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RCS build aid and Correct CoL icons are gone.

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I'm compiling a ginormous sets of mods together for a new career playthrough. For reference, I have 151 Folders in GameData and at launch there's 12 gb in RAM for the ksp.exe

While I'm nearly done I seem to have picked up a few issues along the way. 

One of the first mods I installed was RCS build aid and Correct CoL. I like complex docking utilizations while spending as little rcs as possible for which I desire rcs build aid and I've never played ksp without it. 
I also like fine tuned aerodynamic stable spaceplanes and recoverable rocket stages where I utilize earodynamic properties to the finest capabilities so the Correct CoL mod is a must for me. I really really need this for all my intents and purposes.
Another mod for which I care a lot less which also suffers from a similar issue is "KRASH" 

All 3 of these mods stopped working in game.

The mods worked as I installed them first. But apparently after installing more and more mods the corresponding RCS build aid, Correct CoL and KRASH icons visible in the SPH and VAB have disappeared. 

Without them icons I can't use these mods. Maybe there's some mod conflict, I can't find it on the corresponding RCS build aid or Correct Col release thread pages, and searching for them..... well, what to search for if I don't know the cause? However, I tried.

Hopefully this is not finding a needle into a haystack as I'm hoping at least a few are really experienced in the compatibility of many of the mods out there or know what else might be the cause for me missing these icons.

If you need more from me you'll have to ask.

This is my current GameData folder. Hopefully someone can spot any possible conflicts. Also, there haven't been any errors on startup, besides a chunkload of mods that apparently are not supported by my current KSP version which work regardless. 


Edited by Aeroboi
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Maybe just a little configuration problem of toolbar controler. Have you already checked the settings for these mods by clicking on the yellow wrench symbol of toolbar controler? These mods should be configurable to show up in blizzys, stock, both or none toolbar.
I've got a similar problem once with some other mods not showing up in the stock toolbar after installing blizzys, even though toolbar controler was configured to show them there but blizzys works fine. So one thing you can try: Configure toolbar controler to use blizzys for these mods (of course you have to configure blizzys to show these buttons as well)  or remove blizzys to check if the icons will reappear.

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@4x4cheesecake Yes! The default settings for blizzy's toolbar configuration was set properly to start with.

It solved though. For some utterly inconceivable reason it appeared that re-installing blizzy's toolbar and clickthroughblocker managed to fix this. It's all I could think of doing after reading your comment but for some reason it worked. It also made the icon appear on the stock toolbar, although I don't see the correlation for that behaviour at all.
It's not like I did anything to these folders to start with. All I can think of is that I accidentally installed the wrong version from the GitHub page. I will have to assume that this is the case.

Edited by Aeroboi
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