that fixes the issue (I'm terrible with configs), but it seems to work ok in my stock install with no RealFuels or Realplume.

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  On 3/12/2019 at 1:48 AM, mcdouble said:

Changed the plume config from




I don't know if that fixes the issue (I'm terrible with configs), but it seems to work ok in my stock install with no RealFuels or Realplume.


Also absent testing, that should at least do what is expected syntax wise. 

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While I know mcdouble appreciates all bug reports, you have to provide more information than "its broke."   In the case of the Parachutes burning up, what was the flight profile.  What was the original Periapsis in atmosphere at the start of re-entry? What is the orbital speed at the start of re-entry?  What percentage of Ablator was still on the capsule when the Chutes burnt up.  WHEN were the chutes deployed (Altitude and speed) ....   Or since it sounds like you both saw this on NathanKell's stream... Let me ask did you follow HIS instructions on how to report a bug?   If you don't know what they are please look in my signature below.   Now I know NathanKell is pretty voracious about posting up bugs if he finds them.   More than a few modders owe the quality of their mod to his input/help over the years.  

Again thank you for trying to help but please, mod developers need specifics... The More you provide the more helpful you are. 

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Im sorry for my ineptitude, please be sure it comes from my next to no knowledge about how KSP modding work(ive tried, its just not my department) and not from any malicious or entitled reasons.

Yes i saw it on Nathans steam, thats what brought my attention to this excellent mod, but made this post after ive seen it on my own gameplay.



-as i said its only on lunar reentry

-periapsis doesnt seem to matter, even at perigee that makes you skip into space again

-speeds around 11km/s

-it happens at around 70km altitude, chutes closed

-ablator doesnt seem to be the issue, id say its "descent mode" banking way too much but its still an issue even without descent mode

-basically theres like 1-2 seconds when they reach, and surpass their max temperatore, so i "fixed" it by cheating.

I can upload log if it helps.


Again, i now realize how my original post might've looked, but i assure you i got nothing but pure amazement and gratitude for anyone working on any of these mods  :>

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