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Just joined, hello KSP community!


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Oi there, I just joined and this place seems really cool.

I come from another forums, the Mine-Imator forums and I like to post my creations there. Take a look at the type of stuff I like to make so you can know me better ^_^



This one was a wallpaper I made recently along with other forum friends I have, the character in the middle is mine. I like to get creative (and minecraft animations) as you can see. Of course I didn't exactly join to post stuff like this :P, in the future I plan to share my KSP creations with this community. It seems like a lot of cool people hang around in here. I have lots of ideas for crafts I'd like to make and I'll be completely open arms to criticism from you guys to improve.

Thanks for passing by! Looks like it'll be a fun ride.

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