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Inverse kinematics robotcontroller for Canadarm1, Canadarm2 and ANY


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/10/2019 at 1:06 AM, DarthGav said:

I can't find the button to open the GUI. I tried V8jester's post, but still can't find it.

I'm not sure if I downloaded it wrong or what.




You can open the GUI by rightclick to the TRF CA2 LEE and "Turn on IKRC". Look at the last page, there is a pic of this rightclickmenue.

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  On 4/11/2019 at 10:52 PM, DarthGav said:

Tried that wasn't there.



"Dump ServoStructure" appears in the menu? If so, try to press. If the "Turn on IKRC" doesn't appear after this, then there is an initialization error. Maybe you put everything in the GameData library that is on GitHub, that's the reason.

Please, send me ksp.log from Kerbal main directory. I'll see what the problem is.

Edited by Trufiadok
I'll complete the plugin's startup part with error messages.
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/23/2019 at 5:28 PM, Trufiadok said:

Dextre Arm's 1st complete test. The Dextre's arm removes MBSU from ColdPlate and puts back it.



That is awesome! What are you planning to use Dextre for in the long run? Manipulating smaller stuff like the cold plate? Does the new DLC change any of your plans for the arms?

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  On 5/23/2019 at 5:34 PM, TheAceOfHearts said:

That is awesome! What are you planning to use Dextre for in the long run? Manipulating smaller stuff like the cold plate? Does the new DLC change any of your plans for the arms?


I don't have the DLC, but what I read about it is that the servo motors and a sequencer have been included. I don't know much about it, but in its function it can be similar to the InfernalRobotics plugin. I not found references in the 1.7.0 KSP API. If will have api's access to robotics, I will do connection for it.

Dextre's arm can grapple anything that has "micro-fixture". It can be attached to anything. "Micro-fixture" is a dividual part.

I plan to do different gripping tools for the OTCM head. (H‐Fixture, Micro‐Conical Fitting, Modified Truncated Cone Target, Micro‐Conical Tool, etc.) I would like create the ISS's battery modules.

Planned IKRC Additions: Reloadable Arm Positions, Motion Path Planner.

I'll soon upload the newest IKRC plugin, which will include Dextre. I'm making a video with the complete Dextre unit.

What were you thinking? Want you some feature or part?


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I've uploaded the changes for SPDM Dextre module. https://github.com/Trufiadok/IKRC-for-Kerbal

This includes:

- Dextre's parts, micro-fixture-, MBSU- and MBSU' ColdPlateparts. Dextre's Body Roll Joint isn't yet rotatable from the IKRC, but rotatable from the IR.

- I have modified the IKRC plugin to fine-tune each robot arm. Some new switches can be found on the extended window: MoveTarget (If it is active, you can move the target (red ball) with the buttons without moving the arm.), NormServRot (Normalized servo rotation, motors rotate evenly compared to each other when approaching the target. The one that has a greater angle has to rotate faster and the smaller one is slower.),  STL active (Straight Line Trajectory active, It is a test switch for stable and straight line movement.), Dyn.SAngle (Dynamic SamplingAngle, If we turn it off, we can manually set SamplingAngle.)

- The CA2LeeCam plugin has also changed: You can set some parameters in the part.cfg file, ex. Set camera window title - cameraID = OTCM2 Camera, Set camera overlay file - hudTextureFile = otcmhud_real.png, Set camera FOV - fieldOfView = 30, Set changeable FOV - changeableFieldOfView = false, wideFieldOfView = 60, narrowFieldOfView = 30, Set name of Camera Transform in used camera part model - camTransformString = CamExt.

Edited by Trufiadok
I'm still have to do that texturing the dextre.
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  On 5/24/2019 at 2:24 PM, Trufiadok said:

I don't have the DLC, but what I read about it is that the servo motors and a sequencer have been included. I don't know much about it, but in its function it can be similar to the InfernalRobotics plugin. I not found references in the 1.7.0 KSP API. If will have api's access to robotics, I will do connection for it.

Dextre's arm can grapple anything that has "micro-fixture". It can be attached to anything. "Micro-fixture" is a dividual part.

I plan to do different gripping tools for the OTCM head. (H‐Fixture, Micro‐Conical Fitting, Modified Truncated Cone Target, Micro‐Conical Tool, etc.) I would like create the ISS's battery modules.

Planned IKRC Additions: Reloadable Arm Positions, Motion Path Planner.

I'll soon upload the newest IKRC plugin, which will include Dextre. I'm making a video with the complete Dextre unit.

What were you thinking? Want you some feature or part?



Excited for the ISS possibilities with Dextre! I don't have specific things in mind, but am looking forward to the planned additions. Are there still plans to do the Canadarm 1? I'm working on my ISS builds and would love to be able to have the easier time IKRC would make when using the shuttle.

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  On 5/27/2019 at 2:49 AM, TheAceOfHearts said:

Excited for the ISS possibilities with Dextre! I don't have specific things in mind, but am looking forward to the planned additions. Are there still plans to do the Canadarm 1? I'm working on my ISS builds and would love to be able to have the easier time IKRC would make when using the shuttle.


I need to re-model Canadarm1 because some of the motor's fixed part haven't got mesh object. Therefore, if the activate timewarp, the motor will rotate in the opposite direction. Do you need any supplement for Canadarm1?

I have a secret plan, but don't tell anyone.:D I want to make the IKRC-NEXT version which compatible with InfernalRobotics-NEXT.

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  • 1 month later...

@Trufiadok Fantastic work on Dextre! I came back to take a look at your progress and I'm absolutely blown away!

I did have a suggestion on Dextres design. With something I figured out on my own build. AS IR is very temperamental with docking. If you rigidly attach the lower PDGF to the upper Dextre assembly (For the purpose of my example - RKE tube from upper assembly directly to lower PDGF) This makes the upper PDGF and lower PDGF essentially the same solid "Part"

Then surface attach an IR rotatron (Or your TRF Body roll joint) With the Lower Dextre Assembly attached to it. To the RKE tube, and then center accordingly. You can then dock Dextre to a station or pick it up with the Canadarm II, without any adverse affects of IR reversing after docking.

Think of the connection of upper and lower PDGF to the Dextre lower assembly as a "T Fitting" connected to the Rotatron. Grab it from the top or the bottom you still connect to the IR rotatron for the Lower Dextre assembly exactly the same way.

The only down side to doing this is you loose the ability to rotate whatever you pick up with Dextre's lower PDGF. You'd need to rotate all of Dextre to rotate a payload. Hopefully that makes sense. It's fairly simple but difficult to explain.


I forgot to ask. How do you see the green alignment target reticule? On the LEE or Dextre’s End Effector camera’s.

Edited by V8jester
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  On 7/31/2019 at 4:20 AM, V8jester said:

@Trufiadok Fantastic work on Dextre! I came back to take a look at your progress and I'm absolutely blown away!

I did have a suggestion on Dextres design. With something I figured out on my own build. AS IR is very temperamental with docking. If you rigidly attach the lower PDGF to the upper Dextre assembly (For the purpose of my example - RKE tube from upper assembly directly to lower PDGF) This makes the upper PDGF and lower PDGF essentially the same solid "Part"

Then surface attach an IR rotatron (Or your TRF Body roll joint) With the Lower Dextre Assembly attached to it. To the RKE tube, and then center accordingly. You can then dock Dextre to a station or pick it up with the Canadarm II, without any adverse affects of IR reversing after docking.

Think of the connection of upper and lower PDGF to the Dextre lower assembly as a "T Fitting" connected to the Rotatron. Grab it from the top or the bottom you still connect to the IR rotatron for the Lower Dextre assembly exactly the same way.

The only down side to doing this is you loose the ability to rotate whatever you pick up with Dextre's lower PDGF. You'd need to rotate all of Dextre to rotate a payload. Hopefully that makes sense. It's fairly simple but difficult to explain.


I forgot to ask. How do you see the green alignment target reticule? On the LEE or Dextre’s End Effector camera’s.


This is an interesting approach. It's worth thinking about.

The "hudTextureFile" parameter defines the "green" crosshairs picture, in TRF_CA2_LEE_wCam\part.cfg, TRF_OTCM1.cfg, TRF_OTCM2.cfg files.

    name = Ca2LeeCam    
    fieldOfView = 30
    changeableFieldOfView = false
    wideFieldOfView = 60
    narrowFieldOfView = 30
    camTransformString = CamExt
    cameraID = OTCM1 Camera
    hudTextureFile = otcmhud_real.png

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